Batch Art Finder 4.2 - Updated 03/07/2012

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Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by ojk12 »

When I use the option "start all images as ticked to be saved" nothing happens when I click the blue links, if I deactivate this option everything is fine
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:20 am

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by netsrak »

Should Google search work with 4.1 at the moment or is there something which needs to be fixed?
For me Google search stopped working 3-4 weeks ago (because of IE9?) - i always get "no results".
I have to use the other search sites instead.
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu May 26, 2011 12:27 am
Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by joemama »

I first want to thank trixmoto for the nice job on the code. I have an extensive library and would not have been able to keep it up to date without this and other scripts he has put together.

I too have been having trouble running this script as of lately. I recently updated from XP to Win7-64. The Google problem seems to be google itself. I haven't tried modifying the code to batchartfinder to see if I could get it to work with Google. But what I did do was take the lead from someone here suggesting using Bing Images. I reworked the code to browse Bing Images and it works great. I'll Post the code below. I also added another site called which has a lot of album artwork as well. I save all my artwork in 300X300 px and have had good success with these modifications.

A couple bugs of note: I modified the VB code to browse both Bing and GoMusicNow (I removed Juno & RateYourMusic), but the MM option settings for BatchArtFinder still shows Juno & RageYourMusic instead of Bing & GoMusicNow. I haven't messed around much with trying to modify MM and I just quickly put together the Bing code so I could find artwork for about 25 albums I've ripped to MP3s. So if someone smarter than me can fix that we'd be golden.

Here is the VB code for BatchArtFinder with the modifications. I have to paste it across 4 posts in order for it to fit. (p.s. I hope trixmoto isn't offended I took some liberties with this work)

Code: Select all

' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: BatchArtFinder 4.1
' AUTHOR: trixmoto (
' DATE : 31/01/2011
' INSTALL: Copy to Scripts\Auto directory and add the following to Scripts.ini 
'          Don't forget to remove comments (') and set the order appropriately
' Thanks to Zachm019 for his beta testing which helped a lot
' Thanks to Ryedunn for finding and fixing change with Google results
' Thanks to Austin Powers for his UTF encoding
' NOTE: This script automatically registers the MSInet component to download the images
' [BatchArtFinder]
' FileName=Auto\BatchArtFinder.vbs
' ProcName=BatchArtFinder
' Order=28
' DisplayName=Batch Art Finder
' Description=Find album art in batch
' Language=VBScript
' ScriptType=0 
' FIXES: Fixed "object required: data" error 
'        Fixed "try next image" not working in single result mode

Option Explicit
Dim Version : Version = 401
Dim FileMask,ImageSize,Storage,Extra,Singles,Maximum,Include,Persist,Images
Dim PanelType,Toolbar,Default,StartID,CheckAll,Source,MinW,MinH,MaxW,MaxH
Dim ConfMode,SaveMode,AutoMode,IncludeDone,SetSize,SetW,SetH,FileTypes
Dim MaxD,Titles,NewOpts,Filters(),FilterName,FilterSQL,TotCount,Debug,Exists
Dim api : api = "6cfe51c9bf7e77d6449e63ac0db2ac24"

Sub onStartup
  'set default values
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Storage") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Storage") = "1" '0=None 1=InTag 2=AsLink 3=Both 4=InTagDeleteFile 5=DownloadOnly
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize") = "1" '0=Small 1=Medium 2=Large 3=All 4=Exact
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileMask") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileMask") = "<path>\<album>" 'mask for saving images
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Extra") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Extra") = "" 'extra sql in where statement
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Singles") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Singles") = "0" 'include non-album tracks
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Maximum") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Maximum") = "0" 'maximum albums per batch
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Include") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Include") = "0" 'include single titles in search url
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelType") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelType") = "1" '1=StayOnTop 2=Normal 3=Dockable
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Toolbar") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Toolbar") = "1" 'add toolbar button
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Default") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Default") = "0" 'add none.jpg to images without art
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","StartID") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","StartID") = "0"
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","CheckAll") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","CheckAll") = "0"
  End If   
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Source") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Source") = "0" '0=google 1=bing 2=gomusicnow 3=albumart 4=audioscrobbler
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MinW") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MinW") = "0" 'pixels
  End If   
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MinH") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MinH") = "0" 'pixels
  End If   
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxW") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxW") = "9999" 'pixels
  End If   
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxH") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxH") = "9999" 'pixels
  End If 
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","ConfMode") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","ConfMode") = "0" '0=prompt 1=yes 2=all
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","SaveMode") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","SaveMode") = "0" '0=nothing 1=next 2=close 3=trynext
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","AutoMode") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","AutoMode") = "0"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") = "0"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW") = "100" 'pixels
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH") = "100" 'pixels
  End If  
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileTypes") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileTypes") = "jpg"
  End If    
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = "0"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxD") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxD") = "9999" 'pixels
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Titles") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Titles") = "0" 'always use title of first track
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","NewOpts") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","NewOpts") = "0" 'new options available
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FilterName") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FilterName") = "- No Filter -"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","TotCount") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","TotCount") = "0"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug") = "0"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Exists") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Exists") = "0"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Images") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Images") = "1"
  End If                                                                                              
  'set default sizes
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelDockedTo") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelDockedTo") = "4"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelWidth") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelWidth") = "600"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelHeight") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelHeight") = "400"
  End If   
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelTop") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelTop") = "100"
  End If
  If ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelLeft") = "" Then
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelLeft") = "100"
  End If  
  'add option sheet
  Call SDB.UI.AddOptionSheet("BatchArtFinder Settings",Script.ScriptPath,"InitSheet","SaveSheet",-3)
  'add toolbar button
  Dim but : Set but = SDB.Objects("BAFToolbarButton")
  If (but Is Nothing) Then
    Set but = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_TbStandard,0,0)
    but.Caption = "Batch Art Finder"
    but.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\baf.ico",0)
    but.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    but.OnClickFunc = "ToolbarArtFinder"
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFToolbarButton") = but
  End If
  If ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Toolbar") = 1 Then
    but.Visible = True
    but.Visible = False
  End If  
  'save options for future loops
  Dim tmp : tmp = ""
  Dim rep : Set rep = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies")
  If rep Is Nothing Then
    Set rep = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    If ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = 1 Then
      tmp = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies1")
      If Not (tmp = "") Then
        rep.Item("restrict") = tmp
      End If
      tmp = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies2")
      If Not (tmp = "") Then
        rep.Item("beginning") = tmp
      End If
      tmp = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies3")
      If Not (tmp = "") Then
        rep.Item("include") = tmp
      End If
    End If
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies") = rep
  End If  
  If ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = 1 Then
    tmp = GetHint()
    If Not (tmp = "") Then
      but.Caption = "Batch Art Finder"&Chr(13)&"-"&Chr(13)&tmp
    End If
  End If  
  'add event for auto mode
  Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPlay","AutoArtFinder")
End Sub

Sub ToolbarArtFinder(ClickedBtn)
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","IncludeDone") = False
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","TotCount") = 0
  If Not (ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = 1) Then
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies") = Nothing
  End If
  Call DoBatchArtFinder(Nothing)
End Sub

Sub AutoArtFinder()
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  If ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","AutoMode") = 1 Then
    Dim itm : Set itm = SDB.Player.CurrentSong
    If Not (itm Is Nothing) Then
      If itm.Album.AlbumArt Is Nothing Then 
        ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","IncludeDone") = False
        ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","TotCount") = 0
        If Not (ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = 1) Then
          Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies") = Nothing
        End If
        Call DoBatchArtFinder(itm)
      End If
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Sub BatchArtFinder()
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","IncludeDone") = False
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","TotCount") = 0
  If Not (ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = 1) Then
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies") = Nothing
  End If
  Call DoBatchArtFinder(Nothing)
End Sub

Sub DoBatchArtFinder(itm)
  'check script is not already running
  Dim form : Set form = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm")
  If Not (form Is Nothing) Then 
    Exit Sub 
  End If

  'setup variables
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile  
  Singles = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Singles")
  Maximum = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Maximum")
  Extra = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Extra")
  PanelType = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelType")
  CheckAll = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","CheckAll")
  Source = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Source")
  ConfMode = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ConfMode")
  IncludeDone = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","IncludeDone")
  Persist = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist")
  Titles = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Titles")
  FilterName = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FilterName")
  FilterSQL = GetFilterSQL(FilterName)
  TotCount = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","TotCount")
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")
  Exists = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Exists")
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  Dim chk : chk = ""
  If CheckAll = 1 Then
    chk = " checked=""checked"""
  End If  
  'create form
  If PanelType = 1 Or PanelType = 2 Then
    Set form = SDB.UI.NewForm
    form.Common.SetRect 100, 100, 100, 100
    form.BorderStyle = 2
    form.FormPosition = 4
    If PanelType = 1 Then
      form.StayOnTop = True
    End If
    form.SavePositionName = "BatchArtFinderPosition"
  ElseIf PanelType = 3 Then
    Set form = SDB.UI.NewDockablePanel 
    form.Common.Visible = False
    Dim dock : dock = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelDockedTo")
    If (dock > 0) And (dock < 5) Then
      form.DockedTo = dock
      form.DockedTo = 4
    End If  
    Exit Sub
  End If
  form.Common.Width = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelWidth")
  form.Common.Height = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelHeight")  
  form.Common.Top = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelTop")
  form.Common.Left = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelLeft")
  form.Common.ControlName = "BatchArtFinder"
  form.Caption = "Batch Art Finder"
  Call Script.RegisterEvent(form,"OnClose","FormClose")
  Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = form
  Set SDB.Objects("BAFCurrentSong") = itm
  'save options for future loops
  Dim tmp : tmp = ""
  Dim rep : Set rep = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies")
  If rep Is Nothing Then
    Set rep = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    If Persist = 1 Then
      tmp = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies1")
      If Not (tmp = "") Then
        rep.Item("restrict") = tmp
      End If
      tmp = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies2")
      If Not (tmp = "") Then
        rep.Item("beginning") = tmp
      End If
      tmp = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies3")
      If Not (tmp = "") Then
        rep.Item("include") = tmp
      End If
    End If
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies") = rep
  End If  
  'create todo list  
  Dim todo : Set todo = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Dim list : Set list = SDB.SelectedSongList
  Dim list2 : Set list2 = SDB.NewSongList
  Dim res : res = 0
  Dim total : total = 0
  Dim zero : zero = 0
  Dim hnt : hnt = ""
  If itm Is Nothing Then
    If Not (list Is Nothing) Then
      If list.Count = 0 Then 
        Set list = Nothing
        For res = 0 To list.Count-1
          If list.Item(res).Album.ID = 0 Then
            zero = 1
            If Singles = 1 Then
              Call list2.Add(list.Item(res))
              Exit For
            End If
          End If
        total = list.Albums.Count + list2.Count - zero
        Select Case ConfMode
          Case 1
            res = mrYes
          Case 2
            res = mrAll
          Case Else
            If rep.Exists("restrict") Then
              res = Int(rep.Item("restrict"))
              res = SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - do you wish to restrict the search to the "&total&" selected albums?",mtConfirmation,Array(mbYes,mbAll,mbCancel))
              rep.Item("restrict") = res
              If Persist = 1 Then
                ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies1") = res
                hnt = GetHint()
                If Not (hnt = "") Then
                  hnt = Chr(13)&"-"&Chr(13)&hnt
                End If
                SDB.Objects("BAFToolbarButton").Caption = "Batch Art Finder"&hnt
              End If
            End If
        End Select
        Select Case res
          Case mrYes
            'use list
          Case mrAll
            Set list = Nothing
          Case Else
            form.Common.ControlName = ""
            Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End Select
      End If
    End If  
    Set list = SDB.NewSongList
    Call list.Add(itm)
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","StartID") = 0
  End If
  'get start position  
  Dim temp : temp = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","StartID")
  If Left(temp,1) = "*" Then
    StartID = Int(Mid(temp,2))
    If temp = "0" Then
      StartID = 0
      If rep.Exists("beginning") Then
        res = Int(rep.Item("beginning"))
        res = SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - do you wish to start from the beginning? (No will continue from your last run).",mtConfirmation,Array(mbYes,mbNo,mbCancel))
        rep.Item("beginning") = res
        If Persist = 1 Then
          ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies2") = res
          hnt = GetHint()
          If Not (hnt = "") Then
            hnt = Chr(13)&"-"&Chr(13)&hnt
          End If
          SDB.Objects("BAFToolbarButton").Caption = "Batch Art Finder"&hnt          
        End If
      End If
      Select Case res
        Case mrYes
          StartID = 0
        Case mrNo
          StartID = Int(temp)
        Case Else
          form.Common.ControlName = ""
          Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
          Exit Sub
      End Select      
    End If
  End If   
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","StartID") = StartID
  'create hidden browser
  Dim wb : Set wb = SDB.UI.NewActiveX(form, "Shell.Explorer") 
  wb.Common.SetRect 10,10,10,10
  Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderShell") = wb.Interf
  'create results browser
  Set wb = SDB.UI.NewActiveX(form, "Shell.Explorer") 
  wb.Common.Align = 5  
  'create panel (for buttons)
  Dim foot : Set foot = SDB.UI.NewPanel(form)
  foot.Common.Align = 2
  foot.Common.Height = 25 

