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MonkeySqueeze Development V3.2

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:56 pm
by Gingernut63
This topic is for the development of MonkeySqueeze, a script which enables MediaMonkey to play music on a Logitech Squeezebox system via Logitech Media Server (Squeezebox Server).

MonkeySqueeze, originally called Squeezebox Controller, was written in 2007 and over the next 2 years was improved by a number of people on this site. Development tapered off after this point and eventually it was re-posted in June 2011 by mccstumble who had collated all improvements on the forum to have a working version. I then fixed broken code and added new functionality to get it to the point where it was made available on the Addon site late July 2011.

I am the project coordinator of the script, to make sure we have a direction and to keep MonkeySqueeze on track. I am relatively inexperienced in writing VBScript so I am always on the lookout for people to help. If you think you have what it takes to improve MonkeySqueeze just post in this topic.


Download MonkeySqueeze (official release): ... eysqueeze/
MonkeySqueeze Support: ... =2&t=59515
MonkeySqueeze Squeezebox site: ... 0a&t=89046

The MonkeySqueeze Programming Honour Roll: booblers, Katteman

Below is a list of issues that need to be addressed to improve the functionality. This is not the definitive list and if you feel you can add to the script please contribute your ideas.

Major Issues:

Minor Issues:
>> Limit the number of tracks initially added when activating playlist sync to avoid long delays.
>> VBScript error 9 "m" out of range, Line 565 ( LMSpaths(m) = LMSpaths(m-1)). It occasionally occurs when adding tracks to current playlist -Drag/Drop or Auto DJ. Hard to replicate
>> When adjusting the rating of a currently playing track in MediaMonkey, the music pauses for a very short time in the Squeezebox system
>> "I find that it does not fully support Unicode. Some of my songs are named in Vietnamese, and when I play them on MediaMonkey, the playlist is not relayed to Touch. If I rename them to, say, A.flac or Try this name.mp3, it works."

>> Manual/Auto Start selection on the options page.
>> CDs played in MediaMonkey do not play on the Squeezebox system via MonkeySqueeze. (Will only be able to work with a local installation of LMS e.g. c:\)
>> Connect directly to Tiny Squeezebox Server in the Squeezebox Touch.
>> Control the volume on the Squeezebox device via MonkeySqueeze via remote app?. Can now be controlled via MediaMonkey

Posting Scripts

All beta releases will be issued by myself. Contributors can post individual subroutines of working modifications or if multiple subroutines are modified then the whole script can be posted as an Alpha. Designations for full scripts are: the script being developed for the next release (V2.0.1); plus date Year/Month/Day (110622); and Alpha or Beta e.g. V2.0.1.110622Beta. To keep a linear progression of the script all code posted must include previously posted modifications.

Last 5 Beta Releases:

- Modified options page for connection to Windows Home Server 2011 and other Windows server products

- Addition of logging into a secure LMS/Squeezebox system. Username and password inputs added to the options page.

- Complete redesign of the options page to reduce size for small screen use i.e. tablets
- Disable communication settings on the options page when MonkeySqueeze is enabled
- The ability to connect to one of four pre-configured SqueezeBox players each session
- Added the ability to log into a password protected LMS/Squeezebox system.
- General tidy of the script

- Add actual player names to the drop down box on the Option page, removing Player 1, Player 2 etc...
- Display name of selected Squeezebox Player after the MonkeySqueeze Enable/Disable button on the main menu
- As an alternative idea, display name of selected Squeezebox Player on a dock-able panel accessible via "View" on the main menu. Could also be used for Squeezebox player volume control - Anyone interested doing the coding?
- General tidy of the script

- Create a dockable panel for Squeezebox player control, accessible via "View" on the main menu.
- Add Squeezebox Player volume control to the dockable panel
- Player names added to dropdown box
- Add mute button to dockable panel


Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:18 pm
by booblers
deleting my posts since forum moderators see fit to delete honest posts. just helping to make their job easier. nothing to see here.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:46 pm
by Gingernut63

Phenomenal! Did you this in the last few hours or have you mucking around with it for a while?

I'll have a play to get familiar with what you have done and I'll post my thoughts. Great work, no make that, fantastic work!

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:42 pm
by booblers
deleting my posts since forum moderators see fit to delete honest posts. just helping to make their job easier. nothing to see here.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:40 pm
by booblers
deleting my posts since forum moderators see fit to delete honest posts. just helping to make their job easier. nothing to see here.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:54 pm
by Gingernut63
Don't worry I have some Icons I made myself for this task a while ago. If they don't work I'll PM you with my e-mail address.

