Can I see all playlists for a specific title ?

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Can I see all playlists for a specific title ?

Post by MmChris »

I'd like to check the playlists in which a specific title is in. How do I get this information without browsing each playlist ?

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Post by onkel_enno »

I made a script a time ago where you can delete a selected title from a playlist (it shows all playlists where the title is in)

Select a file (via TrayIcon or in NowPlaying-Window) -> Right Mouse Button -> Remove from ...

maybe it helps you

Code: Select all

New Code below ...
Last edited by onkel_enno on Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:49 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by MmChris »

Wow, that's fast respond.

Thank's for this, it's a first step to get where I want to.

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Post by rk »

Hi onkle_enno,
sorry for criticizing you, but I guess you made some copy-paste-errors:

Line 53: must be "mnu" instead of "dic"
Line 59: must be "mnu" instead of "dic"

I'm not sure whether I had to do one more of the above replacements before it worked ...

Without these corrections, the tray menu entry causes a runtime error.
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Post by onkel_enno »

Thanks for the hint, you're right. I'll change it a little.
Nevertheless it should work too (and it does for me and MmChris) because at that point there will never be an object with that name - it'll always have to be created. But ok, a bug is a bug :roll:
Could you please try it again and give me an information via PM? Thx

BTW it was a long, long time ago when I created that Script :wink:
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Post by onkel_enno »

New Version of my RemoveFromPlayList-Script :lol:

Code: Select all

option explicit
'              Language Constants

const strRemoveFrom = "Entfernen aus ..."
const strConfirmation = "Wirklich alle %1 Titel aus Playliste '%2' löschen?" '%1=Number of Files, %2 = Playlist-Name

'        Object-Names (for future use)

const strObjNP = "RemoveFromPlaylistNP"			'unique Object Name of SubMenu and Dictionary in Now Playing-Menu
const strObjTray = "RemoveFromPlaylistTray"		'unique Object Name of SubMenu and Dictionary in TrayIcon-SubMenu
const strObjMain = "RemoveFromPlaylistMain"		'unique Object Name of SubMenu and Dictionary in MainMenuIcon-SubMenu

'      Start-Up Function (Create Main-Menu)

Sub OnStartUp
dim MenuItem

	'Adds Menu to Now Playing
	set MenuItem = SDB.Objects("mnu" & strObjNP)
    if MenuItem is nothing then
        set MenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSub(SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_NP, 3, 2)
        MenuItem.IconIndex = 56
        MenuItem.Caption =strRemoveFrom 'SDB.Localize("Remove") & " ..."
        MenuItem.Hint = Mid("mnu" & strObjNP, 4)
        MenuItem.Enabled = True
        MenuItem.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
        MenuItem.OnClickFunc = "AddPlaylists"
        SDB.Objects("mnu" & strObjNP) = MenuItem
    end if
	Set MenuItem = Nothing

    'Adds Menu to Tray Icon
    set MenuItem = SDB.Objects("mnu" & strObjTray)
    if MenuItem is nothing then
        SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSep SDB.UI.Menu_TrayIcon, -2, -1
		set MenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSub(SDB.UI.Menu_TrayIcon, -2, -1) 'vorletzte Sektion, letzter Eintrag
        MenuItem.IconIndex = 56
        MenuItem.Caption = strRemoveFrom 'SDB.Localize("Remove") & " ..."
        MenuItem.Hint = Mid("dic" & strObjTray, 4)
        MenuItem.Enabled = True
        MenuItem.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
        MenuItem.OnClickFunc = "AddPlaylists"
        SDB.Objects("mnu" & strObjTray) = MenuItem
    end if
	Set MenuItem = Nothing
	'Adds Menu to Main Track Window
    set MenuItem = SDB.Objects("mnu" & strObjMain)
    if MenuItem is nothing then
        SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSep SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_TrackList, -2, -1
		set MenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSub(SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_TrackList, -2, -1) 'vorletzte Sektion, letzter Eintrag
        MenuItem.IconIndex = 56
        MenuItem.Caption = strRemoveFrom 'SDB.Localize("Remove") & " ..."
        MenuItem.Hint = Mid("dic" & strObjMain, 4)
        MenuItem.Enabled = True
        MenuItem.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
        MenuItem.OnClickFunc = "AddPlaylists"
        SDB.Objects("mnu" & strObjTray) = MenuItem
    end if
	Set MenuItem = Nothing
end Sub

'          Add Sub-Menus (Playlists)

Sub AddPlaylists(Item)
	dim SubMenuItem
	dim dsPlaylist
	Dim Song
	Dim SongIDs()
	dim itm
	dim PlaylistID
	dim PlaylistName
	dim Terms
	Dim TermsSep
	dim strObjMenu
	strObjMenu = "mnu" & Item.Hint
	dim strObjDictMenu
	strObjDictMenu = "dic" & Item.Hint
	'Dictionary for Playlisten-IDs
	'-> to know which Menu-Entries are already created
	dim DictRemoveFromPlaylist
	set DictRemoveFromPlaylist = SDB.Objects(strObjDictMenu)
	if DictRemoveFromPlaylist is nothing then
		Set DictRemoveFromPlaylist = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
		SDB.Objects(strObjDictMenu) = DictRemoveFromPlaylist
	end if
	'Disable all Playlists
	Dim ObjectNames
	ObjectNames = DictRemoveFromPlaylist.Items
	for itm = 0  to DictRemoveFromPlaylist.Count - 1
		SDB.Objects(ObjectNames(itm)).Enabled = False
	if strObjMenu = "mnu" & strObjNP then
		Redim SongIDs(SDB.SelectedSongList.Count)
		for itm=0 to SDB.SelectedSongList.Count-1
			SongIDs(itm+1) = SDB.SelectedSongList.Item(itm).ID
	elseif strObjMenu = "mnu" & strObjTray then
		Redim SongIDs(1)
		SongIDs(1) = SDB.Player.CurrentSong.ID
	elseif strObjMenu = "mnu" & strObjMain then
		Redim SongIDs(1)
		Redim SongIDs(SDB.SelectedSongList.Count)
		for itm=0 to SDB.SelectedSongList.Count-1
			SongIDs(itm+1) = SDB.SelectedSongList.Item(itm).ID
	end if
	If Ubound(SongIDs)>0 then
		for itm=1 to Ubound(SongIDs)
			Song = SongIDs(itm)
			if terms = "" then
				terms = Song
				terms = terms & " OR IDSong = " & Song
			end if
			TermsSep = "|" & Song & TermsSep
		TermsSep = Mid(TermsSep, 2)