  'create source dropdown  
  Dim drp1 : Set drp1 = SDB.UI.NewDropDown(foot)
  drp1.Common.SetRect 2,2,125,25
  drp1.Common.Anchors = 4+8
  drp1.Common.ControlName = "drp1"
  drp1.Style = 2
  drp1.ItemIndex = Source 
  drp1.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
  drp1.OnSelectFunc = "SourceClick"      
  Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDrp1") = drp1
  'create save button
  Dim btn1 : Set btn1 = SDB.UI.NewButton(foot)
  btn1.Caption = "Save checked images"
  btn1.Common.SetRect 0,0,140,25 
  btn1.Common.Anchors = 4+8
  btn1.Common.ControlName = "btn1"
  Call Script.RegisterEvent(btn1.Common,"OnClick","SaveClick")  
  Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderBtn1") = btn1
  'create pause button
  Dim btn2 : Set btn2 = SDB.UI.NewButton(foot)
  btn2.Caption = "Pause"
  btn2.Common.SetRect 0,0,65,25
  btn2.Common.Anchors = 4+8
  btn2.Common.ControlName = "btn2"
  Call Script.RegisterEvent(btn2.Common,"OnClick","PauseClick")
  Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderBtn2") = btn2
  'create next button
  If list Is Nothing Then
    Dim btn3 : Set btn3 = SDB.UI.NewButton(foot)
    btn3.Caption = "Next"
    btn3.Common.SetRect 0,0,65,25
    btn3.Common.Anchors = 4+8
    btn3.Common.ControlName = "btn3"
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(btn3.Common,"OnClick","NextClick")
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderBtn3") = btn3
  End If  
  'create status label
  Dim lbl1 : Set lbl1 = SDB.UI.NewLabel(foot)
  lbl1.Common.Top = 7
  lbl1.Common.Left = 132
  lbl1.Common.ControlName = "lbl1"
  lbl1.Caption = ""  
  'create logfile
  Dim wsh : Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  Dim paths : Set paths = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  temp = wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%")
  If Not (Right(temp,1) = "\") Then
    temp = temp&"\"
  End If
  paths.Item("log") = temp&"BatchArtFinder.log"
  paths.Item("htm") = temp&"BatchArtFinder.htm"
  Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderPaths") = paths
  Dim fso : Set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
  Dim logf : Set logf = Nothing
  If Debug Then
    Set logf = fso.CreateTextFile(paths.Item("log"),True)
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Batch Art Finder started..."
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Singles="&Singles
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Maximum="&Maximum
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Extra="&Extra
    logf.WriteLine Time&" PanelType="&PanelType
    logf.WriteLine Time&" CheckAll="&CheckAll
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Source="&Source
    logf.WriteLine Time&" ConfMode="&ConfMode
    logf.WriteLine Time&" IncludeDone="&IncludeDone
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Persist="&Persist
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Titles="&Titles
    logf.WriteLine Time&" FilterName="&FilterName
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Exists="&Exists
    'remove old logfile
    If fso.FileExists(paths.Item("log")) Then
    End If
  End If    
  'create progress bar
  Dim sql : sql = ""
  Dim stot : stot = 0
  Dim atot : atot = 0
  Dim acur : acur = 0
  Dim cur : cur = 0
  Dim albums : Set albums = Nothing
  Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Progress
  If list Is Nothing Then
    If Singles = 1 Then
      sql = "SELECT Count(*) AS SingleCount FROM Songs WHERE Album='' "&FilterSQL
      If Debug Then 
        logf.WriteLine Time&" #"&sql
      End If
      Set albums = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(sql)
      stot = albums.ValueByName("SingleCount")  
    End If
    If FilterSQL = "" Then
      sql = "SELECT Count(*) AS AlbumCount FROM Albums WHERE Albums.ID>"&StartID&" AND Albums.Album!='' AND Albums.Tracks>0 "&Extra
      sql = "SELECT Count(*) AS AlbumCount FROM Albums,Songs WHERE Albums.ID>"&StartID
      sql = sql&" AND Albums.Album!='' AND Albums.Tracks>0 AND Songs.IDAlbum=Albums.ID "&FilterSQL&" "&Extra
    End If
    If Debug Then 
      logf.WriteLine Time&" #"&sql
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    Set albums = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(sql)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - your Extra option has created an invalid SQL statement.",mtError,Array(mbOk))
      form.Common.ControlName = ""
      Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
      Exit Sub    
    End If
    atot = albums.ValueByName("AlbumCount")    
    On Error Goto 0
    If TotCount = 0 Then
      prog.MaxValue = atot+stot
      ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","TotCount") = atot+stot
      prog.MaxValue = TotCount
      cur = TotCount-atot
    End If
    prog.MaxValue = list.Count 'this is set properly later
  End If
  prog.Value = cur
  prog.Text = "Batch Art Finder - initialising..."
  'create document
  Dim doc : Set doc = fso.CreateTextFile(paths.Item("htm"),True) 
  If doc Is Nothing Then
    If fso.FileExists(paths.Item("htm")) Then
      Call fso.DeleteFile(paths.Item("htm"))
    End If
    Set doc = fso.CreateTextFile(paths.Item("htm"),True)
    If doc Is Nothing Then
      Call SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - interface could not be created.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
      form.Common.ControlName = ""
      Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing 
      Exit Sub
    End If
  End If
Last edited by joemama on Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu May 26, 2011 12:27 am
Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by joemama »

Page 2 of the code:

