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STOP automatically adding removable drives

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 5:41 pm
by nauip
It needs to be an option. DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY ADD DRIVES. I have 500 drives, devices or whatever under "portable device sync" and the worst part is: Every once in a while I'm working on a customer drive or just copying a bunch of files to a flash drive. I try to "Eject" the drive so whatever doesn't get corrupted. Lo and behold. The drive is in use. Mediamonkey has grabbed a hold of it and Windows is too dumb to know whether it's being written to.

Re: STOP automatically adding removable drives

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 6:26 pm
by Peke
Well I agree on several things.
1. Windows remove drive is one of worst parts (I was relieved several years back when I found suitable replacement for it)
2. Windows 10 made it worse by classifying and reporting every Removable Drive as MTP device (which helps on one side but make things worse on the other)
3. MM can improve that list especially in MM5 [#15674]
4. There are several apps to help you regarding that, some free some not. PERSONALLY!!!! I use Zentimo and Lockunter to handle windows shortcomings. Again PERSONALLY I recommend them along with USB Controller

There is way to prevent MMW detect Drives, but then it will not detect other devices too. Workaround is to Delete d_WMDM.dll from plugins folder.

Re: STOP automatically adding removable drives

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 1:51 pm
by nauip
you forgot a "Possible solution" - prompt the user "Would you like to add this device to MM and use it for syncing?"
Then remember that device by serial number or some other fancy method.
Thank you for humoring my request.

Re: STOP automatically adding removable drives

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 3:11 pm
by Peke
In MM5 each connected device show notification with quick link to configuration in the middle of track list, so nagging users (based on feedback) with prompts is eliminated.