"Sync" library/files/playlists to a Surface Tablet?

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Re: "Sync" library/files/playlists to a Surface Tablet?

by Rob_S » Thu Sep 26, 2024 11:14 am

This is a very interesting subject for me, as I try to maintain an identical music setup on several PCs. I find Mediamonlkey for the time being is just not very good at it, even though I think it could easily be improved if there was an easier way to get the database to recognize a same or similar music folder located on a different PC or drive. Better yet, just introduce a Music Backup feature, which could be used to copy new or missing tracks and matching database to another network location.

Note added: I have often wondered why the database could not "optionally" reside in the root of the music folder, and thus automatically recognize all tracks within and beneath it.

So I basically use a file manager type of program in this case Total Commander, which allows me to sync newer or missing track files in a designated pair of folders in both directions over a network such that updates added or modified on either PC will be copied to the other. Missing files on both sides are identified, so I can determine if this was intended and should be deleted, or if it is in fact missing and should be copied.

To make this work I need to make sure all my tags are embedded in the tracks, so that a rescan with MM will update the databases and pick up any changes. I also need to avoid relocating or renaming any tracks, as there is NO sync program that I know of that can avoid duplications if path and filenames are changed.

The only issue is for me are playlists, which are totally embedded in the MM database, and thus not easily copied. Manual playlists can be exported and re-imported, and should mostly work if both sets of relative paths are the same. Autoplaylists can be replicated manually fairly easily.

Playcounts remain separate, dont get copied, and I personally dont care too much about those.

Re: "Sync" library/files/playlists to a Surface Tablet?

by Neighbor » Wed Sep 25, 2024 10:51 pm

As a short-term solution for now ... through the Media Server and/or MM Library through shared network connected, I've gone and right-clicked all the files I want and clicked download. For the most part, it does a good job.

Two minor things I've noticed:
(1) Many files get transferred/downloaded over without any of the pre-existing metadata (Artist, Genre, Date/Year, etc.)
(2) Many of the files get downloaded 2-5 times.

Re: "Sync" library/files/playlists to a Surface Tablet?

by Peke » Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:56 am

I have not tested, but I guess USB <-> USB cable should add Surface as External Storage and you could create sync profile.

Windows itself and MM on Windows is not designed to treat Windows PCs (mobile or not) as Sync device but as separate full versions of MM.

It is maybe possible with some custom setups, but to be honest we have not tested it (I am not sure we have all hardware needed to test such case).

"Sync" library/files/playlists to a Surface Tablet?

by Neighbor » Mon Sep 23, 2024 12:32 am

I have a Surface Tablet, which of course acts like a desktop. I was able to get MediaMonkey on my main laptop to play music over through the Media Server Sharing type of deal. But I guess I would like my Surface to act more similar to how my mobile devices are where I can connect to my main MM database and then "sync" files or playlists over to the Surface (with files copied and store locally there as well).