Code: Select all

  doc.WriteLine "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"">" 
  doc.WriteLine "<html><head><meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8"">" 
  doc.WriteLine "<title>Batch Art Finder</title></head><style type=""text/css"">" 
  doc.WriteLine "  body{font-family:""Verdana"",sans-serif;font-size:9pt;color:black;}" 
  doc.WriteLine "  p{font-family:""Verdana"",sans-serif;font-size:8pt;color:black;}" 
  doc.WriteLine "  td{font-family:""Verdana"",sans-serif;font-size:7pt;color:black;}"
  doc.WriteLine "  img{border:0px;}"
  doc.WriteLine "  a:link,a:visited,a:hover,a:active{color:blue;}"
  If Images > 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "  div.selected{border:solid 1px red;}"
  End If        
  doc.WriteLine "</style><script Language=""VBScript"">"
  doc.WriteLine "Function reset(id)"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error Resume Next"
  doc.WriteLine "  Set SDB = CreateObject(""SongsDB.SDBApplication"")"
  doc.WriteLine "  If Not (SDB is Nothing) Then"
  doc.WriteLine "    Set data = SDB.Objects(""BAFData""&id)"
  doc.WriteLine "    If Not (data Is Nothing) Then"
  doc.WriteLine "      artist = data.Item(""oartist"")"
  doc.WriteLine "      album = data.Item(""oalbum"")"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""artist"") = artist"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""album"") = album"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""url"") = geturl(artist,album)"  
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""image"") = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""result"") = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""count"") = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""source"") = """""
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""previous"") = 0"    
  doc.WriteLine "    End If"
  doc.WriteLine "  End If"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error GoTo 0"
  doc.WriteLine "End Function"
  doc.WriteLine "Function editquery(id)"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error Resume Next"
  doc.WriteLine "  Set SDB = CreateObject(""SongsDB.SDBApplication"")"
  doc.WriteLine "  If Not (SDB is Nothing) Then"
  doc.WriteLine "    Set data = SDB.Objects(""BAFData""&id)"
  doc.WriteLine "    If Not (data Is Nothing) Then"
  If (Source = 0) Or (Source = 4) Then
    doc.WriteLine "      artist = InputBox(""Artist name:"",""BatchArtFinder"",data.Item(""artist""))"
    doc.WriteLine "      If artist = """" Then"
    doc.WriteLine "        artist = data.Item(""artist"")"
    doc.WriteLine "      Else"
    doc.WriteLine "        data.Item(""artist"") = artist"
    doc.WriteLine "      End If"
    doc.WriteLine "      artist = data.Item(""artist"")"
  End If
  doc.WriteLine "      album = InputBox(""Album name:"",""BatchArtFinder"",data.Item(""album""))"
  doc.WriteLine "      If album = """" Then"
  doc.WriteLine "        album = data.Item(""album"")"
  doc.WriteLine "      End If"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""album"") = album"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""url"") = geturl(artist,album)"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""image"") = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""result"") = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""count"") = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""source"") = """""
  doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""previous"") = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "    End If"
  doc.WriteLine "  End If"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error GoTo 0"
  doc.WriteLine "End Function"
  doc.WriteLine "Function geturl(artist,album)"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error Resume Next"
  Select Case ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Source")
    Case 0                                                          
      doc.WriteLine "  geturl = """"&mapname(artist)&""+""&mapname(album)"
      Select Case ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize")
        Case 0
          ImageSize = "&imgsz=icon"
        Case 1
          ImageSize = "&imgsz=medium"
        Case 2
          ImageSize = "&imgsz=xxlarge"
        Case 4          
          ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinH")
        Case 5         
          ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxH") 
        Case 6          
          ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")      
        Case Else
          ImageSize = ""
      End Select
      doc.WriteLine "  geturl = geturl&""&svnum=100&hl=en&lr=lang_en&newwindow=0&safe=off&sa=G"&ImageSize&"&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"""
    Case 1
      doc.WriteLine "  geturl = """"&artist&""+""&album&""&qs=AS&sk=AS1"""
    Case 2  
      doc.WriteLine "  geturl = """"&artist&""+""&album"
    Case 3
      doc.WriteLine "  geturl = """"&album&""&itempage=1&newsearch=1&searchindex=Music"""  
    Case 4
      doc.WriteLine "  geturl = """&api&"&artist=""&artist&""&album=""&album"          
  End Select  
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error GoTo 0"
  doc.WriteLine "End Function"
  doc.WriteLine "Function mapname(name)"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error Resume Next"
  doc.WriteLine "  nameUTF8 = UTF8_Encode(name)"
  doc.WriteLine "  For i = 1 To Len(nameUTF8)"
  doc.WriteLine "    Dim c : c = Asc(Mid(nameUTF8,i))"
  doc.WriteLine "    If (c>32 And c<48) Or (c>57 And c<65) Or (c>90 And c<97) Or (c>122) Then"
  doc.WriteLine "      mapname = mapname&""%""&CStr(Hex(c))"
  doc.WriteLine "    Else"
  doc.WriteLine "      mapname = mapname&Chr(c)"
  doc.WriteLine "    End If"
  doc.WriteLine "  Next"
  doc.WriteLine "  mapname = Replace(mapname,"" "",""+"")"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error GoTo 0"
  doc.WriteLine "End Function"
  doc.WriteLine "Function UTF8_Encode(ByVal UnicodeString)"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error Resume Next"
  doc.WriteLine "  For i = 1 To Len(UnicodeString)"
  doc.WriteLine "    UnicodeCharCode = AscW(Mid(UnicodeString,i))"
  doc.WriteLine "    If UnicodeCharCode < &H80 Then"
  doc.WriteLine "      UTF8_temp = Chr(UnicodeCharCode)"
  doc.WriteLine "    ElseIf UnicodeCharCode < &H800 Then"
  doc.WriteLine "      UTF8_temp = Chr(&H80 + (UnicodeCharCode And &H3F))"
  doc.WriteLine "      UnicodeCharCode = UnicodeCharCode \ &H40"
  doc.WriteLine "      UTF8_temp = Chr(&HC0 + (UnicodeCharCode And &H1F)) & UTF8_temp"
  doc.WriteLine "    Else"
  doc.WriteLine "      UTF8_temp = Chr(&H80 + (UnicodeCharCode And &H3F))"
  doc.WriteLine "      UnicodeCharCode = UnicodeCharCode \ &H40"
  doc.WriteLine "      UTF8_temp = Chr(&H80 + (UnicodeCharCode And &H3F)) & UTF8_temp"
  doc.WriteLine "      UnicodeCharCode = UnicodeCharCode \ &H40"
  doc.WriteLine "      UTF8_temp = Chr(&HE0 + (UnicodeCharCode And &HF)) & UTF8_temp"
  doc.WriteLine "    End If"
  doc.WriteLine "    UTF8_Encode = UTF8_Encode & UTF8_temp"
  doc.WriteLine "  Next"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error GoTo 0"
  doc.WriteLine "End Function"  
  doc.WriteLine "Function showimage(id,dir)"
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error Resume Next"
  doc.WriteLine "  Set SDB = CreateObject(""SongsDB.SDBApplication"")"
  doc.WriteLine "  If Not (SDB Is Nothing) Then"
  doc.WriteLine "    Set data = SDB.Objects(""BAFData""&id)"
  doc.WriteLine "    If Not (data Is Nothing) Then"
  If Images = 1 Then  
    doc.WriteLine "      Dim div : Set div = document.getElementById(""img""&id)"
    doc.WriteLine "      Dim div : Set div = document.getElementById(""img""&id&""-1"")"
  End If
  doc.WriteLine "      If Not (div Is Nothing) Then"
  doc.WriteLine "        Call div.setAttribute(""found"","""")"
  If Images = 1 Then  
    doc.WriteLine "        Dim div2 : Set div2 = document.getElementById(""dim""&id)"
    doc.WriteLine "        Dim div2 : Set div2 = document.getElementById(""dim""&id&""-1"")"
  End If 
  doc.WriteLine "        If Not (div2 Is Nothing) Then"
  doc.WriteLine "          data.Item(""result"") = 1"
  doc.WriteLine "          Dim cur : cur = Int(data.Item(""image""))+dir"
  doc.WriteLine "          Dim tot : tot = Int(data.Item(""count""))" 
  doc.WriteLine "          If (cur < 1) Or (cur > tot) Then"
  doc.WriteLine "            div.innerHTML = ""[No results]"""
  If Images = 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "            div2.innerHTML = """""
    doc.WriteLine "            div2.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"""
  End If
  doc.WriteLine "          Else"
  doc.WriteLine "            Dim src : src = data.Item(""img""&cur)"      
  doc.WriteLine "            data.Item(""image"") = cur"
  doc.WriteLine "            data.Item(""source"") = src"
  doc.WriteLine "            If dir = 1 Then"
  doc.WriteLine "              data.Item(""previous"") = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "            Else"
  doc.WriteLine "              data.Item(""previous"") = 1"
  doc.WriteLine "            End If"
  doc.WriteLine "            Dim str : str = ""<img src='""&src&""' title='""&src&""' count='""&cur&"" of ""&tot&""'"""
  If ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") Then
    ImageSize = """ width='"&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")&"px' height='"&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")&"px'""" 
    doc.WriteLine "            str = str&"&ImageSize
  End If
  doc.WriteLine "            str = str&"" count='' cross='0' /></a>"""      
  If Images = 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "            div.innerHTML = ""<a href=""""javascript://"""">""&str"
    doc.WriteLine "            div.innerHTML = ""<a href=""""javascript://"""" onclick=""""highlight('""&""')"""">""&str"
  End If  
  doc.WriteLine "            Call div2.setAttribute(""accept"","""")"
  doc.WriteLine "            div2.innerHTML = ""Image: ""&cur&"" of ""&tot&""<br />Loading..."""        
  doc.WriteLine "          End If"
  doc.WriteLine "        End If"  
  doc.WriteLine "      End If"
  doc.WriteLine "    End If"  
  doc.WriteLine "  End If"  
  doc.WriteLine "  On Error GoTo 0"
  doc.WriteLine "End Function"
  If Images > 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "Function getresult(id)"
    doc.WriteLine "  getresult = 0"    
    doc.WriteLine "  On Error Resume Next"
    doc.WriteLine "  Set SDB = CreateObject(""SongsDB.SDBApplication"")"
    doc.WriteLine "  If Not (SDB is Nothing) Then"
    doc.WriteLine "    Set data = SDB.Objects(""BAFData""&id)"
    doc.WriteLine "    If Not (data Is Nothing) Then"
    doc.WriteLine "      getresult = data.Item(""result"")"
    doc.WriteLine "    End If"
    doc.WriteLine "  End If"
    doc.WriteLine "  On Error GoTo 0"
    doc.WriteLine "End Function"  
    doc.WriteLine "Function setresult(id,res)"
    doc.WriteLine "  On Error Resume Next"
    doc.WriteLine "  Set SDB = CreateObject(""SongsDB.SDBApplication"")"
    doc.WriteLine "  If Not (SDB is Nothing) Then"
    doc.WriteLine "    Set data = SDB.Objects(""BAFData""&id)"
    doc.WriteLine "    If Not (data Is Nothing) Then"
    doc.WriteLine "      data.Item(""result"") = res"    
    doc.WriteLine "    End If"
    doc.WriteLine "  End If"
    doc.WriteLine "  On Error GoTo 0"
    doc.WriteLine "End Function"
  End If    
  doc.WriteLine "</script><script Language=""JavaScript"">"
  doc.WriteLine "function skipimg(id){"
  doc.WriteLine "  reset(id);"
  doc.WriteLine "  var d = null;"
  doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id)) d.innerHTML = """";"
  If Images = 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id)) d.innerHTML = ""[Skipped]"";"    
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id+""-1"")) d.innerHTML = ""[Skipped]"";"
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id+""-1"")) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
    doc.WriteLine "  for(var i=2;i<="&Images&";i++) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id+""-""+i)) d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id+""-""+i)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"    
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
  End If
  doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""sav""+id)) d.checked = false;"
  doc.WriteLine "}"
  doc.WriteLine "function nextimg(id){"
  doc.WriteLine "  var d = null;"
  doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id)) d.innerHTML = """";"
  If Images = 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d.innerHTML==""[Skipped]"") {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""[Queued]"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "    else {"  
    doc.WriteLine "      showimage(id,1);"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id+""-1"")) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
    doc.WriteLine "  for(var i=2;i<="&Images&";i++) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id+""-""+i)) d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id+""-""+i)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"    
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id+""-1"")) {"        
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d.innerHTML==""[Skipped]"") {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""[Queued]"";"            
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "    else {"  
    doc.WriteLine "      showimage(id,1);"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
  End If  
  doc.WriteLine "}"
  doc.WriteLine "function editimg(id){"
  doc.WriteLine "  editquery(id);"
  doc.WriteLine "  var d = null;"
  doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id)) d.innerHTML = """";"  
  If Images = 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id)) d.innerHTML = ""[Queued]"";"
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id+""-1"")) d.innerHTML = ""[Queued]"";"
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id+""-1"")) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"  
    doc.WriteLine "  for(var i=2;i<="&Images&";i++) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id+""-""+i)) d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id+""-""+i)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"   
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
  End If
  doc.WriteLine "}"
  doc.WriteLine "function previmg(id){"    
  doc.WriteLine "  var d = null;"
  doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id)) d.innerHTML = """";"
  If Images = 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d.innerHTML==""[Skipped]"") {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""[Queued]"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "    else {"  
    doc.WriteLine "      showimage(id,-1);"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id+""-1"")) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
    doc.WriteLine "  for(var i=2;i<="&Images&";i++) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id+""-""+i)) d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+id+""-""+i)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"    
    doc.WriteLine "  }"        
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+id+""-1"")) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d.innerHTML==""[Skipped]"") {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""[Queued]"";"      
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "    else {"  
    doc.WriteLine "      showimage(id,-1);"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
  End If  
  doc.WriteLine "}"  
  doc.WriteLine "function select(mode){"    
  doc.WriteLine "  var i = 1;"
  doc.WriteLine "  var d = null;"
  doc.WriteLine "  while(d=document.getElementById(""sav""+i)) {"  
  doc.WriteLine "    switch(mode) {"    
  doc.WriteLine "      case 0:"    
  doc.WriteLine "        d.checked = true;"    
  doc.WriteLine "        break;"    
  doc.WriteLine "      case 1:"    
  doc.WriteLine "        d.checked = false;"    
  doc.WriteLine "        break;"
  doc.WriteLine "      case 2:"    
  doc.WriteLine "        d.checked = !d.checked;"
  doc.WriteLine "        break;"
  doc.WriteLine "    }"
  If Images > 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "    saveclick(i);"
  End If        
  doc.WriteLine "    i++;"    
  doc.WriteLine "  }"    
  doc.WriteLine "}"    
  doc.WriteLine "function trynextall(){"    
  doc.WriteLine "  var i = 1;"
  doc.WriteLine "  var d = null;"
  doc.WriteLine "  while(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+i)) {"
  doc.WriteLine "    d.innerHTML = """";"
  If Images > 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "  if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+i+""-1"")) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
    doc.WriteLine "  for(var j=2;j<="&Images&";j++) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""img""+i+""-""+j)) d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+i+""-""+j)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.innerHTML = ""&nbsp;"";"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.setAttribute(""accept"","""");"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"    
    doc.WriteLine "  }"  
  End If  
  doc.WriteLine "    showimage(i,1);"              
  If CheckAll = 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "    if(d=document.getElementById(""sav""+i)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.checked = true;"
    If Images > 1 Then
      doc.WriteLine "      getresult(i);"
    End If    
  End If
  doc.WriteLine "    i++;"    
  doc.WriteLine "  }"
  doc.WriteLine "}"
  If Images > 1 Then
    doc.WriteLine "function highlight(id){"
    doc.WriteLine "  var ar = id.substr(3).split(""-"");"            
    doc.WriteLine "  var i = 1;"
    doc.WriteLine "  var j = (ar[0])*1;"
    doc.WriteLine "  var k = (ar[1])*1;"
    doc.WriteLine "  var d = null;"
    doc.WriteLine "  while(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+j+""-""+i)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(i==k && d.getAttribute(""accept"")==""accept"") {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.className = ""selected"";"
    doc.WriteLine "      if(d=document.getElementById(""sav""+j)) d.checked = true;"
    doc.WriteLine "      setresult(j,k);"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "    else {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.className = """";"    
    doc.WriteLine "    }"            
    doc.WriteLine "    i++;"    
    doc.WriteLine "  }"
    doc.WriteLine "}"
    doc.WriteLine "function saveclick(id){"
    doc.WriteLine "  var i = 1;"
    doc.WriteLine "  var j = id;"
    doc.WriteLine "  var k = getresult(j);"
    doc.WriteLine "  var d = document.getElementById(""sav""+j);"
    doc.WriteLine "  var b = d.checked;"
    doc.WriteLine "  while(d=document.getElementById(""dim""+j+""-""+i)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "    if(b && i==k) {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.className = ""selected"";"
    doc.WriteLine "    }"
    doc.WriteLine "    else {"
    doc.WriteLine "      d.className = """";"    
    doc.WriteLine "    }"            
    doc.WriteLine "    i++;"    
    doc.WriteLine "  }"    
    doc.WriteLine "}"
  End If  
  doc.WriteLine "</script><body><p><a href=""javascript:select(0)"">Select all</a> <a href=""javascript:select(1)"">Select none</a> <a href=""javascript:select(2)"">Select inverse</a> <a href=""javascript:trynextall()"">Try next image for all</a></p>"  
  doc.WriteLine "<table border=""1"" cellpadding=""4"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"">"  
  'loop through all albums looking for those without art
  Dim album,id,iter,avgyear,totlength,f,j,k
  Dim col : col = Int(50/Images)
  Dim i : i = 0
  If list Is Nothing Then
    If StartID > -1 Then
      If Debug Then
        logf.WriteLine Time&" (All albums)"
        If StartID > 0 Then
          logf.WriteLine Time&" (Starting from ID="&StartID&")"
        End If
      End If      
      If FilterSQL = "" Then
        sql = "SELECT Albums.ID FROM Albums WHERE Albums.ID>"&StartID&" AND Albums.Album!='' AND Albums.Tracks>0 "&Extra&" GROUP BY Albums.ID"
        sql = "SELECT Albums.ID FROM Albums,Songs WHERE Albums.ID>"&StartID
        sql = sql&" AND Albums.Album!='' AND Albums.Tracks>0 AND Songs.IDAlbum=Albums.ID "&FilterSQL&" "&Extra&" GROUP BY Albums.ID"
      End If
      If Debug Then 
        logf.WriteLine Time&" #"&sql
      End If
      Set albums = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(sql)
      Do While Not albums.EOF
        f = " "&i
        If Maximum > 0 Then
          f = f&"/"&Maximum
        End If
        prog.Text = "Batch Art Finder - checking album "&prog.Value&"/"&prog.MaxValue&" (found:"&f&")..."
        id = albums.ValueByName("ID")
        Dim songs : Set songs = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("AND (Songs.IDAlbum="&id&")")
        If Not (songs.EOF) Then
          Set album = songs.Item.Album
          If (album.AlbumArt Is Nothing) Or (IncludeDone) Then
            'add album ID to array
            If Debug Then 
              logf.WriteLine Time&" AlbumID="&id
            End If
            i = i + 1
            todo.Item(i) = id
            'add album to form
            sql = "SELECT Avg(Year/10000) As AvgYear, Sum(SongLength) As TotLength FROM Songs WHERE IDAlbum="&id
            If Debug Then 
              logf.WriteLine Time&" #"&sql
            End If
            Set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(sql)
            avgyear = fixyear(iter.StringByName("AvgYear"))
            totlength = gettime(iter.ValueByName("TotLength")/1000)
            If Images = 1 Then
              doc.WriteLine "<tr id=""row"&i&"a""><td width=""50%"" align=""right"">"
              doc.WriteLine "<tr id=""row"&i&"a""><td width=""50%"" align=""right"" rowspan=""2"">"
            End If
            If Titles = 1 Then
              doc.WriteLine "Album: "&UTF8_Encode(songs.Item.Title)
              doc.WriteLine "Album: "&UTF8_Encode(songs.Item.AlbumName)
            End If
            If songs.Item.AlbumArtistName = "" Then
              doc.WriteLine "<br />Artist: "&UTF8_Encode(songs.Item.ArtistName)            
              doc.WriteLine "<br />Artist: "&UTF8_Encode(songs.Item.AlbumArtistName)
            End If
            doc.WriteLine "<br />Year: "&avgyear
            doc.WriteLine "<br />Length: "&totlength
            doc.WriteLine "<br /><br /><nobr><a href=""javascript:nextimg('"&i&"')"">Try next image</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:skipimg('"&i&"')"">Skip this album</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:editimg('"&i&"')"">Edit album query</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:previmg('"&i&"')"">Previous image</a></nobr>"
            doc.WriteLine "<p>Save:<input type=""checkbox"" id=""sav"&i&""""&chk&" onclick=""saveclick("&i&")"" /></p>"
            doc.WriteLine "<div id=""dim"&i&""" accept=""""></div></td>"
            If Images = 1 Then
              doc.WriteLine "<td width=""50%"" align=""left""><div id=""img"&i&""">[Queued]</div></td></tr>"
              doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-bottom:0px""><div id=""img"&i&"-1"">[Queued]</div></td>"
              For k = 2 To Images
                doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-bottom:0px""><div id=""img"&i&"-"&k&""">&nbsp;</div></td>"
              doc.WriteLine "</tr><tr id=""row"&i&"b"">"
              For k = 1 To Images
                doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-top:0px""><div id=""dim"&i&"-"&k&""" accept="""">&nbsp;</div></td>"
              doc.WriteLine "</tr>"
            End If
          End If
        End If
        Set songs = Nothing
        'allow user to cancel
        If prog.Terminate Then
          If Debug Then 
            logf.WriteLine Time&" (Cancelled by user)"
          End If
          form.Common.ControlName = ""
          Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
          If Debug Then 
          End If
          If fso.FileExists(paths.Item("htm")) Then
            Call fso.DeleteFile(paths.Item("htm"))
          End If          
          Exit Sub
        End If
        'maximum batch size
        If Maximum > 0 Then
          If i >= Maximum Then
            If Debug Then 
              logf.WriteLine Time&" (Maximum of "&Maximum&" reached)"
            End If
            Exit Do
          End If
        End If
    End If
    If (Singles = 1) And ((Maximum = 0) Or (i < Maximum)) Then 
      sql = ""
      If Debug Then 
        logf.WriteLine Time&" (All singles)"
      End If
      If StartID < 0 Then
        StartID = Abs(StartID)
        sql = " AND Songs.ID>"&StartID
        If Debug Then 
          logf.WriteLine Time&" (Starting from ID="&StartID&")"
        End If
      End If
      sql = "SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Album = ''"&sql&" GROUP BY Songs.ID"
      If Debug Then 
        logf.WriteLine Time&" #"&sql
      End If
      Set albums = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(sql)
      Do While Not albums.EOF
        f = " "&i
        If Maximum > 0 Then
          f = f&"/"&Maximum
        End If
        prog.Text = "Batch Art Finder - checking album "&prog.Value&"/"&prog.MaxValue&" (found:"&f&")..."
        id = albums.ValueByName("ID")
        Set songs = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("AND (Songs.ID="&id&")")
        If Not (songs.EOF) Then
          Set album = songs.Item
          If (album.AlbumArt.Count = 0) Or (IncludeDone) Then
            'add song ID to array
            If Debug Then 
              logf.WriteLine Time&" SongID="&id
            End If
            i = i + 1
            todo.Item(i) = "*"&id
            'add album to form
            If Images = 1 Then
              doc.WriteLine "<tr id=""row"&i&"a""><td width=""50%"" align=""right"">"
              doc.WriteLine "<tr id=""row"&i&"a""><td width=""50%"" align=""right"" rowspan=""2"">"
            End If
            doc.WriteLine "Single: "&UTF8_Encode(album.Title)
            doc.WriteLine "<br />Artist: "&UTF8_Encode(album.Artist.Name)
            doc.WriteLine "<br />Year: "&fixyear(album.Year)
            doc.WriteLine "<br />Length: "&gettime(album.SongLength/1000)
            doc.WriteLine "<br /><br /><nobr><a href=""javascript:nextimg('"&i&"')"">Try next image</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:skipimg('"&i&"')"">Skip this album</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:editimg('"&i&"')"">Edit album query</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:previmg('"&i&"')"">Previous image</a></nobr>"
            doc.WriteLine "<p>Save:<input type=""checkbox"" id=""sav"&i&""""&chk&" onclick=""saveclick("&i&")"" /></p>"
            doc.WriteLine "<div id=""dim"&i&""" accept=""""></div></td>"
            If Images = 1 Then
              doc.WriteLine "<td width=""50%"" align=""left""><div id=""img"&i&""">[Queued]</div></td></tr>"
              doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-bottom:0px""><div id=""img"&i&"-1"">[Queued]</div></td>"
              For k = 2 To Images
                doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-bottom:0px""><div id=""img"&i&"-"&k&""">&nbsp;</div></td>"
              doc.WriteLine "</tr><tr id=""row"&i&"b"">"
              For k = 1 To Images
                doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-top:0px""><div id=""dim"&i&"-"&k&""" accept="""">&nbsp;</div></td>"
              doc.WriteLine "</tr>"
            End If
          End If
        End If
        Set songs = Nothing
        'allow user to cancel
        If prog.Terminate Then
          If Debug Then 
            logf.WriteLine Time&" (Cancelled by user)"
          End If
          form.Common.ControlName = ""
          Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
          If Debug Then 
          End If
          If fso.FileExists(paths.Item("htm")) Then
            Call fso.DeleteFile(paths.Item("htm"))
          End If            
          Exit Sub
        End If
        'maximum batch size
        If Maximum > 0 Then
          If i >= Maximum Then
            If Debug Then 
              logf.WriteLine Time&" (Maximum of "&Maximum&" reached)"
            End If
            Exit Do
          End If
        End If
    End If
    If Debug Then 
      logf.WriteLine Time&" (Selected albums)"
    End If
    prog.MaxValue = total+zero
    Set albums = list.Albums
    For j = 0 To albums.Count-1 
      f = " "&i
      If Maximum > 0 Then
        f = f&"/"&Maximum
      End If      
      prog.Text = "Batch Art Finder - checking album "&prog.Value&"/"&prog.MaxValue&" (found:"&f&")..."
      Set album = albums.Item(j)
      id = album.ID
      If id > 0 Then
        If (album.AlbumArt Is Nothing) Or (IncludeDone) Then
          'add album ID to array
          If Debug Then 
            logf.WriteLine Time&" AlbumID="&id
          End If
          i = i + 1
          todo.Item(i) = id
          'add album to form
          sql = "SELECT Avg(Year/10000) As AvgYear, Sum(SongLength) As TotLength FROM Songs WHERE IDAlbum="&id
          If Debug Then 
            logf.WriteLine Time&" #"&sql
          End If
          Set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(sql)
          avgyear = fixyear(iter.StringByName("AvgYear"))
          totlength = gettime(iter.ValueByName("TotLength")/1000)
          If Images = 1 Then
            doc.WriteLine "<tr id=""row"&i&"a""><td width=""50%"" align=""right"">"
            doc.WriteLine "<tr id=""row"&i&"a""><td width=""50%"" align=""right"" rowspan=""2"">"
          End If          
          doc.WriteLine "Album: "&UTF8_Encode(album.Name)
          doc.WriteLine "<br />Artist: "&UTF8_Encode(album.Artist.Name)
          doc.WriteLine "<br />Year: "&avgyear
          doc.WriteLine "<br />Length: "&totlength
          doc.WriteLine "<br /><br /><nobr><a href=""javascript:nextimg('"&i&"')"">Try next image</a></nobr> "
          doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:skipimg('"&i&"')"">Skip this album</a></nobr> "
          doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:editimg('"&i&"')"">Edit album query</a></nobr> "
          doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:previmg('"&i&"')"">Previous image</a></nobr>"
          doc.WriteLine "<p>Save:<input type=""checkbox"" id=""sav"&i&""""&chk&" onclick=""saveclick("&i&")"" /></p>"
          doc.WriteLine "<div id=""dim"&i&""" accept=""""></div></td>"
          If Images = 1 Then
            doc.WriteLine "<td width=""50%"" align=""left""><div id=""img"&i&""">[Queued]</div></td></tr>"
            doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-bottom:0px""><div id=""img"&i&"-1"">[Queued]</div></td>"
            For k = 2 To Images
              doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-bottom:0px""><div id=""img"&i&"-"&k&""">&nbsp;</div></td>"
            doc.WriteLine "</tr><tr id=""row"&i&"b"">"
            For k = 1 To Images
              doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-top:0px""><div id=""dim"&i&"-"&k&""" accept="""">&nbsp;</div></td>"
            doc.WriteLine "</tr>"
          End If
        End If
      End If
      'allow user to cancel
      If prog.Terminate Then
        If Debug Then 
          logf.WriteLine Time&" (Cancelled by user)"
        End If
        form.Common.ControlName = ""
        Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
        If Debug Then 
        End If
        If fso.FileExists(paths.Item("htm")) Then
          Call fso.DeleteFile(paths.Item("htm"))
        End If          
        Exit Sub
      End If
      'maximum batch size
      If Maximum > 0 Then
        If i >= Maximum Then
          If Debug Then 
            logf.WriteLine Time&" (Maximum of "&Maximum&" reached)"
          End If
          Exit For
        End If
      End If      
    If (Singles = 1) And ((Maximum = 0) Or (i < Maximum)) Then
      If Debug Then 
        logf.WriteLine Time&" (Selected singles)"
      End If
      For j = 0 To list2.Count-1 
        f = " "&i
        If Maximum > 0 Then
          f = f&"/"&Maximum
        End If        
        prog.Text = "Batch Art Finder - checking album "&prog.Value&"/"&prog.MaxValue&" (found:"&f&")..."
        Set album = list2.Item(j)
        id = album.ID
        If id > 0 Then
          If (album.AlbumArt.Count = 0) Or (IncludeDone) Then
            'add album ID to array
            If Debug Then 
              logf.WriteLine Time&" SongID="&id
            End If
            i = i + 1
            todo.Item(i) = "*"&id
            'add single to form
            If Images = 1 Then
              doc.WriteLine "<tr id=""row"&i&"a""><td width=""50%"" align=""right"">"
              doc.WriteLine "<tr id=""row"&i&"a""><td width=""50%"" align=""right"" rowspan=""2"">"
            End If            
            doc.WriteLine "Single: "&UTF8_Encode(album.Title)
            doc.WriteLine "<br />Artist: "&UTF8_Encode(album.ArtistName)
            doc.WriteLine "<br />Year: "&fixyear(album.Year)
            doc.WriteLine "<br />Length: "&gettime(album.SongLength/1000)
            doc.WriteLine "<br /><br /><nobr><a href=""javascript:nextimg('"&i&"')"">Try next image</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:skipimg('"&i&"')"">Skip this album</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:editimg('"&i&"')"">Edit album query</a></nobr> "
            doc.WriteLine "<nobr><a href=""javascript:previmg('"&i&"')"">Previous image</a></nobr>"
            doc.WriteLine "<p>Save:<input type=""checkbox"" id=""sav"&i&""""&chk&" onclick=""saveclick("&i&")"" /></p>"
            doc.WriteLine "<div id=""dim"&i&""" accept=""""></div></td>"
            If Images = 1 Then
              doc.WriteLine "<td width=""50%"" align=""left""><div id=""img"&i&""">[Queued]</div></td></tr>"
              doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-bottom:0px""><div id=""img"&i&"-1"">[Queued]</div></td>"
              For k = 2 To Images
                doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-bottom:0px""><div id=""img"&i&"-"&k&""">&nbsp;</div></td>"
              doc.WriteLine "</tr><tr id=""row"&i&"b"">"
              For k = 1 To Images
                doc.WriteLine "<td width="""&col&"%"" align=""center"" style=""border-top:0px""><div id=""dim"&i&"-"&k&""" accept="""">&nbsp;</div></td>"
              doc.WriteLine "</tr>"
            End If
          End If 
        End If
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu May 26, 2011 12:27 am
Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by joemama »

