by lowkee » Fri Nov 11, 2022 6:15 pm
mm 4 used to be able to make a custom column display the playlist the song was associated with. mm 5 does not. its a pain to click on proprieties , classification etc just to see if you have that song in what playlist. i have tried many times to make a custom column display the playlist the song is in using mm5.
i still , for some reason, have songs displaying playlist location after i upgraded from first mm5 version to mm5 version
have a song display its playlist makes it so much easier to find the right music to play.
mm 4 used to be able to make a custom column display the playlist the song was associated with. mm 5 does not. its a pain to click on proprieties , classification etc just to see if you have that song in what playlist. i have tried many times to make a custom column display the playlist the song is in using mm5.
i still , for some reason, have songs displaying playlist location after i upgraded from first mm5 version to mm5 version
have a song display its playlist makes it so much easier to find the right music to play.