MM3 Modify PlayCount

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MM3 Modify PlayCount

Post by zerosignal »

I am searching for a script which can modify the PlayCounter within MediaMonkey.
Due to mp3 players where playcounts are not counted and the use of AutoRate, i would like to update some of the songs manually so they pop up as high rated.

I found a script on this forum, but I didn't find any handlers (menu entrys or shortcuts) to alter the PlayCounter. A context menu or butten "+1" would be nice!
Anybody into this?
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Re: MM3 Modify PlayCount

Post by SHR »

Hi zerosignal,

I use this kind of scripts in MM3 quite for a while as I use autorate-script too.

take a look at ... 9296#59296. There you find two script and icons to decrement or increment via toolbarbuttons.

If you need a script to change playcount to a specific value, then you should look at ... =5777#5777.

Based on these scripts I made a modified version according to my needs, which combines increment, decrement and dialog in one script. So most of the coding is based on pablo's and viybel's work. (Thanks to them for their work.)

After placing script and icons (My script uses the icons from the mentioned script above plus one internal icon from MM.) in the Folder "Scripts\Auto " and restarting MM, you find three new buttons in the toolbar.

Code: Select all

Option Explicit
Sub OnStartUp
	Dim Bouton : Set Bouton = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_TbStandard,0,0)
	SDB.Objects("Bouton") = Bouton
	Bouton.Caption = "IncrementPlayCounter"
	Bouton.OnClickFunc = "IncrementPlayCounter"
	Bouton.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
	Bouton.Hint = "Increment Play counter"
	Bouton.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\IncrementPlayCounter.ico", 0)
	Set Bouton = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_TbStandard,0,0)
	SDB.Objects("Bouton") = Bouton
	Bouton.Caption = "DecrementPlayCounter"
	Bouton.OnClickFunc = "DecrementPlayCounter"
	Bouton.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
	Bouton.Hint = "Decrement Play counter"
	Bouton.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\DecrementPlayCounter.ico", 0)
                Set Bouton = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_TbStandard,0,0)
	SDB.Objects("Bouton") = Bouton
	Bouton.Caption = "ChangePlayCounterDialog"
	Bouton.OnClickFunc = "ChangePlayCounterDialog"
	Bouton.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
	Bouton.Hint = "Change play counter dialog"
	Bouton.IconIndex = 37	

End Sub

Sub DecrementPlayCounter(arg)
  ' Define variables
  Dim list, itm, i

  ' Get list of selected tracks from MediaMonkey
  Set list = SDB.SelectedSongList

  ' Process all selected tracks
  For i=0 To list.count-1
    Set itm = list.Item(i)
    If itm.playcounter = 0 Then
      'msgbox "Counter already zero."
      'Call Test
      'must use sql because itm.UpdateDB does not update the PlayCounter property 
      SDB.database.execSQL("UPDATE Songs SET PlayCounter=" & (itm.PlayCounter - 1) & " WHERE Id=" & itm.songID)
	    itm.playcounter = itm.playcounter - 1
	  End If
End Sub

Sub IncrementPlayCounter(arg)
  ' Define variables
  Dim list, itm, i

  ' Get list of selected tracks from MediaMonkey
  Set list = SDB.SelectedSongList

  ' Process all selected tracks
  For i=0 To list.count-1
    Set itm = list.Item(i)