page 3 of the code:

Code: Select all

        'allow user to cancel
        If prog.Terminate Then
          If Debug Then 
            logf.WriteLine Time&" (Cancelled by user)"
          End If
          form.Common.ControlName = ""
          Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
          If Debug Then 
          End If
          If fso.FileExists(paths.Item("htm")) Then
            Call fso.DeleteFile(paths.Item("htm"))
          End If            
          Exit Sub
        End If
        'maximum batch size
        If Maximum > 0 Then
          If i >= Maximum Then
            If Debug Then 
              logf.WriteLine Time&" (Maximum of "&Maximum&" reached)"
            End If
            Exit For
          End If
        End If      
    End If
  End If
  'finish document  
  doc.WriteLine "</table><p><a href=""javascript:select(0)"">Select all</a> <a href=""javascript:select(1)"">Select none</a> <a href=""javascript:select(2)"">Select inverse</a> <a href=""javascript:trynextall()"">Try next image for all</a></p>"
  If ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") Then
    doc.WriteLine "<span style=""visibility:hidden""><img id=""img0"" src=""""></span>"
  End If  
  doc.WriteLine "</body></html>" 
  If Debug Then 
    logf.WriteLine Time&" Total="&i
  End If  
  Set prog = Nothing
  'show form if results  
  If i > 0 Then
    Call wb.Interf.Navigate(paths.Item("htm"))
    form.Common.Visible = True
    If list Is Nothing Then
      btn3.Common.Left = foot.Common.Width - btn3.Common.Width
      btn2.Common.Left = btn3.Common.Left - btn2.Common.Width
      btn2.Common.Left = foot.Common.Width - btn2.Common.Width
    End If
    btn1.Common.Left = btn2.Common.Left - btn1.Common.Width
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = form
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc") = wb.Interf.Document
    'start first search
    todo.Item("key") = 0
    todo.Item("max") = i
    todo.Item("mid") = 0
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo") = todo
    Call TriggerNext()
    form.Common.ControlName = ""
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
    If fso.FileExists(paths.Item("htm")) Then
      Call fso.DeleteFile(paths.Item("htm"))
    End If 
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","StartID") = 0  
    If IncludeDone Then
      Call SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - all albums have been processed.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
      If rep.Exists("include") Then
        i = Int(rep.Item("include"))
        If i = mrNo Then
          Call SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - there are no albums with missing artwork.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
        End If
        i = SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - there are no albums with missing artwork, do you want to process albums with artwork?",mtConfirmation,Array(mbYes,mbNo))
        rep.Item("include") = i
        If Persist = 1 Then
          ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies3") = i
          hnt = GetHint()
          If Not (hnt = "") Then
            hnt = Chr(13)&"-"&Chr(13)&hnt
          End If
          SDB.Objects("BAFToolbarButton").Caption = "Batch Art Finder"&hnt          
        End If
      End If
      If i = mrYes Then 
        ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","IncludeDone") = True
        Call DoBatchArtFinder(itm)
        Exit Sub
      End If
    End If
  End If 
End Sub 

Sub FormClose(form)
  If Not (form Is Nothing) Then
    Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
    If ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelType") = 3 Then
      ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelDockedTo") = form.DockedTo
      ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelTop") = form.Common.Top
      ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelLeft") = form.Common.Left
    End If
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelWidth") = form.Common.Width
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelHeight") = form.Common.Height
    form.Common.ControlName = ""
  End If
  Call ClearData()
End Sub

Sub TriggerNext()
  'check for to-do list
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  If todo Is Nothing Then 
    Exit Sub
  End If
  If Int(todo.Item("mid")) = 1 Then
    Exit Sub
  End If  
  'get next item from list
  Dim key : key = Int(todo.Item("key"))+1
  Dim max : max = Int(todo.Item("max"))
  todo.Item("key") = key
  todo.Item("mid") = 1  

  'trigger next search
  Dim form : Set form = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm")
  If key <= max Then  
    Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
    If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
      Dim i,j,div,div2,qc,sc,nc,cc
      Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
      MinW = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinW")
      MaxW = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxW")
      MinH = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinH")
      MaxH = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxH")
      MaxD = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxD")
      SetSize = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize")  
      Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")
      Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
      'update status message       
      For i = 1 To max
        If Images = 1 Then
          Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&i)
          Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&i&"-1")
        End If
        If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
          If div.innerHTML = "[Queued]" Then 
            qc = qc+1
          End If  
          If div.innerHTML = "[Skipped]" Then 
            sc = sc+1
          End If
          If div.innerHTML = "[No results]" Then 
            nc = nc+1
          End If
          If div.innerHTML = "[Searching]" Then 
            cc = cc+1
          End If                  
        End If    
      Dim fc : fc = max-(qc+sc+nc+cc)
      Dim lbl : Set lbl = form.Common.ChildControl("lbl1")
      lbl.Caption = "Found:"&fc&"/"&max&" (Queued:"&Int(qc)&" - Skipped:"&Int(sc)&" - No results:"&Int(nc)&")"
      'check item status        
      If Images = 1 Then
        Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key)
        Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key&"-1")
      End If
      If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
        If div.innerHTML = "[Queued]" Then
          div.innerHTML = "[Searching]"
          Dim id : id = todo.Item(key)
          Dim songs : Set songs = Nothing
          If IsNumeric(id) Then
            Set songs = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("AND (Songs.IDAlbum="&id&")")
            If Not (songs.EOF) Then          
              Call ArtFinder(songs.Item)
              todo.Item("mid") = 0
              Exit Sub
              div.innerHTML = "[Skipped]"
              doc.getElementById("dim"&key).innerHTML = ""
              If Images > 1 Then
                doc.getElementById("dim"&key&"-1").innerHTML = "&nbsp;"
                For j = 2 To Images
                  doc.getElementById("img"&key&"-"&j).innerHTML = "&nbsp;"
                  doc.getElementById("dim"&key&"-"&j).innerHTML = "&nbsp;"    
              End If
              doc.getElementById("sav"&key).checked = False
            End If         
            Set songs = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("AND (Songs.ID="&Mid(id,2)&")")
            If Not (songs.EOF) Then     
              Call ArtFinderSingle(songs.Item)
              todo.Item("mid") = 0
              Exit Sub
            End If          
          End If
          Set songs = Nothing
          For j = 1 To Images
            If Images = 1 Then
              Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key)
              Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key&"-"&j)
              Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key&"-"&j)
            End If
            If Not (div2 Is Nothing) And (div2.getAttribute("accept") <> "accept") And (div.innerHTML <> "&nbsp;") Then
              Dim img : Set img = div.Children.Item(0) '<a>     
              If Not (img Is Nothing) Then  
                Set img = img.Children.Item(0) '<img>     
                If Not (img Is Nothing) Then  
                  Dim cnt : cnt = img.getAttribute("count")
                  If Not (cnt = "") Then 
                    cnt = "Image: "&cnt&"<br />" 
                  End If                          
                  Dim sts : sts = img.readyState                                                      
                  If (sts = "complete") Or (img.complete = True) Then                         
                    If SetSize Then
                      Dim img2 : Set img2 = doc.getElementById("img0")
                      If Not (img2 Is Nothing) Then
                        img2.src = img.src                       
                        If (img2.Width > 0) And (img2.Height > 0) Then
                          If (img2.Width = 28) And (img2.Height = 30) Then 'red cross
                            div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Not available"
                            If Debug Then
                              Call out("Image '"&img.src&"' showing red cross (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                            End If              
                            Call ShowNextResult(key)
                            Dim dif2 : dif2 = Abs(img2.Width-img2.Height)
                            If (img2.Width<MinW) Or (img2.Width>MaxW) Or (img2.Height<MinH) Or (img2.Height>MaxH) Or (dif2>MaxD) Then
                              If (img2.Width<MinW) Or (img2.Height<MinH) Then
                                div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Size: "&img2.Width&"x"&img2.Height&"<br />Too small"                   
                                If Debug Then 
                                  Call out("Image '"&img2.src&"' is too small: "&img2.Width&"x"&img2.Height&" (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                                End If              
                                If (img2.Width>MaxW) Or (img2.Height>MaxH) Then
                                  div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Size: "&img2.Width&"x"&img2.Height&"<br />Too large"                   
                                  If Debug Then 
                                    Call out("Image '"&img2.src&"' is too large: "&img2.Width&"x"&img2.Height&" (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                                  End If                                
                                  div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Size: "&img2.Width&"x"&img2.Height&"<br />Not square"                   
                                  If Debug Then 
                                    Call out("Image '"&img2.src&"' is not square: "&img2.Width&"x"&img2.Height&" (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                                  End If                                
                                End If
                              End If
                              Call ShowNextResult(key)
                              div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Size: "&img2.Width&"x"&img2.Height
                              If Debug Then 
                                Call out("Image '"&img2.src&"' is ok (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                              End If                              
                              Call div2.setAttribute("accept","accept")
                              If Images > 1 Then
                                Call ShowNextResult(key)
                              End If
                            End If
                          End If                                                   
                        End If
                        img2.src = ""
                      End If
                      If (img.Width > 0) And (img.Height > 0) Then
                        If (img.Width = 28) And (img.Height = 30) Then 'red cross
                          div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Not available"
                          If Debug Then 
                            Call out("Image '"&img.src&"' showing red cross (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                          End If              
                          Call ShowNextResult(key)
                          Dim dif : dif = Abs(img.Width-img.Height)                    
                          If (img.Width<MinW) Or (img.Width>MaxW) Or (img.Height<MinH) Or (img.Height>MaxH) Or (dif>MaxD) Then                   
                            If (img.Width<MinW) Or (img.Height<MinH) Then
                              div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Size: "&img.Width&"x"&img.Height&"<br />Too small"                   
                              If Debug Then 
                                Call out("Image '"&img.src&"' is too small: "&img.Width&"x"&img.Height&" (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                              End If              
                              If (img.Width>MaxW) Or (img.Height>MaxH) Then
                                div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Size: "&img.Width&"x"&img.Height&"<br />Too large"                   
                                If Debug Then 
                                  Call out("Image '"&img.src&"' is too large: "&img.Width&"x"&img.Height&" (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                                End If                                
                                div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Size: "&img.Width&"x"&img.Height&"<br />Not square"                   
                                If Debug Then 
                                  Call out("Image '"&img.src&"' is not square: "&img.Width&"x"&img.Height&" (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                                End If                                
                              End If
                            End If              
                            Call ShowNextResult(key)
                            div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Size: "&img.Width&"x"&img.Height
                            If Debug Then 
                              Call out("Image '"&img.src&"' is ok (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                            End If                                                          
                            Call div2.setAttribute("accept","accept")
                            If Images > 1 Then
                              Call ShowNextResult(key)
                            End If                                                                                                       
                          End If
                        End If                                                        
                      End If
                    End If
                    If sts = "uninitialized" Then
                      Dim red : red = Int(img.getAttribute("cross"))                      
                      If red = 3 Then
                        div2.innerHTML = cnt&"Not available"
                        If Debug Then 
                          Call out("Image '"&img.src&"' showing red cross (album:"&key&" column:"&j&")")
                        End If
                        Call ShowNextResult(key)
                        Call img.setAttribute("cross",red+1)
                      End If
                    End If
                  End If
                End If
              End If
            End If
        End If
      End If
    End If
    todo.Item("mid") = 0
    Call TriggerNext()
    'check form still exists and visible
    If Not (form Is Nothing) Then
      If form.Common.Visible Then
        'pause then start from the top
        todo.Item("key") = 0
        todo.Item("mid") = 0
        Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(1000),"OnTimer","DelayTrigger")
        Exit Sub
      End If 
    End If
    Call ClearData()
  End If
End Sub 