I'm converting your changes to the new script. Have done the first part will get to on/off part soon. Have programmed the IP and MAC addresses on the settings page to work with your changes. Testing OK at this stage. When I've added in the on/off section I'll repost the lot so everything is current.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development - Alpha110815

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:54 am
by Gingernut63

Here is the up to date script combining all your changes plus the latest script version which has just been released.

I programmed in the ability to set the IP and MAC address' on the settings page. I've also deleted obsolete code and added in separators between the subroutines to make the code easier read. The last bit's for me. I find it a bit daunting seeing code all over the place.

My icons do not show (modelled on Last.FM icons) and the on/off function is a bit hit and miss for me. There is a couple of other issues but I can't remember what they are at this stage.

Well done!!

Code: Select all

' MonkeySqueeze V2-0-0-110815Alpha
' ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Todd Nemeth/revel
' DATE STARTED: 26.09.2007
' ADDITIONAL AUTHORS: Baz, Big_Berny, Peke, trixmoto, debacle, mccstumble, Gingernut63, booblers
'  - You will also need Squeezebox Server and SqueezePlay installed and running.
'  - After installation the interface for this script is located at Tools\Options\MonkeySqueeze

Option Explicit
Public SqueezeBoxSocket
Public ManualTrackChange
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim onMonkeySqueezeIcon
Dim offMonkeySqueezeIcon
    'Note - you need to include the port here
'Dim sbIP : sbIP = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9000"
'You can get this mac address manually and hardcode it as I have here or you could make another JSON call to "status" and get the MAC address.
'it will be required to directly send commands to a particular player - which is what you want to do. It is in every call to the player.
'I changed my address below for security reasons - you will need to input yours below.
'Dim sbMAC: sbMAC = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
Sub OnStartup
 	Dim ind
    Dim UI : Set UI = SDB.UI
    Dim Mnu
    	onMonkeySqueezeIcon = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sbon.ico", 0)
    If onMonkeySqueezeIcon < 0 Then
       	onMonkeySqueezeIcon = 74 'unlocked icon if it doesn't exist
    End If
    	offMonkeySqueezeIcon = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sboff.ico", 0)
    If offMonkeySqueezeIcon < 0 Then
        offMonkeySqueezeIcon = 75 'locked icon if it doesn't exist
    End If

    Set Mnu = UI.AddMenuItem( UI.Menu_TbStandard, 0, 0)
    	Mnu.Caption = "MonkeySqueeze"
      	Mnu.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
      	Mnu.OnClickFunc = "SyncToggle"
      	Mnu.IconIndex = onMonkeySqueezeIcon
      	Mnu.Hint = "MonkeySqueeze"
    Set SDB.Objects("MonkeySqueezeIcon") = Mnu      'save a reference to it so we can change the icon later.

    If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = True Then
    Call registerEvents
    	Mnu.IconIndex = onMonkeySqueezeIcon
        Mnu.IconIndex = offMonkeySqueezeIcon
    End If

    	ind = SDB.UI.AddOptionSheet("MonkeySqueeze",Script.ScriptPath,"InitSheet","SaveSheet",-2)
      	'ManualTrackChange = True
End Sub
Sub InitSheet(Sheet)
  	Dim oPanel1, oCheck1, oLabelAbout, oPanel2, Edit1, oPanel3, Btn1, Edit2

  	Set oPanel1 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	  	oPanel1.Common.SetRect 10,10,450,75
   	  	oPanel1.Caption = "MonkeySqueeze v1.5.0.110814"
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel1)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,440,40
   	  	.Caption = "This script allows MediaMonkey to play music on SqueezeBox Server" & vbNewLine _
   	  	& vbNewLine _
   	  	& "To Enable/Disable this addon, go to the Play Menu and click on MonkeySqueeze"
  	End With
  	Set oPanel2 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	  	oPanel2.Common.SetRect 10,95,450,80
   	  	oPanel2.Caption = "User Guide"
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel2)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,440,40
   	  	.Caption = "Click the button and then open MonkeySqueeze_UserGuide.pdf"
  	End With
  	Set Btn1 = SDB.UI.NewButton(oPanel2) 
  	  	Btn1.Common.SetRect 175,45,80,25 
  	  	Btn1.Caption = "User Guide" 
  	  	Btn1.Common.Hint = "Click to open the folder where the user guide is located"
  	  	Script.RegisterEvent Btn1, "OnClick", "UserGuide" 
  	Set oPanel3 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	  	oPanel3.Common.SetRect 10,185,450,220
   	  	oPanel3.Caption = "Squeezebox Server IP and MAC Address"

