MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

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Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by Buttertea » Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:01 am

@Lowlander, A shame, but yeah you're probably right that it won't get changed. I'll see if I can find something else. Thanks for the help.

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by Lowlander » Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:24 pm

No, if the Skin doesn't use this feature it would be up to the Skinner to change this or you need to switch to a Skin that does use this setting.

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by Buttertea » Sun Dec 06, 2020 5:41 am

@LowLander Unfortunately no, it doesn't use that. I have the default code - as you've shown - as well in that field. But the MM Light skin shows also the album, and it's the album that's usually not filled in in my case.

Also, this skin shows it over two lines instead of one. See my pic in the previous post.

I hope something can be done - my pic may not be the best example of my library cause most of the songs I have there have never been originally issued on an album, just 45s. Do you think it possibly will be changed in the future? Would be good to know that at least: if I should go look for another skin or wait a bit.
Either way, thanks for the help.

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by Lowlander » Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:22 pm

I don't know if this skin uses this setting, but under Tools > Options > Playback Rules you can set what the Player shows, so:

Code: Select all

$if(<Artist>,<Artist> - )<Title>
should prevent the hyphen when Artist is unknown.

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by Buttertea » Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:07 pm

Hi @DreadM,

Concerning MM Light.

I have a request. When there's only a title and artist to show in the Player, then the artist is preceded by a hyphen (see pic). Could this hyphen (and the accompanying spaces) be deleted?

It mars the otherwise beautiful skin :) ... m204nt1gEk

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by dypsis » Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:32 am

A few years late, but here are the MetroMonkey and MetroMonkey Light skins for MonkeyRok. 👌 ...

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by oldmankit » Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:49 pm

This skin looks great except the background for the MM Settings menu is black, with grey text, = unreadable.

Am I the only one with this problem? Here's a screenshot:


Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by Peke » Tue May 09, 2017 9:30 pm

Have you tried to send DreadM PM?

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by ferrell » Wed May 03, 2017 11:23 pm

Does anyone have the monkeyrok skins? The links aren't working anymore...


by superluig164 » Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:09 pm

Could you add an option to use white "no album art" and "seek bar" controls? I like the brown background but I hate the brown icons. Thanks

Re: MetroMonkey Skin v (27.11.2012)

by rrfpacker » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:33 pm

DreadM wrote:Well, whole skin based on this color value ,
and i try before with uncolored background but decide too use this one,
to have some colors in the skin and not just another dark one.
but this you can easily overwrite via Tools / Options / Skin / overwrite Skin background /customize Tree background !

I just started using this skin and I really like it. Like Stigg, I also would like to change the tree color as, contrary to rovingcowboy, I like the skin to have the same color. ;)
I tried your solution and by default explorer takes me to the skin folder with 4 .bmp files, none of which are black. Am I missing something?

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by skcbait » Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:59 am


Thanks for this skin and its variations. It fits really well with my current desktop color scheme. The XM micro player fits perfectly when using small icons in the taskbar (Windows) and XM has a stop button (cause I'm one of those weirdos that likes having a stop button :D ).

I was hoping though, could you please add the graphic equalizer back into the XM main player (above the progress bar) like you do in the regular/standard M skin (cause I'm one of those weirdos :wink: )?

Please and Thank you.

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by Falcon » Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:11 pm

I am using the Metro Zune skin (I know, it wasn't done by you :wink: ), and I downloaded your Metro LyricsViewer Skin and edited it, to match the colours of the Metro Zune skin.
I'd like to upload it here in the forum for everyone to use, but I want to ask you for permission first, as this is basically your work, which I used. May I upload the file here?

Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by EinsteinX » Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:08 am

I just downloaded this Metro skin for my Surface Pro 3. Could you release this skin in the SP3 type cover colors so MM matches my cyan coloured SP3?


Re: MetroMonkey Skins v (01.01.2014)

by Jango17 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:03 pm

I love the light skin! I do however like to have the "prev-pause/play-next" button in the far left corner of the window (similar to the darker MetroMonkey Skins). I also like the small picture part that might switch side to the right. Also, different sizes of the lighter skin is mostly desired, but as stated earlier, it is of course a matter of time spent on it.

Keep it up, I really like that MediaMonkey finally has gotten a skin that matches W8/8.1 perfectly! :D