Sub DelayTrigger(DelayTimer)
  Call Script.UnregisterEvents(DelayTimer)
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  If todo Is Nothing Then 
    Exit Sub
  End If  
  If Int(todo.Item("mid")) = 0 Then
    Call TriggerNext()
  End If
End Sub

Sub ArtFinder(itm)
  'check for previous search
  Dim url : url = ""
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  Dim key : key = todo.Item("key")
  Dim data : Set data = SDB.Objects("BAFData"&key)
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Source = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Source")
  Titles = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Titles")
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")  
  FileMask = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileMask")
  Exists = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Exists")
  FileTypes = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileTypes")
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  Dim path : path = itm.Path    
  Dim i : i = InStrRev(path,"\")-1
  If i > 0 Then
    path = Left(path,i)
    If Debug Then 
      Call out("path="&path)
    End If
    path = ""    
  End If      
  If Not (data Is Nothing) Then
    'use previous data
    url = data.Item("url")
    Exists = False 'only check first time
    'create search url
    Dim artist : artist = ""
    If itm.AlbumArtistName = "" Then
      artist = mapname(itm.ArtistName)
      artist = mapname(itm.AlbumArtistName)
    End If
    Dim album : album = ""
    If Titles = 1 Then
      album = mapname(itm.Title)
      album = mapname(itm.AlbumName)
    End If
    Select Case Source
      Case 0
        url = ""&artist&"+"&album
        Select Case ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize")
          Case 0 
            ImageSize = "&imgsz=icon"
          Case 1 
            ImageSize = "&imgsz=medium"
          Case 2
            ImageSize = "&imgsz=xxlarge"
          Case 4          
            ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinH")
          Case 5 
            ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxH")
          Case 6 
            ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")                                                
          Case Else
            ImageSize = ""
        End Select
        url = url&"&svnum=100&hl=en&lr=lang_en&newwindow=0&safe=off&sa=G"&ImageSize&"&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
      Case 1
        url = ""&artist&"+"&album&"&qs=AS&sk=AS1"
      Case 2
        url = ""&artist&"+"&album
      Case 3
        url = ""&album&"&itempage=1&newsearch=1&searchindex=Music"
      Case 4
        url = ""&api&"&artist="&artist&"&album="&album            
    End Select
    'store data and url
    Set data = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    data.Add "path",path
    If itm.AlbumArtistName = "" Then
      data.Add "artist",itm.ArtistName
      data.Add "oartist",itm.ArtistName    
      data.Add "artist",itm.AlbumArtistName
      data.Add "oartist",itm.AlbumArtistName
    End If
    If Titles = 1 Then
      data.Add "album",itm.Title
      data.Add "oalbum",itm.Title 
      data.Add "album",itm.AlbumName
      data.Add "oalbum",itm.AlbumName
    End If    
    data.Add "id",itm.Album.ID
    data.Add "type","album"
    data.Add "image",0
    data.Add "result",0
    data.Add "count",0
    data.Add "url",url
    data.Add "previous",0
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFData"&todo.Item("key")) = data
  End If
  'check for existing file
  If Exists Then
    Dim dest : dest = FileMask          
    dest = Replace(dest,"<path>",path)
    If itm.AlbumArtistName = "" Then
      dest = Replace(dest,"<artist>",itm.ArtistName)    
      dest = Replace(dest,"<artist>",itm.AlbumArtistName)
    End If  
    If Titles = 1 Then
      dest = Replace(dest,"<album>",itm.Title) 
      dest = Replace(dest,"<album>",itm.AlbumName)
    End If  
    dest = Replace(dest,"<id>",itm.Album.ID)
    dest = Left(dest,2)&CorrectPath(Mid(dest,3))&"."
    Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim arr : arr = Split(FileTypes,",")    
    For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
      Dim src : src = dest&arr(i) 
      If fso.FileExists(src) Then
        If Debug Then 
          Call out("Image '"&src&"' already exists (album:"&key&")")
        End If
        Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
        If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
          Dim div,div2
          If Images = 1 Then
            Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key)
            Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key)
            Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key&"-1")
            Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key&"-1")
          End If
          If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
            Call div.setAttribute("found","found")
            If Not (div2 Is Nothing) Then
              div2.className = ""
              dest = Replace(src,"\","/")
              data.Item("source") = src
              data.Item("dest") = src
              Dim str : str = "<img src=""file://"&dest&""" title="""&src&""""
              If ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") Then
                str = str&" width="""&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")&"px"" height="""&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")&"px"""
              End If                                            
              str = str&" count="""" cross=""0"" /></a>"      
              If Images = 1 Then
                div.innerHTML = "<a href=""javascript://"">"&str
                div.innerHTML = "<a href=""javascript://"" onclick=""highlight('"&"')"">"&str
              End If
              div2.innerHTML = "Image 1 of 1<br />Loading..."
              Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(1000),"OnTimer","DelayTrigger")
              Exit Sub
            End If            
          End If
        End If         
      End If
  End If  

  'navigate to search url
  Select Case Source
    Case 4
      If Debug Then 
        Call out("@"&url)
      End If
      Dim xml : Set xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
      Call xml.send()
      Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderXML") = xml
      Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(500),"OnTimer","WaitTilReady2")
    Case Else  
      Dim IE : Set IE = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderShell")
      If Not (IE Is Nothing) Then
        If Debug Then 
          Call out("@"&url)
        End If
        Call IE.Navigate(url)
        Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(500),"OnTimer","WaitTilReady")
      End If
  End Select
End Sub

Sub ArtFinderSingle(itm)
  'check for previous search
  Dim url : url = ""
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  Dim data : Set data = SDB.Objects("BAFData"&todo.Item("key"))
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Source = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Source")
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")
  If Not (data Is Nothing) Then
    'use previous data
    url = data.Item("url")
    'create search url
    Dim path : path = itm.Path
    Dim i : i = InStrRev(path,"\")-1
    Dim artist : artist = mapname(itm.ArtistName)
    Dim album : album = mapname(itm.Title)
    Select Case Source
      Case 0
        url = ""&artist 
        If ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Include") = 1 Then
          url = url&"+"&album
        End If
        Select Case ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize")
          Case 0 
            ImageSize = "&imgsz=icon"
          Case 1 
            ImageSize = "&imgsz=medium"
          Case 2
            ImageSize = "&imgsz=xxlarge"
          Case 4           
            ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinH")          
          Case 5           
            ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxH")
          Case 6 
            ImageSize = "&imgw="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")&"&imgh="&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")          
          Case Else
            ImageSize = ""
        End Select
        url = url&"&svnum=100&hl=en&lr=lang_en&newwindow=0&safe=off&sa=G"&ImageSize&"&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
      Case 1
        url = ""&artist&"+"&album&"&qs=AS&sk=AS1"
      Case 2
        url = ""&artist&"+"&album
      Case 3
        url = ""&album&"&itempage=1&newsearch=1&searchindex=Music"        
      Case 4
        url = ""&api&"&artist="&artist&"&album="&album                     
    End Select
    'store data and url
    Set data = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    data.Add "path",Mid(path,1,i)
    data.Add "artist",itm.ArtistName
    data.Add "album",itm.Title
    data.Add "oartist",itm.ArtistName
    data.Add "oalbum",itm.Title    
    data.Add "id",itm.ID
    data.Add "type","track"
    data.Add "image",0
    data.Add "result",0
    data.Add "count",0
    data.Add "url",url
    data.Add "previous",0
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFData"&todo.Item("key")) = data
  End If
  'navigate to search url
  Select Case Source
    Case 4
      If Debug Then 
        Call out("@"&url)
      End If
      Dim xml : Set xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
      xml.async = True
      Call xml.Load(url)
      Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderXML") = xml
      Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(500),"OnTimer","WaitTilReady2")
    Case Else  
      Dim IE : Set IE = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderShell")
      If Not (IE Is Nothing) Then
        If Debug Then 
          Call out("@"&url)
        End If
        Call IE.Navigate(url)
        Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(500),"OnTimer","WaitTilReady")
      End If
  End Select
End Sub

Sub WaitTilReady(WaitTimer)
  'check search page exists
  Dim IE : Set IE = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderShell")
  If (IE Is Nothing) Then
    'user cancelled
    Call Script.UnregisterEvents(WaitTimer)
    'check page is ready
    If (IE.ReadyState = 4) Then
      Call Script.UnregisterEvents(WaitTimer)      
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Function ShowFirstResult(list)
  ShowFirstResult = False
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  If todo Is Nothing Then
    Exit Function
  End If    
  Dim key : key = todo.Item("key")
  Dim data : Set data = SDB.Objects("BAFData"&key)
  If data Is Nothing Then
    Exit Function
  End If    
  'get settings  
  Dim i : i = 0
  Dim cur : cur = 0
  Dim tot : tot = 0  
  Dim max : max = list.Length 
  Dim str : str = ""
  Dim ext : ext = ""
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")      
  Source = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Source")
  ImageSize = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize")
  SetSize = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize")
  If SetSize Then
    SetW = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")
    SetH = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")
    str = " width="""&SetW&"px"" height="""&SetH&"px"""
  End If
  FileTypes = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileTypes")
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  Dim arr : arr = Split(UCase(FileTypes),",") 
  'check list of images returned      
  For i = 0 To max-1
    'check for invalid pointer
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim itm : Set itm = list.Item(i)
    Dim src : src = itm.getAttribute("src")
    If Not (Err.Number = 0) Then
      src = "" 
    End If    
    If (src = "") Or (Left(src,5) = "data:") Then 
      src = ""
      If UCase(itm.parentNode.tagName) = "A" Then
        src = itm.parentNode.getAttribute("href")
        If Not (Err.Number = 0) Then
          src = "" 
        End If                                         
      End If            
    End If
    On Error Goto 0      
    'fix source url
    If Not (src = "") Then
      src = Replace(src,"%25","%")
      src = Replace(src,"%20"," ")
      src = Replace(src,"%2F","/")
      Select Case Source
        Case 0
          If InStr(src,"") = 1 Then
            src = Replace(src,"","")
            If InStr(src,"&imgrefurl=") > 1 Then
              src = Left(src,InStr(src,"&imgrefurl=")-1)
            End If
          End If      
        Case 1
          src = Replace(src,"/album_images/t","/album_images/s")
        Case 2
          If ImageSize > 0 Then
            If ImageSize = 1 Then
              src = Replace(src,"/75/","/150/")
              src = Replace(src,"-TN","")          
              src = Replace(src,"/75/","/full/")
              If InStr(src,"-TN") > 0 Then
                src = Replace(src,"-TN","-BIG")
                src = Replace(src,".jpg","-BIG.jpg")
              End If
            End If
          End If
        Case 3
          If ImageSize > 1 Then
            src = Replace(src,"160","500")
          End If
      End Select                                     
      'check filetype
      If InFileTypes(arr,src,ext) Then
        cur = cur+1
        tot = tot+1
        data.Item("img"&cur) = src
        If Debug Then 
          Call out("Image '"&src&"' is ok (album:"&key&" found:"&tot&")")
        End If      
        If Debug Then
          Call out("Image '"&src&"' is wrong type: "&UCase(Mid(ext,2))&" (album:"&key&")")
        End If  
      End If
    End If
  If Debug Then
    Call out("Images="&tot&"/"&max)
  End If
  'update document
  Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
  If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
    Dim div,div2
    If Images = 1 Then
      Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key)
      Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key)
      Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key&"-1")
      Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key&"-1")
    End If    
    If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
      Call div.setAttribute("found","")
      If Not (div2 Is Nothing) Then      
        div2.className = ""
        If tot = 0 Then
          div.innerHTML = "[No results]"
          ShowFirstResult = True 
          src = data.Item("img1")      
          data.Item("image") = 1
          data.Item("result") = 1
          data.Item("count") = tot
          data.Item("source") = src
          data.Item("previous") = 0
          str = "<img src="""&src&""" title="""&src&""" count=""1 of "&tot&""""&str&" cross=""0"" /></a>"
          If Images = 1 Then              
            div.innerHTML = "<a href="""&data.Item("url")&""" target=""_blank"">"&str
            div.innerHTML = "<a href=""javascript://"" onclick=""highlight('"&"')"">"&str
          End If    
          div2.innerHTML = "Image: 1 of "&tot&"<br />Loading..."          
        End If        
      End If
    End If
  End If 
  'start next search
  Call TriggerNext()
End Function