  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Multiline = True
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,420,60
   	  	.Caption = "This script uses the IP address displayed in the information section of Squeezebox Server. Click on the icon in the task bar and open the Control Panel. Under the information tab, find the Server IP Address, e.g. and enter below." 
 	End With

  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 105,79,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "IP Address:"
  	End With
  	Set Edit1 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel3)
   	  	Edit1.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxIP"
   	  	Edit1.Common.SetRect 165,75,95,25
   	  	Edit1.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP")
   	If Edit1.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit1.Text = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") = ""
  	End If
   	  	Edit1.Common.Hint = "Enter Squeezebox Server IP Address Here"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Multiline = True
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,105,420,60
   	  	.Caption = "The MAC address is obtained from SqueezePlay installed on the same computer as Squeezebox Server. Select Settings > Advanced > Squeezebox Information > SqueezePlay Information and enter address below."  
  	End With
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 90,162,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "MAC Address:"
  	End With
  	Set Edit2 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel3)
   	  	Edit2.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxMAC"
   	  	Edit2.Common.SetRect 160,157,110,25
   	  	Edit2.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC")
   	If Edit2.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit2.Text = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
  	End If
   	  	Edit2.Common.Hint = "Enter Squeezebox Server MAC Address Here"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,192,420,20
   	  	.Caption = "Press OK and restart MediaMonkey for the changes to take effect."
	End With	
End Sub
Sub SaveSheet(Sheet)
	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxIP").Text
		SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxMAC").Text
End Sub
Sub UserGuide 
 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim OF, FolderToOpen
	Set OF = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
	  	FolderToOpen = sdb.ScriptsPath & "Auto\"
	  	OF.Explore FolderToOpen
	Set OF = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Event_OnPlay
    Dim strRetVal, TrackPath
      	TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If ManualTrackChange = True Then
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""add"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
    	ManualTrackChange = True
	End If
End Sub
Function SyncToggle( itm )
    Dim TrackPath
    Dim Mnu
    	TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = False Then
        SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = True
    Call registerEvents
        itm.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sbon.ico", 0)
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
  		slimRequest(formatCommand("""time"", """ + CStr(SDB.Player.PlaybackTime*0.001 + 1) + """"))      'added 1 second to try to make up for net and lookup lag
    Call unregisterEvents
        SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = False
  	   	itm.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sboff.ico", 0)
 	End If
End Function
Function CheckPath(SongValue)
    If Left(SongValue.Path,1) = "?" Then
    If SongValue.Cached Then
        CheckPath = SongValue.CachedPath
    	CheckPath = SongValue.Path
    End If
    	CheckPath = SongValue.Path
	End If
End Function
Sub Event_OnStop
End Sub
Sub Event_OnShutdown
  	On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Sub Event_OnPause
	If SDB.Player.IsPaused Then
    End If
End Sub
Sub Event_OnSeek
 	Dim strRetVal, TrackPath
  		strRetVal = SqueezeBoxMode
      	TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If InStr(1,strRetval,"mode stop") > 0 Then
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
    End If
      	slimRequest(formatCommand("""time"", """ + CStr(SDB.Player.PlaybackTime*0.001) + """"))
End Sub
Function slimRequest(params)
      'slimRequest accepts pre-formatted parameter string, returns string of the response'
      'logme "  >> slimRequest: Begin with " + params

   	'Dim url : url = "http://" + sbIP + "/jsonrpc.js"
	Dim url : url = "http://" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") & ":9000" + "/jsonrpc.js"
	'Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Objects("LoadXMLBar")
    Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Progress
    Dim objHTTP : Set objHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    Call"POST", url, True)
      	objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      	objHTTP.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"
      	objHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.112 Safari/535.1"