		'only Playlists that include these Songs
		set dsPlaylist = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Playlists.IDPlaylist, Playlists.PlaylistName, x.IDPlaylist as vorhanden FROM Playlists INNER JOIN (SELECT PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist FROM PlaylistSongs WHERE PlaylistSongs.IDSong=" & terms & " GROUP BY PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist) as X ON x.IDPlaylist=Playlists.IDPlaylist where Playlists.IsAutoPlaylist is null GROUP BY Playlists.IDPlaylist, Playlists.PlaylistName, x.IDPlaylist")
		'all Playlists
		'set dsPlaylist = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Playlists.IDPlaylist, Playlists.PlaylistName, x.IDPlaylist as vorhanden FROM Playlists INNER JOIN (SELECT PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist FROM PlaylistSongs WHERE PlaylistSongs.IDSong=" & terms & " GROUP BY PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist) as X ON x.IDPlaylist=Playlists.IDPlaylist where Playlists.IsAutoPlaylist is null GROUP BY Playlists.IDPlaylist, Playlists.PlaylistName, x.IDPlaylist")
		while not dsPlaylist.EoF
			PlaylistID = dsPlaylist.StringByIndex(0)
			PlaylistName = dsPlaylist.StringByIndex(1)
			If DictRemoveFromPlaylist.Exists(PlaylistID) then
				set SubMenuItem = SDB.Objects(strObjMenu & PlaylistID)
				set SubMenuItem=SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(Item, 1, 1 )
				SubMenuItem.Caption = PlaylistName
				SubMenuItem.IconIndex = 17
				SubMenuItem.useScript = Script.ScriptPath
				DictRemoveFromPlaylist.Add PlaylistID, strObjMenu & PlaylistID
				SDB.Objects(strObjMenu & PlaylistID) = SubMenuItem
			end if

			if dsPlaylist.StringByIndex(2)="" then
				'Playlist doesn't include the Title
				SubMenuItem.Hint = PlaylistID & "|" & Ubound(SongIDs) & "|" & TermsSep 'Playliste, Anzahl Songs, Songs
				SubMenuItem.OnClickFunc = "DeleteFromPlaylist"
			end if
		Set dsPlaylist = Nothing
	End If
	Set DictRemoveFromPlaylist = Nothing
end Sub

'      Delete selected Tracks from Playlist

Sub DeleteFromPlaylist(Item)
	Dim Params
	dim Tracklist
	dim Song
	dim SongItem
	dim terms
	dim ReallyDo
		Params = Split(Item.Hint, "|")
		if Params(1)>0 then
			if Params(1)>1 then
				ReallyDo = (SDB.MessageBox(Replace(Replace(strConfirmation, "%2", Item.Caption), "%1", Params(1)), mtConfirmation, Array(mbYes, mbNo)) = mrYes)
				ReallyDo = True
			end if
			if ReallyDo then
				for SongItem=2 to Ubound(Params)
					'Skip if currently playing
					if SDB.Player.CurrentSong.ID = Int(Params(SongItem)) then SDB.Player.Next
					'Remove from Now Playing
					DeleteFromNowPlaying Params(SongItem) 'Song.ID =! Index in Playlist
					if terms = "" then
						terms = Params(SongItem)
						terms = terms & " OR IDSong = " & Params(SongItem)
					end if
				'Remove from Playlist
				SDB.DataBase.ExecSQL("Delete from PlaylistSongs WHERE IDPlaylist=" & Params(0) & " and (IDSong = " & terms & ")")
			end if
		end if
end Sub

'       Delete Track from Now Playing

Sub DeleteFromNowPlaying(IDSong)
	dim Tracklist
	dim SongItem
		Set Tracklist = SDB.Player.CurrentSongList
		if Tracklist.Count>0 then
			for SongItem=Tracklist.Count-1 to 0 Step -1 'Count down
				if Tracklist.Item(SongItem).ID = IDSong then 
				end if
		end if
end Sub
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Re: Can I see all playlists for a specific title ?

Post by Oherian »

I'm resurrecting this thread from the dead, because I just recently upgraded to MediaMonkey Version 3. This script worked beautifully for me on Version 2, but when I attempt to use it on Version 3 it crashes MediaMonkey. I'd love to still have the functionality of this script, which allows me to see what playlists a file may be part of, and to remove the file from that playlist if I choose.

Perhaps there's another way to do that with Version 3, and if so, I'd love any guidance anyone could give about setting it up. Otherwise, if someone could explain what I need to change on this script to keep it from crashing Version 3, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you!
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Re: Can I see all playlists for a specific title ?

Post by Lowlander »

Check the Classification tab of the Track Properties. It lists the playlists the particular track belongs to.
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Re: Can I see all playlists for a specific title ?

Post by Oherian »

I didn't realize that existed! Thank you.
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