Sub ShowNextResult(key)
  Dim data : Set data = SDB.Objects("BAFData"&key)
  If data Is Nothing Then 
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  'update document
  Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
  If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
    Dim div,div2,res,i
    If Images = 1 Then
      res = 1
      Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key)
      Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key)
      res = Int(data.Item("result"))
      Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key&"-"&res)
      Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key&"-"&res)
    End If
    If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
      If Not (div2 Is Nothing) Then      
        If (Images > 1) And (div2.getAttribute("accept") = "accept") Then
          res = res+1
          If res > Images Then
            Exit Sub
          End If
          Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key&"-"&res)
          Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key&"-"&res)
        End If          
        Call div.setAttribute("found","")
        div2.className = ""  
        Dim cur : cur = Int(data.Item("image"))+1
        If Int(data.Item("previous")) = 1 Then
          cur = cur-2
        End If
        Dim tot : tot = Int(data.Item("count")) 
        If (cur < 1) Or (cur > tot) Then
          div.innerHTML = "[No results]"
          If Images = 1 Then
            div2.innerHTML = ""
            div2.innerHTML = "&nbsp;"
          End If
          Dim src : src = data.Item("img"&cur)      
          data.Item("image") = cur
          data.Item("result") = res
          data.Item("source") = src
          Dim str : str = "<img src="""&src&""" title="""&src&""" count="""&cur&" of "&tot&""""
          If ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") Then
            str = str&" width="""&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")&"px"" height="""&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")&"px"""
          End If
          str = str&" cross=""0"" /></a>"
          If Images = 1 Then
            div.innerHTML = "<a href="""&data.Item("url")&""" target=""_blank"">"&str
            div.innerHTML = "<a href=""javascript://"" onclick=""highlight('"&"')"">"&str
          End If
          div2.innerHTML = "Image: "&cur&" of "&tot&"<br />Loading..."
        End If                
      End If
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Sub WaitTilReady2(WaitTimer)
  'check xml exists
  Dim xml : Set xml = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderXML")
  If (xml Is Nothing) Then
    'user cancelled
    Call Script.UnregisterEvents(WaitTimer)
    'check xml is ready
    If (xml.ReadyState = 4) Then
      Call Script.UnregisterEvents(WaitTimer)
      Dim str : str = xml.responseText
      Set xml = LoadLastFmXML(str)
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Function ShowFirstResult2(xml)
  ShowFirstResult2 = False
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  If todo Is Nothing Then
    Exit Function
  End If    
  Dim key : key = todo.Item("key")
  Dim data : Set data = SDB.Objects("BAFData"&key)
  If data Is Nothing Then
    Exit Function
  End If 
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  'get relevant data
  Dim tot : tot = 0
  Dim img : img = Int(data.Item("image"))
  If img = 0 Then
    Dim str : str = ""
    ImageSize = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize")
    SetSize = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize")
    If SetSize Then
      SetW = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")
      SetH = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")
      str = " width="""&SetW&"px"" height="""&SetH&"px"""
    End If    
    FileTypes = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileTypes")
    Dim arr : arr = Split(UCase(FileTypes),",")    
    If ImageSize < 3 Then
      img = ImageSize
      img = 2
    End If
    Dim alb,ele,i,src,ext
    For Each alb In xml.getElementsByTagName("album")
      For i = img+1 To 0 Step -1    
        Set ele = alb.getElementsByTagName("image").Item(i)
        If Not (ele Is Nothing) Then
          src = ele.Text 
          If Not (src = "") Then
            If InFileTypes(arr,src,ext) Then
              tot = 1
              data.Item("img1") = src
              If Debug Then 
                Call out("Image '"&src&"' is ok (album:"&key&" found:1)")
              End If      
              Exit For
              If Debug Then
                Call out("Image '"&src&"' is wrong type: "&UCase(Mid(ext,2))&" (album:"&key&")")
              End If  
            End If          
          End If
        End If
  End If
  If Debug Then 
    Call out("Images="&tot&"/1")
  End If    

  'update document
  Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
  If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
    Dim div : Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key)
    If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
      If tot = 0 Then
        div.innerHTML = "[No results]"        
        ShowFirstResult2 = True
        src = data.Item("img1")      
        data.Item("image") = 1
        data.Item("result") = 1
        data.Item("count") = 1
        data.Item("source") = src
        data.Item("previous") = 0
        If Images = 1 Then      
          Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key)
          Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&key&"-1")
          Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&key&"-1")
        End If
        If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
          Call div.setAttribute("found","")
          If Not (div2 Is Nothing) Then
            str = "<img src="""&src&""" title="""&src&""" count=""1 of 1"""&str&" cross=""0"" /></a>"
            If Images = 1 Then        
              div.innerHTML = "<a href="""&data.Item("url")&""" target=""_blank"">"&str
              div.innerHTML = "<a href=""javascript://"" onclick=""highlight('"&"')"">"&str
            End If
            div2.innerHTML = "Image: 1 of 1<br />Loading..."
          End If
        End If        
      End If
    End If
  End If    
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu May 26, 2011 12:27 am
Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by joemama »

Page 4 of the code:

Code: Select all

  'start next search
  Call TriggerNext()
End Function

Sub TryClick()
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  CheckAll = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","CheckAll")
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")   
  Dim max : max = Int(todo.Item("max"))
  Dim i,j,tot,div,row,img,chk
  For i = 1 To max
    Set div = doc.getElementById("dim"&i)
    If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
      If div.innerHTML = "Saved!" Then
        Set row = doc.getElementById("row"&i&"a")
        If Not (row Is Nothing) Then
 = "none"
          tot = tot+1
          If Images > 1 Then
            Set row = doc.getElementById("row"&i&"b")
            If Not (row Is Nothing) Then
     = "none"
            End If
          End If          
        End If              
        div.innerHTML = ""
        Call ShowNextResult(i)     
        If CheckAll = 1 Then
          Set chk = doc.getElementById("sav"&i)
          If Not (chk Is Nothing) Then
            chk.checked = True
          End If
        End If
      End If
    End If    
  If tot < max Then
    Dim but : Set but = SDB.Objects("BAFClickedBtn")
    but.Common.Enabled = True
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFClickedBtn") = Nothing
    Call NextClick(Nothing)
  End If
End Sub

Sub SaveClick(ClickedBtn)
  ClickedBtn.Common.Enabled = False  
  Set SDB.Objects("BAFClickedBtn") = ClickedBtn

  'check status of images
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")   
  Dim max : max = Int(todo.Item("max"))
  Dim count : count = 0
  Dim i,div
  For i = 1 To max
    Set div = doc.getElementById("sav"&i)
    If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
      If div.Checked Then
        count = count + 1
      End If     
    End If    
  Dim oldmax : oldmax = todo.Item("max")
  todo.Item("max") = "0"
  'exit if no images to save
  If count = 0 Then
    todo.Item("key") = 0
    todo.Item("max") = oldmax
    'perform save action
    Select Case ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SaveMode")
      Case 1 'next
        Call NextClick(Nothing)
      Case 2 'exit
        Dim form : Set form = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm")
        form.Common.Visible = False
        Call FormClose(form)      
      Case 3 'trynext
        Call TryClick()
      Case Else 'nothing
        ClickedBtn.Common.Enabled = True
        Call TriggerNext()
    End Select    
    Exit Sub 
  End If
  'setup internet connection
  On Error Resume Next
  Dim inet : Set inet = CreateObject("InetCtls.Inet")
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Dim wsh : Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    wsh.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Licenses\78E1BDD1-9941-11cf-9756-00AA00C00908\","yjrjvqkjlqqjnqkjvprqsjnjvkuknjpjtoun","REG_SZ"  
    Dim cmd : cmd = SDB.ApplicationPath&"Scripts\Auto\msinet.ocx"
    cmd = "regsvr32 "&Chr(34)&cmd&Chr(34)&" /s"
    i = wsh.Run(cmd,1,1)
    Set inet = CreateObject("InetCtls.Inet")
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - the MSInet component could not be found, please install before running this script.",mtError,Array(mbOk))
      Call ClearData()
      Exit Sub
    End If    
  End If  
  On Error GoTo 0
  Set SDB.Objects("BAFinet") = Nothing
  'setup download queue
  Dim queue : Set queue = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  queue.Item("i") = 1
  queue.Item("max") = max
  queue.Item("old") = oldmax
  Set SDB.Objects("BAFQueue") = queue
  'start first download
  Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(100),"onTimer","preDownload")
End Sub

Sub preDownload(preTmr)
  'wait for space
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  Dim inet : Set inet = SDB.Objects("BAFinet")
  If inet Is Nothing Then
    'create internet connection
    Set inet = CreateObject("InetCtls.Inet")
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFinet") = inet
    'get queue data
    Dim queue : Set queue = SDB.Objects("BAFQueue")
    Dim i : i = Int(queue.Item("i"))
    Dim max : max = Int(queue.Item("max"))
    If i > max Then 
      Call Script.UnregisterEvents(preTmr)
      Call queueIsEmpty()
      Exit Sub
    End If
    If Debug Then 
      Call out("Initialising "&i&" of "&max)
    End If
    'check there is an image to save
    Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
    If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
      Dim div : Set div = doc.getElementById("sav"&i)
      If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
        If div.Checked = True Then
          Dim data : Set data = SDB.Objects("BAFData"&i)
          If Images = 1 Then
            Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&i)
            Dim res : res = Int(data.Item("result"))
            Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&i&"-"&res)
          End If
          If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
            If div.getAttribute("found") = "found" Then
              Call postDownload(i)  
              If Left(div.innerHTML,1) = "<" Then
                'build path from mask and data
                FileMask = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileMask")
                Dim url : url = data.Item("source")
                Dim dest : dest = FileMask&LCase(Mid(url,InStrRev(url,".")))
                dest = Replace(dest,"<path>",data.Item("path"))
                dest = Replace(dest,"<artist>",data.Item("oartist"))
                dest = Replace(dest,"<album>",data.Item("oalbum"))
                dest = Replace(dest,"<id>",data.Item("id"))
                Dim path : path = CorrectPath(Mid(dest,3))
                data.Item("dest") = Left(dest,2)&path
                'start next download 
                If Debug Then 
                  Call out("Downloading "&url)
                End If
                inet.url = url              
                inet.requestTimeout = 10
                On Error Resume Next
                Call inet.Execute
                If Err.Number > 0 Then
                  If Debug Then 
                    Call out("***"&Err.Number&" - "&Err.Description&" ("&Err.Source&")")
                    Call out("Retrying...")
                  End If
                  Set SDB.Objects("BAFinet") = Nothing
                  Exit Sub
                End If
                On Error GoTo 0
                Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(100),"onTimer","theDownload")
                Exit Sub
                If ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Default") = 1 Then
                  data.Item("dest") = getnonejpg()
                  Call postDownload(i)
                End If
              End If
            End If
          End If
        End If
      End If
    End If
    'update queue
    queue.Item("i") = i+1
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFinet") = Nothing
  End If
End Sub

Sub theDownload(theTmr)  
  'wait for connection
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")
  Dim inet : Set inet = SDB.Objects("BAFinet")
  If Not inet.StillExecuting Then
    Call Script.UnregisterEvents(theTmr)
    If Debug Then 
      Call out("Downloading complete")
    End If
    'get queue data
    Dim queue : Set queue = SDB.Objects("BAFQueue")
    Dim i : i = Int(queue.Item("i"))
    Dim data : Set data = SDB.Objects("BAFData"&i)
    Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim dest : dest = data.Item("dest")
    Dim path : path = Left(dest,InStrRev(dest,"\"))
    Call GeneratePath(fso,path)
    'create binary file
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim bin : Set bin = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    If Not (bin Is Nothing) Then
      If Debug Then 
        Call out("Saving "&dest)
      End If
      bin.Type = 1
      Call bin.Open()
      'copy from buffer in chunks
      Dim done : done = False
        Dim buf : buf = inet.GetChunk(512,1)
        If UBound(buf) < 1 Then
          done = True
          Call bin.Write(buf)
        End If
      Loop Until done
      'save binary file
      Call bin.SaveToFile(dest,2)
      Call bin.Close()
      Set bin = Nothing
    End If
    'error handling
    If Err.Number > 0 Then
      If Debug Then 
        Call out("***"&Err.Number&" - "&Err.Description&" ("&Err.Source&")")
      End If
    End If    
    On Error GoTo 0
    'check file downloaded
    Dim save : save = True
    If fso.FileExists(dest) Then
      Dim jpg : Set jpg = fso.GetFile(dest)
      If Not (jpg Is Nothing) Then
        'check file size
        If jpg.Size = 0 Then
          Set jpg = Nothing
          'check html file
          Dim txt : Set txt = fso.OpenTextFile(dest,1,False)
          Dim str : str = UCase(txt.Read(5))
          If (str = "<HTML") Or (str = "<!DOC") Then
            Set jpg = Nothing
          End If        
          Call txt.Close()
          Set txt = Nothing
        End If
      End If
      'remove empty file
      If jpg Is Nothing Then
        Call fso.DeleteFile(dest)
        save = False
        If Debug Then 
          Call out("File '"&dest&"' was empty or html")
        End If
      End If
      save = False
      If Debug Then 
        Call out("File '"&dest&"' was missing")
      End If
    End If
    'update tracks
    If save Then
      If Debug Then 
        Call out("Saving complete")
      End If
      Call postDownload(i)
      'update document
      Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
      If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
        Dim div : Set div = doc.getElementById("dim"&i)
        If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
          div.innerHTML = "Error :("
        End If
      End If
    End If
    'update queue
    queue.Item("i") = i+1
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFinet") = Nothing
  End If
End Sub

Sub postDownload(i)
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Dim data : Set data = SDB.Objects("BAFData"&i)
  Dim dest : dest = data.Item("dest")
  'calculate storage
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")
  Storage = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Storage")-1
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  If (Storage > -1) And (Storage < 4) Then
    If Debug Then 
      Call out("Tagging "&dest)
    End If
    Dim sto : sto = Storage
    If Storage = 2 Or Storage = 3 Then
      sto = 0
    End If
    'select tracks to update
    Dim sql : sql = ""
    If data.Item("type") = "track" Then
      sql = "AND (Songs.ID="&data.Item("id")&")"
      sql = "AND (Songs.IDAlbum="&data.Item("id")&")"
    End If
    Dim list : Set list = SDB.NewSongList
    Dim iter : Set iter = SDB.Database.QuerySongs(sql)
    While Not (iter.EOF)     
      list.Add(iter.Item) 'convert SongIterator into SongList
    Set iter = Nothing
    'add to tags
    If Debug Then 
      Call out("Tagging "&list.Count&" track(s)")
    End If
    Dim j : j = 0
    For j = 0 To list.Count-1
      Dim itm : Set itm = list.Item(j)
      Call puttrackart(itm,dest,sto)
      If Storage = 2 Then
        Call puttrackart(itm,dest,1)
      End If
    For j = 0 To list.Count-1
    'delete if necessary
    If Storage = 3 Then
      If Not (dest = getnonejpg()) Then
        If Debug Then 
          Call out("Deleting "&dest)
        End If
      End If
    End If
    'check cover paths 
    sql = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Covers WHERE CoverPath!='' AND CoverStorage=0"
    If Debug Then 
      Call out("#"&sql)
    End If
    Dim tot : tot = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(sql).ValueByIndex(0)
    If tot > 0 Then
      sql = "UPDATE Covers SET CoverPath='' WHERE CoverStorage=0"
      If Debug Then 
        Call out("#"&sql)
      End If    
    End If  
    If Debug Then 
      Call out("Tagging complete")
    End If
  End If
  'update document
  Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
  If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
    Dim div : Set div = doc.getElementById("sav"&i)
    If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
      div.Checked = False
      If Images = 1 Then
        Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&i)
        Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&i&"-1")
      End If
      If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
        Dim div2 : Set div2 = doc.getElementById("dim"&i)
        If Not (div2 Is Nothing) Then
          If Not (Left(div.innerHTML,1) = "<") Then
            Dim str : str = ""
            If ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") Then
              str = " width="""&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")&"px"" height="""&ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")&"px"""
            End If            
            div.innerHTML = "<img src="""&dest&""""&str&" />"
          End If
          div2.innerHTML = "Saved!"
        End If
      End If
    End If
  End If  
End Sub