    Dim cnt : cnt = 0
    While (objHTTP.readyState < 4) And (cnt < 300)
    Call SDB.Tools.Sleep(100)
        cnt = cnt+1
    If prog.Terminate Then
    	cnt = 300
    End If   
    If objHTTP.readyState < 4 Then
    Set slimRequest = Nothing
    Dim str : str = objHTTP.responseText
          slimRequest = str
   	End If
End Function
'This is is a JSON RPC call - We're directly calling functions in the Slim::Request module in Perl. See here:
'the addDispatch section tells you how to use the commands and what the RPC module is looking for in terms of formatting
    Function formatCommand(str1)
    Dim str2
    	'str2 = "{""id"":1,""method"":""slim.request"",""params"":[""" + sbMAC + """,[" + str1 + "]]}"
		str2 = "{""id"":1,""method"":""slim.request"",""params"":[""" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") + """,[" + str1 + "]]}"
		formatCommand = str2
End Function
'borrowed from a teknojunky - if you want the popups add them to this and then just call logme
Sub logme(msg)
  	Dim fso, logf
    On Error Resume Next
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set logf = fso.OpenTextFile(Script.ScriptPath&".log",ForAppending,True)
    	logf.WriteLine Now() & ": " & msg
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set logf = Nothing
End Sub
'Perl is taking the JSON strings directly into variables - "\" is a special character in perl to escape the following string
'wherever we have a "\" we need it to be "\\" in anything that goes to Perl (ie: anything that goes to Squeezebox)
Function perlEscape(str1)
   		str1 = Replace(str1, "\", "\\")
    	perlEscape = str1
End Function
Sub registerEvents
 	Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPlay","Event_OnPlay")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPause","Event_OnPause")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnStop","Event_OnStop")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnSeek","Event_OnSeek")
End Sub
Sub unregisterEvents
  		Script.UnregisterEvents SDB
End Sub
'These are what the full JSON strings look like that need to be sent to slimRequest()
'formatRequest() fills in the first part and all you have to do is pick the RPC commands from

'Note: there are cleaner ways of doing this - but this is quick and dirty. It just means that you have to use a lot of """ and etc in vbscript.
'This entire script is much easier to write in jscript but I don't know jscript at all so, shrug.

'{"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["00:04:20:17:06:xx",[""playlist"", ""play"", ""D:\\MP3\\filename.mp3""]]}

'You can do ANYTHING you can do from the web interface via this RPC engine because you are directly calling the methods in Perl
'so you could add whole playlists and etc see the docs. Sky's the limit.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:14 am
by Gingernut63

More info.

Disabling autoplay is fine with me.

My icons are now working fine, will use yours when they are sent.

The on/off is function is misbehaving at the moment. If on/off control was active on shutdown then the icon is green on startup. However when play is activated, music plays on MediaMonkey but does not play on Squeezebox Server. Toggling the button back to green then starts music playing on Squeezebox Server. With music playing and toggling the button red, music stops on SS and continues on MM (good). Stopping MM and toggling green causes music to start playing on SS with MM stopped. Start playing on MM does nothing to SS until MM is stopped and play is pressed, music then plays on both systems

Onseek is now broken. Not a big issue I don't use it myself, will give it low priority at this stage.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development - Beta110816

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:20 pm
by Gingernut63
For anyone wishing to try the script you do not need the icons as MonkeySqueeze will be displayed on the menu and w3Sockets is no longer required for the comms. FWD and REW (seek) still only work for mp3 files.

Booblers has also provided suggestions on how to indent the code which hopefully I have fixed in this version.

Many thanks to booblers for rewriting the code to remove the reliance on w3Sockets and taking the script to the next level by providing improved features

Code: Select all

' MonkeySqueeze V2-0-0-110816Beta
' ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Todd Nemeth/revel
' DATE STARTED: 26.09.2007
' ADDITIONAL AUTHORS: Baz, Big_Berny, Peke, trixmoto, debacle, mccstumble, Gingernut63, booblers
'  - You will also need Squeezebox Server and SqueezePlay installed and running.
'  - After installation the interface for this script is located at Tools\Options\MonkeySqueeze

Option Explicit
Public SqueezeBoxSocket
Public ManualTrackChange
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim onMonkeySqueezeIcon
Dim offMonkeySqueezeIcon
    'Note - you need to include the port here
'Dim sbIP : sbIP = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9000"
'You can get this mac address manually and hardcode it as I have here or you could make another JSON call to "status" and get the MAC address.
'it will be required to directly send commands to a particular player - which is what you want to do. It is in every call to the player.
'I changed my address below for security reasons - you will need to input yours below.
'Dim sbMAC: sbMAC = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
Sub OnStartup
  	Dim ind
  	Dim UI : Set UI = SDB.UI

