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No progressbar on Icon when scanning for new files?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:28 am
by MMuser2011
I have downloaded the newest beta for MM4 ( RC).

If I scan for new files (takes more then two hours for all my external harddiscs) there is no progressbar anymore on the icon in the taskbar.

In previous versions, there was a green "Knight-Rider" style progressbar, filling the icon from left to right. A simple view on the tasklist told me if this process is already finished or not.

Actually, I have to switch to MM to see if there is still any activity in the statusbar of MM4 (Insert nnnn from nnnn Pathname of Songs).

Forgot my OS:
Windows 10 Pro version 1607, build 14393.693

Re: No progressbar on Icon when scanning for new files?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:58 am
by stax76
how many tracks is it? my collection is about 350 tracks on a ultra fast ssd so scan takes like 3 seconds, typically I download about 1000 tracks with youtube-dl, check my trash memory extension for tracks deleted before, this trash memory list has 35 000 tracks so far that won't ever bother me again for a second, out of 1000 tracks I listen and checkout typically I keep (and pay!) about 5, the rest go to the trash memory list before being deleted. I had like 1000 tracks but deleted everything that glorified and reminded me about a negative lifestyle like hip hop and metal.

Re: No progressbar on Icon when scanning for new files?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:24 am
by MMuser2011
IMHO, the number of tracks isnt' important for this issue. :wink:
All my tracks are stored on many different USB 3.0 external harddiscs - which is obviously much slower then your ultra fast SSD.

But thats not the point.

I'm just asking if we can have back the progressbar on the taskbar icon.
If you see this progressbar for your 3 seconds or I see it (as before) for more then 120 minutes doesn't matter.

Re: No progressbar on Icon when scanning for new files?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:42 am
by stax76
I was just curious about how many thousand tracks people have trying to make a point that in most cases more then a few hundred tracks are not worth to keep, mostly OT, sorry.

Re: No progressbar on Icon when scanning for new files?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:22 pm
by Lowlander
I still see it on the latest RC of 4.1.15.

Re: No progressbar on Icon when scanning for new files?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:51 pm
by MMuser2011
That's strange.
I have downloaded the latest RC-build again, executed the *.exe, accepted the two elevation windows (asking for admin rights) but no progress bar is visible.

Then I restarted my Windows 10 Pro, startet MM4 ( RC) and rescanned my external harddiscs: Still no visible progress bar on the program icon in the taskbar.

What could that be?

Just for the records, I talk about this kind of progress bar on the icon in the taskbar:

I try it now with some older beta versions to see if I can find a working version.