Sub queueIsEmpty()
  'reset todo list
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  Dim queue : Set queue = SDB.Objects("BAFQueue")
  todo.Item("max") = queue.Item("old")
  Set SDB.Objects("BAFQueue") = Nothing
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  'perform save action
  Select Case ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SaveMode")
    Case 1 'next
      Call NextClick(Nothing)
    Case 2 'exit
      Dim form : Set form = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm")
      form.Common.Visible = False
      Call FormClose(form)      
    Case 3 'trynext
      Call TryClick()      
    Case Else 'nothing
      Dim but : Set but = SDB.Objects("BAFClickedBtn")
      but.Common.Enabled = True
      Set SDB.Objects("BAFClickedBtn") = Nothing
  End Select
End Sub

Sub puttrackart(itm,dest,sto)
  Dim pics : Set pics = itm.AlbumArt
  If pics Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
  'add image to artwork
  Dim img : Set img = pics.AddNew
  img.PicturePath = dest
  img.Description = "Added by Trixmoto's BatchArtFinder script"
  img.ItemStorage = sto
  img.ItemType = 3
End Sub

Function getnonejpg()
  getnonejpg = Replace(Script.ScriptPath,"BatchArtFinder.vbs","none.jpg")
End Function

Function gettime(sec)
  Dim min : min = 0
  sec = Int(sec)
  Do While sec > 59 
    sec = sec - 60
    min = min + 1
  If sec < 10 Then
    gettime = min&":0"&sec
    gettime = min&":"&sec
  End If
End Function

Function mapname(name)
  Dim i : i = 0 
  Dim nameUTF8 : nameUTF8 = UTF8_Encode(name)
  For i = 1 To Len(nameUTF8)
    Dim c : c = Asc(Mid(nameUTF8,i))    
    If (c>32 And c<48) Or (c>57 And c<65) Or (c>90 And c<97) Or (c>122) Then
      mapname = mapname&"%"&CStr(Hex(c))
      mapname = mapname&Chr(c)
    End If
  mapname = Replace(mapname," ","+")
End Function

Sub ClearData()
  Dim paths : Set paths = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderPaths")
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Dim max : max = Int(todo.Item("max"))
  If max > 0 Then
    Dim i : i = 0
    For i = 1 To max
      Set SDB.Objects("BAFData"&i) = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderShell") = Nothing    
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderPanel") = Nothing 
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFQueue") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BAFCurrentSong") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderPaths") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDrp1") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderBtn1") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderBtn2") = Nothing
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderBtn3") = Nothing
  End If  
  If Not (ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = 1) Then
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies") = Nothing
  End If  

  Dim fso : Set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
  If fso.FileExists(paths.Item("htm")) Then
    Call fso.DeleteFile(paths.Item("htm"))
  End If    
End Sub

Sub PauseClick(ClickedBtn)
  'toggle button
  Dim stat1,stat2,i,div
  If ClickedBtn.Caption = "Pause" Then
    ClickedBtn.Caption = "Resume"
    stat1 = "[Queued]"
    stat2 = "[Paused]"
    ClickedBtn.Caption = "Pause"
    stat1 = "[Paused]"
    stat2 = "[Queued]"    
  End If
  'update images
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderDoc")
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  Dim max : max = Int(todo.Item("max"))
  For i = 1 To max
    If Images = 1 Then
      Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&i)
      Set div = doc.getElementById("img"&i&"-1")
    End If
    If Not (div Is Nothing) Then
      If div.innerHTML = stat1 Then
        div.innerHTML = stat2
      End If     
    End If    
End Sub

Sub NextClick(ClickedBtn)
  'calculate next start
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  Dim str : str = todo.Item(Int(todo.Item("max")))
  Dim id : id = 0
  If IsNumeric(str) Then
    id = Int(str)
    id = 0 - Int(Mid(str,2))
  End If
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","StartID") = "*"&id
  'close current form
  Dim form : Set form = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm")
  form.Common.Visible = False
  Call FormClose(form)  
  'start next batch
  Call DoBatchArtFinder(Nothing)
End Sub

Sub SourceClick(Drp)
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  If todo.Item("drp") = "" Then
    todo.Item("drp") = Drp.ItemIndex
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB.CreateTimer(500),"OnTimer","DelaySelect")
  End If
End Sub

Sub DelaySelect(Tmr)
  Call Script.UnregisterEvents(Tmr)
  'change source
  Dim todo : Set todo = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderToDo")
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Source") = Int(todo.Item("drp"))
  todo.Item("drp") = ""
  Dim itm : Set itm = SDB.Objects("BAFCurrentSong")
  'close current form
  Dim form : Set form = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm")
  form.Common.Visible = False
  Call FormClose(form)  
  'start next batch
  Call DoBatchArtFinder(itm)
End Sub

Sub InitSheet(Sheet)
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  NewOpts = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","NewOpts")
  Dim foo : foo = ""
  If NewOpts < Version Then
    foo = " *NEW*"
  End If
  Storage = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Storage")
  ImageSize = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize")
  FileMask = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileMask")
  Extra = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Extra")
  Maximum = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Maximum")
  Singles = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Singles")
  Include = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Include")
  PanelType = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelType")
  Toolbar = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Toolbar")
  Default = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Default")
  CheckAll = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","CheckAll")
  Source = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Source")
  MinW = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinW")
  MaxW = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxW")
  MinH = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinH")
  MaxH = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxH")
  ConfMode = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ConfMode")
  SaveMode = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SaveMode")
  AutoMode = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","AutoMode")
  SetSize = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize")
  SetW = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW")
  SetH = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH")
  FileTypes = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileTypes")
  Persist = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist")
  MaxD = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxD")
  Titles = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Titles")
  FilterName = ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FilterName")
  Debug = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug")
  Exists = ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Exists")
  Images = ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images")
  Dim ui : Set ui = SDB.UI
  Dim edt : Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 10, 50, 20
  edt.Caption = "Storage type:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewDropDown(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 7, 150, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFStorage" 
  edt.Style = 2
  edt.AddItem("Save in tag")
  edt.AddItem("Save as link")
  edt.AddItem("In tag and as link")
  edt.AddItem("In tag only (delete image)")
  edt.AddItem("Download file (don't tag)")
  edt.ItemIndex = Storage
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 10, 50, 20
  edt.Caption = "Panel type:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewDropDown(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 7, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFPanelType"
  edt.Style = 2
  edt.ItemIndex = PanelType - 1
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 35, 50, 20
  edt.Caption = "Source:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 35, 50, 20
  edt.Caption = "Image size:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewDropDown(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 32, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFImageSize"
  edt.Style = 2
  edt.AddItem("Exact (min)")
  edt.AddItem("Exact (max)")
  edt.AddItem("Exact (disp)")
  edt.ItemIndex = ImageSize    
  Set edt = ui.NewDropDown(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 32, 150, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFSource"
  edt.Style = 2
  edt.ItemIndex = Source 
  edt.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
  edt.OnSelectFunc = "ShowImageSize" 
  Call ShowImageSize(edt)

  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 60, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Valid fields: <path> <artist> <album>"
  edt.Caption = "File mask:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 57, 345, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFFileMask"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Valid fields: <path><artist><album><id>"
  edt.Text = FileMask

  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 85, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Part of SQL Where statement: 'AND ...'"
  edt.Caption = "Extra:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 82, 345, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFExtra"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Part of SQL Where statement: 'AND ...'"
  edt.Text = Extra
  Dim tst : Set tst = ui.NewButton(Sheet)
  tst.Common.SetRect 432, 82, 21, 21
  tst.Common.ControlName = "BAFTestQuery"
  tst.Common.Hint = "Test query"
  tst.Caption = "?"
  tst.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
  tst.OnClickFunc = "TestExtra"    
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 110, 50, 20
  edt.Caption = "Batch limit:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 107, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFMaximum"
  edt.MinValue = 0
  edt.MaxValue = 9999
  edt.Value = Maximum
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 190, 110, 100, 20
  edt.Caption = "(None=0)"
  edt.Autosize = False  
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 110, 100, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Comma separated list including: jpg,png,gif,bmp"
  edt.Caption = "File types:"
  edt.Autosize = False  
  Set edt = ui.NewEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 107, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFFileTypes"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Comma separated list including: jpg,png,gif,bmp"
  edt.Text = FileTypes
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 135, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Minimum image width in pixels"
  edt.Caption = "Min. width:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 132, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFMinW"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Minimum image width in pixels"
  edt.MinValue = 0
  edt.MaxValue = 9999
  edt.Value = MinW
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 135, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Maximum image width in pixels"
  edt.Caption = "Max. width:"
  edt.Autosize = False  
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 132, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFMaxW"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Maximum image width in pixels"
  edt.MinValue = 0
  edt.MaxValue = 9999
  edt.Value = MaxW  
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 160, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Minimum image height in pixels"
  edt.Caption = "Min. height:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 157, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFMinH"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Minimum image height in pixels"
  edt.MinValue = 0
  edt.MaxValue = 9999
  edt.Value = MinH     
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 160, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Maximum image height in pixels"
  edt.Caption = "Max. height:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 157, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFMaxH"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Maximum image height in pixels"
  edt.MinValue = 0
  edt.MaxValue = 9999
  edt.Value = MaxH
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 185, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Maximum difference between image width and height in pixels"
  edt.Caption = "Max. diff.:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 182, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFMaxD"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Maximum difference between image width and height in pixels"
  edt.MinValue = 0
  edt.MaxValue = 9999
  edt.Value = MaxD  
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 185, 50, 20
  edt.Caption = "Selection:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewDropDown(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 182, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFConfMode"
  edt.Style = 2
  edt.AddItem("Selected only")
  edt.AddItem("All albums")
  edt.ItemIndex = ConfMode    
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 210, 50, 20
  edt.Caption = "Filter:"
  edt.Autosize = False    
  Set edt = ui.NewDropDown(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 85, 207, 150, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFFilterName"
  edt.Style = 2
  Call CreateFiltersArray()
  Call FillDropDownFromArray(edt,Filters)
  edt.ItemIndex = GetFiltersArrayID(FilterName)  
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 210, 50, 20
  edt.Caption = "After saving:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewDropDown(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 207, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFSaveMode"
  edt.Style = 2
  edt.AddItem("Do nothing")
  edt.AddItem("Click next")
  edt.AddItem("Close form")
  edt.AddItem("Try next")
  edt.ItemIndex = SaveMode   
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 231, 250, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFSetSize"
  edt.Caption = "Set image display size ---------------------------->"
  If SetSize = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Checked = False
  End If                
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 233, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Display width of image in pixels"
  edt.Caption = "Disp. width:"
  edt.Autosize = False  
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 230, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFSetW"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Display width of image in pixels"
  edt.MinValue = 10
  edt.MaxValue = 999
  edt.Value = SetW 
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 257, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Display height of image in pixels"
  edt.Caption = "Disp. height:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 254, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFSetH"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Display height of image in pixels"
  edt.MinValue = 10
  edt.MaxValue = 999
  edt.Value = SetH    
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 251, 250, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFExists"
  edt.Caption = "Check for image before searching"
  edt.Checked = Exists                    
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 271, 250, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFPersist"
  edt.Caption = "Remember prompt values"
  If Persist = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Common.Hint = GetHint()
    edt.Checked = False
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies") = Nothing
  End If    
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 291, 250, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFToolbar"
  edt.Caption = "Add run button to the standard toolbar"
  If Toolbar = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Checked = False
  End If    
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 311, 250, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFSingles"
  edt.Caption = "Include non-album tracks as albums"
  If Singles = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Checked = False
  End If
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 331, 250, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFInclude"
  edt.Caption = "Include non-album track titles in url"
  If Include = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Checked = False
  End If
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 351, 400, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFAutoMode"
  edt.Caption = "Automatically launch script when playing track without artwork"
  If AutoMode = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Checked = False
  End If       
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 371, 350, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFTitles"
  edt.Caption = "Always use first track title in url (instead of album name)"
  If Titles = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Checked = False
  End If   
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 391, 300, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFCheckAll"
  edt.Caption = "Start all images as ticked to be saved"
  If CheckAll = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Checked = False
  End If          
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 5, 411, 300, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFDefault"
  edt.Caption = "Add default image when no results"
  If Default = 1 Then
    edt.Checked = True
    edt.Checked = False
  End If  
  Set edt = ui.NewCheckbox(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 320, 411, 250, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFDebug"
  edt.Caption = "Create debug logfile"
  edt.Checked = Debug
  Set edt = ui.NewLabel(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 260, 281, 50, 20
  edt.Common.Hint = "Display multiple image results at once"
  edt.Caption = "Results:"
  edt.Autosize = False
  Set edt = ui.NewSpinEdit(Sheet)
  edt.Common.SetRect 330, 278, 100, 20
  edt.Common.ControlName = "BAFImages"
  edt.Common.Hint = "Display multiple image results at once"
  edt.MinValue = 1
  edt.MaxValue = 9
  edt.Value = Images
End Sub

Sub TestExtra(but)
  Dim str : str = "test passed."
  Dim typ : typ = mtInformation
  Dim edt : Set edt = but.Common.TopParent.Common.ChildControl("BAFExtra")
  If edt Is Nothing Then
    str = "test error."
    typ = mtError
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim temp : Set temp = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Count(*) AS AlbumCount FROM Albums WHERE Albums.ID>0 "&edt.Text)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      str = "test failed."
      typ = mtError
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
  End If
  Call SDB.MessageBox("Batch Art Finder - "&str,typ,Array(mbOk))
End Sub

Sub ShowImageSize(src)
  Dim size : Set size = src.Common.TopParent.Common.ChildControl("BAFImageSize")
  Select Case src.ItemIndex
    Case 0
      size.Common.Enabled = True
    Case 1
      size.Common.Enabled = False
    Case 2
      size.Common.Enabled = True      
    Case 3
      size.Common.Enabled = True      
    Case 4
      size.Common.Enabled = True
  End Select
End Sub

