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Viewing files by location

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 10:26 am
by JoeWadley
Using MM

When I try to view files by location, I can negotiate the file tree on in the left window, but no files appear in the big middle window. I can view these files by album, artist,on playlists, etc. But the files do not appear when looking by location (which is my preferred method of using Media Monkey).

A possible problem is that I have an old filter criteria on the location window which I cannot get rid of, either by using reset on the three dot menu in the upper left, or by using the minus sign next to the criteria, or by unclicking the criteria. It will go away on my screen, but if I change the location folder, or re-select that location folder, it returns. It is sticky and should go away.

Re: Viewing files by location

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 1:48 pm
by PetrCBR
You can enable 'Display folder content recursively' on the toolbar when you browse location or folder nodes.