    'must use sql because itm.UpdateDB does not update the PlayCounter property 
    SDB.database.execSQL("UPDATE Songs SET PlayCounter=" & (itm.PlayCounter + 1) & " WHERE Id=" & itm.songID)
	  itm.playcounter = itm.playcounter + 1
End Sub
Sub ChangePlayCounterDialog(arg) 
  Dim UI : Set UI = SDB.UI 
  ' Create the window to be shown 
  Dim Form : Set Form = UI.NewForm 
  Form.Common.SetRect 100, 100, 267, 98 
  Form.FormPosition = 4   ' Screen Center 
  Form.Caption = "Set play counter" 
  Form.BorderStyle = 3 ' Dialog'
  'Script.RegisterEvent Form.Common, "OnResize", "FormResize" 
  Dim Lbl : Set Lbl = UI.NewLabel( Form) 
  Lbl.Common.ControlName = "Lbl" 
  Lbl.Common.SetRect 10, 10, 100, 16 
  Lbl.Caption = "Insert a number. (Negative value to decrement.)"
  Dim Edt : Set Edt = UI.NewSpinEdit(Form)
  Edt.Common.ControlName = "Edt"
  Edt.Common.SetRect 20, 30, 48, 16
  Edt.MinValue = -100
  Edt.MaxValue = 100
  Edt.Value = 1
  Edt.Common.Enabled = True
  Edt.Common.Hint = "Set number to in- or decrement."
  Dim ChB : Set ChB = UI.NewCheckBox( Form) 
  ChB.Common.ControlName = "ChB" 
  ChB.Common.SetRect 70, 30, 100, 20 
  ChB.Caption = "not played" 
  Script.RegisterEvent ChB.Common, "OnClick", "ChBClick" 
  Dim Btn : Set Btn = UI.NewButton( Form) 
  Btn.Common.ControlName = "Btn" 
  Btn.Common.SetRect 152, 28, 80, 25 
  Btn.Caption = "OK" 
  Btn.Default = true
  Btn.ModalResult = 1
  Script.RegisterEvent Btn, "OnClick", "BtnClick" 
  'ChBClick( Form) 
  SDB.Objects("MyDialogForm") = Form
  'msgbox "show"   
  If Form.ShowModal = 1 Then
    If ChB.Checked Then
    'Set to 0'
      Call ClearPlayCounter()
      If Edt.Value = 0 Then
        'Nothing to do
        'SDB.MessageBox "Value 0 = " & Edt.Value, mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
      Elseif Edt.Value < 0 Then
        'SDB.MessageBox "Value < 0 = " & Edt.Value, mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
        Call XDecrementPlayCounter(Edt.Value)
        'SDB.MessageBox "Value > 0 = " & Edt.Value, mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
        Call XIncrementPlayCounter(Edt.Value)
      End If
    End If
  End If  
  'msgbox "back"
End Sub 
Sub FormResize( Form) 
  Dim FC : Set FC = Form.Common 
  Dim Lbl : Set Lbl = FC.ChildControl("Lbl") 
  Lbl.Caption = "("&FC.Left&","&FC.Top&")-("&FC.Width&","&FC.Height&")" 
End Sub 
Sub BtnClick()
  'msgbox "start"
  Dim FC : Set FC = SDB.Objects("MyDialogForm").Common
  Dim Edt : Set Edt = FC.ChildControl("Edt")
  if not isnumeric(edt.value) then
    sdb.messagebox "Only Numbers allowed", mterror, Array(mbOk)
    call ChangePlayCounterDialog("Restart Dialog")
    'SDB.MessageBox "Wow, button clicked! Value = " & Edt.Value, mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
  end if
  'msgbox "end"
End Sub 
Sub ChBClick( ChB) 
  Dim FC : Set FC = ChB.Common.TopParent.Common 
  Dim Edt : Set Edt = FC.ChildControl("Edt") 
  'Dim ChB :
  Set ChB = FC.ChildControl("ChB") 
  Edt.Common.Enabled = not ChB.Checked 
End Sub

Sub ClearPlayCounter()
  ' Define variables
  Dim list, itm, i, x
  'sdb.messagebox "arg= " & arg , mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
  ' Get list of selected tracks from MediaMonkey
  Set list = SDB.SelectedSongList

  ' Process all selected tracks
  For i=0 To list.count-1
    Set itm = list.Item(i)
    If itm.playcounter = 0 Then
      'msgbox "Counter already zero."
      'Call Test
      'Only set to 0'
      'sdb.messagebox "result= " & (itm.playcounter + x) , mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
      'must use sql because itm.UpdateDB does not update the PlayCounter property 
      SDB.database.execSQL("UPDATE Songs SET PlayCounter=" & 0 & " WHERE Id=" & itm.songID)
	    itm.playcounter = 0
	  End If
End Sub

Sub XDecrementPlayCounter(arg)
  ' Define variables
  Dim list, itm, i, x
  'sdb.messagebox "arg= " & arg , mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
  x = arg
  ' Get list of selected tracks from MediaMonkey
  Set list = SDB.SelectedSongList

  ' Process all selected tracks
  For i=0 To list.count-1
    Set itm = list.Item(i)
    If itm.playcounter = 0 Then
      'msgbox "Counter already zero."
      'Call Test
    Elseif (itm.playcounter + x) <= 0 Then
      'Only set to 0'
      'sdb.messagebox "result= " & (itm.playcounter + x) , mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
      'must use sql because itm.UpdateDB does not update the PlayCounter property 
      SDB.database.execSQL("UPDATE Songs SET PlayCounter=" & 0 & " WHERE Id=" & itm.songID)
	    itm.playcounter = 0
      SDB.database.execSQL("UPDATE Songs SET PlayCounter=" & (itm.PlayCounter - Abs(x)) & " WHERE Id=" & itm.songID)
	    itm.playcounter = itm.playcounter - Abs(x)
	  End If
End Sub

Sub XIncrementPlayCounter(arg)
  ' Define variables
  Dim list, itm, i, x
  x = arg
  ' Get list of selected tracks from MediaMonkey
  Set list = SDB.SelectedSongList

  ' Process all selected tracks
  For i=0 To list.count-1
    Set itm = list.Item(i)

    'must use sql because itm.UpdateDB does not update the PlayCounter property 
    SDB.database.execSQL("UPDATE Songs SET PlayCounter=" & (itm.PlayCounter + x) & " WHERE Id=" & itm.songID)
	  itm.playcounter = itm.playcounter + x
End Sub
I use this script quite often without any problem. But as always, I cannot guarantee for anything which happens, when using this script. :wink:
I hope this helps you.
Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:14 am

Re: MM3 Modify PlayCount

Post by zerosignal »

Wow, this works like a charm! :)
Great thanks so much for the great work!
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