Sub SaveSheet(Sheet)
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","NewOpts") = Version
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Storage") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFStorage").ItemIndex
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ImageSize") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFImageSize").ItemIndex
  ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileMask") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFFileMask").Text
  ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Extra") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFExtra").Text
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Maximum") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFMaximum").Value
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","PanelType") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFPanelType").ItemIndex + 1
  ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FileTypes") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFFileTypes").Text
  Dim edt : Set edt = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFFilterName") 
  ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FilterName") = edt.ItemText(edt.ItemIndex)  
  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFSingles").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Singles") = 1
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Singles") = 0
  End If
  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFInclude").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Include") = 1
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Include") = 0
  End If  
  Dim but : Set but = SDB.Objects("BAFToolbarButton")
  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFToolbar").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Toolbar") = 1
    but.Visible = True
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Toolbar") = 0
    but.Visible = False
  End If
  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFDefault").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Default") = 1
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Default") = 0
  End If  
  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFCheckAll").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","CheckAll") = 1
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","CheckAll") = 0
  End If  
  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFAutoMode").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","AutoMode") = 1
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","AutoMode") = 0
  End If    
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Source") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFSource").ItemIndex
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxW") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFMaxW").Value
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinW") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFMinW").Value
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxH") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFMaxH").Value
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MinH") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFMinH").Value   
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","ConfMode") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFConfMode").ItemIndex
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SaveMode") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFSaveMode").ItemIndex
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","MaxD") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFMaxD").Value
  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFTitles").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Titles") = 1
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Titles") = 0
  End If

  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFSetSize").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") = 1
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetSize") = 0
  End If      
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetW") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFSetW").Value
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","SetH") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFSetH").Value     
  If Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFPersist").Checked Then
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = 1
    Dim hnt : hnt = GetHint()
    If Not (hnt = "") Then
      hnt = Chr(13)&"-"&Chr(13)&hnt
    End If
    SDB.Objects("BAFToolbarButton").Caption = "Batch Art Finder"&hnt    
    ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Persist") = 0
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies1") = ""
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies2") = ""
    ini.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Replies3") = ""
    SDB.Objects("BAFToolbarButton").Caption = "Batch Art Finder"
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies") = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  End If        
  ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Debug") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFDebug").Checked
  ini.BoolValue("BatchArtFinder","Exists") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFExists").Checked
  ini.IntValue("BatchArtFinder","Images") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("BAFImages").Value      
End Sub

Function UTF8_Encode(ByVal UnicodeString)
  Dim i,UnicodeCharCode,UTF8_temp  
  On Error Resume Next
  For i = 1 To Len(UnicodeString)
    UnicodeCharCode = AscW(Mid(UnicodeString,i))
    If UnicodeCharCode < &H80 Then
      UTF8_temp = Chr(UnicodeCharCode)
    ElseIf UnicodeCharCode < &H800 Then
      UTF8_temp = Chr(&H80 + (UnicodeCharCode And &H3F))
      UnicodeCharCode = UnicodeCharCode \ &H40
      UTF8_temp = Chr(&HC0 + (UnicodeCharCode And &H1F)) & UTF8_temp
      UTF8_temp = Chr(&H80 + (UnicodeCharCode And &H3F))
      UnicodeCharCode = UnicodeCharCode \ &H40
      UTF8_temp = Chr(&H80 + (UnicodeCharCode And &H3F)) & UTF8_temp
      UnicodeCharCode = UnicodeCharCode \ &H40
      UTF8_temp = Chr(&HE0 + (UnicodeCharCode And &HF)) & UTF8_temp
    End If
    UTF8_Encode = UTF8_Encode & UTF8_temp
    If Not (Err.Number = 0) Then
      UTF8_Encode = UnicodeString
      Exit For
    End If
  On Error Goto 0
End Function

Function fixyear(str)
  fixyear = str
  Dim i : i = InStr(fixyear,".")
  If i > 1 Then
    fixyear = Left(fixyear,i-1)
  End If
  While Len(fixyear) < 4
    fixyear = "0"&fixyear
  If fixyear = "0000" Then
    fixyear = "????"
  End If
End Function

Function InFileTypes(arr,src,ext)
  InFileTypes = False
  ext = ""
  Dim i : i = InStrRev(src,".")
  If i > 1 Then
    Dim s : s = UCase(Mid(src,i))
    ext = LCase(s)
    For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
      If s = "."&arr(i) Then
        InFileTypes = True
        Exit Function
      End If
  End If
End Function

Function GetHint()
  Dim tmp : tmp = ""
  Dim rep : Set rep = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderReplies")
  If Not (rep Is Nothing) Then
    If rep.Exists("restrict") Then
      tmp = "Restrict to selected albums: "
      Select Case Int(rep.Item("restrict"))
        Case mrYes
          tmp = tmp&"Yes"
        Case mrAll
          tmp = tmp&"All"
        Case mrCancel
          tmp = tmp&"Cancel"
        Case Else
          tmp = tmp&"("&rep.Item("restrict")&")"
      End Select
    End If
    If rep.Exists("beginning") Then
      If tmp = "" Then
        tmp = "Start from the beginning: "
        tmp = tmp&Chr(13)&"Start from the beginning: "
      End If
      Select Case Int(rep.Item("beginning"))
        Case mrYes
          tmp = tmp&"Yes"
        Case mrNo
          tmp = tmp&"No"
        Case mrCancel
          tmp = tmp&"Cancel"
        Case Else
          tmp = tmp&"("&rep.Item("beginning")&")"
      End Select
    End If
    If rep.Exists("include") Then
      If tmp = "" Then
        tmp = "Process albums with artwork: "
        tmp = tmp&Chr(13)&"Process albums with artwork: "
      End If
      Select Case Int(rep.Item("include"))
        Case mrYes
          tmp = tmp&"Yes"
        Case mrNo
          tmp = tmp&"No"
        Case Else
          tmp = tmp&"("&rep.Item("include")&")"
      End Select
    End If      
  End If
  GetHint = tmp
End Function

Sub out(txt)
  Dim pat : Set pat = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderPaths")
  If Not (pat Is Nothing) Then
    Dim loc : loc = pat.Item("log")
    If Not (loc = "") Then
      Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      Dim logf : Set logf = fso.OpenTextFile(loc,8,True)
      logf.WriteLine(Time&" "&SDB.ToAscii(txt))
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Sub Install()
  Dim form : Set form = SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm")
  If Not (form Is Nothing) Then
    form.Common.Visible = False  
    form.Common.ControlName = ""
    Set SDB.Objects("BatchArtFinderForm") = Nothing
  End If

  Dim inip : inip = SDB.ApplicationPath&"Scripts\Scripts.ini"
  Dim inif : Set inif = SDB.Tools.IniFileByPath(inip)
  If Not (inif Is Nothing) Then
    inif.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Filename") = "Auto\BatchArtFinder.vbs"
    inif.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Procname") = "BatchArtFinder"
    inif.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Order") = "28"
    inif.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","DisplayName") = "Batch Art Finder"
    inif.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Description") = "Find album art in batch"
    inif.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","Language") = "VBScript"
    inif.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","ScriptType") = "0"
  End If
  Call OnStartup()
End Sub  

Function CorrectPath(str)
  Dim fso : Set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
  Dim arr : arr = Split(str,"\")
  Dim i : i = 0
  CorrectPath = arr(i)
  For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
    CorrectPath = CorrectPath&"\"&fso.CorrectFilename(arr(i))
End Function

Function GetFilterID(Name)
  Dim nam : nam = "'"&Replace(Name,"'","''")&"'"
  If SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Filters WHERE Name="&nam).ValueByIndex(0) = 0 Then
    SDB.IniFile.StringValue("BatchArtFinder","FilterName") = "- No Filter -"
    GetFilterID = -1
    GetFilterID = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT ID FROM Filters WHERE Name="&nam).ValueByIndex(0)
  End If
End Function

Sub FillDropDownFromArray(DropDown,SourceArray)
  Dim i : i = 0
  For i = 0 To UBound(SourceArray)
    Call DropDown.AddItem(SourceArray(i))
End Sub

Sub CreateFiltersArray
  Redim Filters(SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Filters").ValueByIndex(0)+1)
  Filters(0) = "- No Filter -"
  Filters(1) = "- Active Filter -"
  Dim i : i = 2
  Dim iter : Set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Name FROM Filters ORDER BY Pos")
  Do While Not iter.EOF
    Filters(i) = iter.StringByIndex(0)
    i = i+1
  Set iter = Nothing
End Sub

Function GetFiltersArrayID(Name)
  Dim i : i = 0
  For i = 0 To UBound(Filters)
    If Filters(i) = Name Then
      GetFiltersArrayID = i
      Exit Function
    End If
  GetFiltersArrayID = 0
End Function

Function GetFilterSQL(Name)
  GetFilterSQL = ""
  Dim sql : sql = ""
  Select Case Name
    Case "- No Filter -"
      GetFilterSQL = ""
    Case "- Active Filter -"
      sql = SDB.Database.ActiveFilterQuery
      If Not (sql = "") Then 
        GetFilterSQL = "AND "&sql
      End If      
    Case Else
      Dim id : id = GetFilterID(Name)
      If id > -1 Then
        sql = SDB.Database.GetFilterQuery(id)
        If Not (sql = "") Then 
          GetFilterSQL = "AND "&sql
        End If
      End If
   End Select
End Function

Function GeneratePath(fso,pFolderPath)
  GeneratePath = False
  If Not fso.FolderExists(pFolderPath) Then
    If GeneratePath(fso,fso.GetParentFolderName(pFolderPath)) Then
      GeneratePath = True
      Call fso.CreateFolder(pFolderPath)
    End If
    GeneratePath = True
  End If
End Function

Function LoadLastFmXML(str)
  Set LoadLastFmXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
  Call LoadLastFmXML.LoadXML(str)
  If LoadLastFmXML.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
    Call LogMe("@ErrorCode="&LoadLastFmXML.parseError.errorCode)
    Call LogMe("@ErrorMess="&LoadLastFmXML.parseError.reason)
    Call LogMe("@ErrorLine="&LoadLastFmXML.parseError.line)
    Call LogMe("@ErrorChar="&LoadLastFmXML.parseError.linepos)
    Call LogMe("@ErrorText="&LoadLastFmXML.parseError.srcText)
    Set LoadLastFmXML = Nothing
    If InStr(str,"<lfm status=""ok"">") = 0 Then
      Dim lfm : Set lfm = Nothing
      For Each lfm In LoadLastFmXML.getElementsByTagName("lfm")
        Call LogMe("@ErrorStat="&lfm.attributes.getNamedItem("status").nodeValue)
      For Each lfm In LoadLastFmXML.getElementsByTagName("error")
        Call LogMe("@ErrorCode="&lfm.attributes.getNamedItem("code").nodeValue)
        Call LogMe("@ErrorMess="&lfm.Text)
      Set LoadLastFmXML = Nothing
    End If                  
  End If  
End Function
Posts: 10024
Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:28 am
Location: Hull, UK

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by trixmoto »

Thanks for the code, I'll take a look and see if I can include it in the next release, along with attempting to fix Google.
Download my scripts at my own MediaMonkey fansite.
All the code for my website and scripts is safely backed up immediately and for free using Dropbox.
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu May 26, 2011 12:27 am
Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by joemama »

just to make it easy, the only code I really changed was the following

Code: Select all

    Case 1
      doc.WriteLine "  geturl = """"&artist&""+""&album&""&qs=AS&sk=AS1"""
    Case 2  
      doc.WriteLine "  geturl = """"&artist&""+""&album"
This is found basically in 3 spots in different variations. The rest of the code remains unchanged.
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:01 am

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by johnbot »

Good idea to post that "short version" - thx! I'll try it out.

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by Guest »

Where we need to put this code? Thank you!
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu May 26, 2011 12:27 am
Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by joemama »

Guest wrote:Where we need to put this code? Thank you!
I suggest renaming the original "BatchArtFinder.vbs" to "BatchArtFinder_Orig.vbs", selecting all the text and then pasteing the "long" version all together into the vbs script and saving it as "BatchArtFinder.vbs". There were other small changes, but the above small code is the main functioning code to get Bing to work (with minor tweeks in different areas). Again, I replaced Juno & RateYourMusic, but in the MM option menu these two still appear. Just know that Juno=GoMusicNow and RateYourMusic=Bing (But only in the MM options menu. The popup window shows the correct menu names).

And again, this is just a quick fix I came up with and it worked for me. trixmoto really gets all the credit. And I can't guarentee that it will work for anyone else. I set the picture parameters in the MM options menu to look for pictures 295-305 X 295-305px and it filters all pictures to those sizes.

Good luck
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed May 25, 2011 2:33 pm

"the MSInet component could not be found"

Post by ej_san_fran »

I'm stuck on the MSInet problem.
I use Windows 7, 64-bit
I registered the MSInet component by executing the following commands logged in as admin (I also did that in a batch file with the same result):

cd C:\
cd windows\syswow64
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto\msinet.ocx"

Windows reports back that the registration was successful.

Next, I log in as a user, run MediaMonkey, select one file, run batch art finder, click on 'save checked images' and
I still get the same error message: "Batch Art Finder - the MSInet component could not be found, please install before running this script."

Any ideas how to solve this?
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu May 26, 2011 12:27 am
Location: Salt Lake City

Re: Batch Art Finder 4.1 - Updated 31/01/2011

Post by joemama »

I was having the same problem since my upgrade to win7-64 as you have described above. I registered msinet.ocx several times but continued to get he same error. I finally got it working, but I'm not exactly sure how. I'll describe what I did before getting it to work and you can give it a try.

I found that Win7-64 registers msinet differently than in XP, both in the registry and in the windows systems folder (it's in the syswow64 folder). I also found that batchartfinder looks for msinet in a specific location in the registry and if it is not found attempts to modify the registry to point to the file in the mediamonkey "auto" script folder. Windows 7 prevents mediamonkey from modifying the registry unless it is ran as administrator. So I ran MM as administrator by right clicking on it and choosing to run as administrator. I then ran batchartfinder and attempted to save an image, closed MM and re-ran it normaly. Things seemed to work after that.

As I stated earlier I don't know if this was what fixed my problem or not but it did start working after doing this. So give it a try and let us know if you also get positive results.

Good luck!
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Joined: Wed May 25, 2011 2:33 pm

"MSI component could not be found"

Post by ej_san_fran »

Unfortunately, I don't find an improvement. I've run MediaMonkey while logged in as admin, and also in Windows XP compatibility mode, but I keep running into the same roadblock.
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Joined: Wed May 25, 2011 2:33 pm

SOLVED: "MSI component could not be found"

Post by ej_san_fran »

I tried one more time and now I've the solution: you have to run MediaMonkey as administrator AND Windows XP compatibility mode.
While running that way you execute the Batch Art Finder script one time.
After this, it's working for me, even without using administrator and compatibility mode.

So, to put it all together in a summary:

1. This is about fixing the "MSI component could not be found" error for Windows 7 64-bit computers.

2. Log in as administrator, start the Windows command prompt program (it's in accessories) and type the following commands:

cd C:\
cd windows\syswow64
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto\msinet.ocx"

Windows should now report back that the MSInet component was registered with success.

3. While still logged in as administrator, set MediaMonkey to Windows XP compatibility mode.
You do that by going to the MediaMonkey program icon in the "All Programs" list on your computer, right-click on that icon, go to "properties", then to "compatibility", click on "Run this program in Compatibility mode" for Windows XP (Service Pack 3)

4. You should now be able to use the BatchArtFinder script without getting the MSInet error. Do that for at least one song.

5. Now turn compatibility mode back off, log out as administrator, log in as a normal user and you should be able to proceed normally.

If the procedure above doesn't work, try rebooting the computer in between steps.
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