   	Dim Mnu
   	onMonkeySqueezeIcon = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sbon.ico", 0)
   	If onMonkeySqueezeIcon < 0 Then
      	onMonkeySqueezeIcon = 74 'unlocked icon if it doesn't exist
   	End If
   	offMonkeySqueezeIcon = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sboff.ico", 0)
   	If offMonkeySqueezeIcon < 0 Then
      	offMonkeySqueezeIcon = 75 'locked icon if it doesn't exist
   	End If

  	Set Mnu = UI.AddMenuItem( UI.Menu_TbStandard, 0, 0)
  	Mnu.Caption = "Monkey Squeeze"
  	Mnu.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
  	Mnu.OnClickFunc = "SyncToggle"
  	Mnu.IconIndex = onMonkeySqueezeIcon
  	Mnu.Hint = "Monkey Squeeze"
  	Set SDB.Objects("MonkeySqueezeIcon") = Mnu      'save a reference to it so we can change the icon later.

  	If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = True Then
      	Call registerEvents
      	Mnu.IconIndex = onMonkeySqueezeIcon
      	Mnu.IconIndex = offMonkeySqueezeIcon
   	End If

  	ind = SDB.UI.AddOptionSheet("MonkeySqueeze",Script.ScriptPath,"InitSheet","SaveSheet",-2)
  	ManualTrackChange = True
End Sub

Sub InitSheet(Sheet)
  	Dim oPanel1, oCheck1, oLabelAbout, oPanel2, Edit1, oPanel3, Btn1, Edit2

  	Set oPanel1 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel1.Common.SetRect 10,10,450,75
   	oPanel1.Caption = "MonkeySqueeze v1.5.0.110814"
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel1)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,440,40
   	  	.Caption = "This script allows MediaMonkey to play music on SqueezeBox Server" & vbNewLine _
   	  	& vbNewLine _
   	  	& "To Enable/Disable this addon, go to the Play Menu and click on MonkeySqueeze"
  	End With
  	Set oPanel2 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel2.Common.SetRect 10,95,450,80
   	oPanel2.Caption = "User Guide"
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel2)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,440,40
   	  	.Caption = "Click the button and then open MonkeySqueeze_UserGuide.pdf"
  	End With
  	Set Btn1 = SDB.UI.NewButton(oPanel2) 
  	Btn1.Common.SetRect 175,45,80,25 
  	Btn1.Caption = "User Guide" 
  	Btn1.Common.Hint = "Click to open the folder where the user guide is located"
  	Script.RegisterEvent Btn1, "OnClick", "UserGuide" 
  	Set oPanel3 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel3.Common.SetRect 10,185,450,220
   	oPanel3.Caption = "Squeezebox Server IP and MAC Address"

  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Multiline = True
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,420,60
   	  	.Caption = "This script uses the IP address displayed in the information section of Squeezebox Server. Click on the icon in the task bar and open the Control Panel. Under the information tab, find the Server IP 					Address, e.g. and enter below." 
 	End With

  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 105,79,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "IP Address:"
  	End With
  	Set Edit1 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel3)
   	Edit1.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxIP"
   	Edit1.Common.SetRect 165,75,95,25
   	Edit1.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP")
   	If Edit1.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit1.Text = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
  	End If
   	Edit1.Common.Hint = "Enter Squeezebox Server IP Address Here"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Multiline = True
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,105,420,60
   	  	.Caption = "The MAC address is obtained from SqueezePlay installed on the same computer as Squeezebox Server. Select Settings > Advanced > Squeezebox Information > SqueezePlay Information and enter address below."  
  	End With
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 90,162,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "MAC Address:"
  	End With
  	Set Edit2 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel3)
   	Edit2.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxMAC"
   	Edit2.Common.SetRect 160,157,110,25
   	Edit2.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC")
   	If Edit2.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit2.Text = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
  	End If
   	Edit2.Common.Hint = "Enter Squeezebox Server MAC Address Here"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,192,420,20
   	  	.Caption = "Press OK and restart MediaMonkey for the changes to take effect."
	End With	
End Sub
Sub SaveSheet(Sheet)
	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxIP").Text
	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxMAC").Text
End Sub
Sub UserGuide 
 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim OF, FolderToOpen
	Set OF = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
	FolderToOpen = sdb.ScriptsPath & "Auto\"
	OF.Explore FolderToOpen
	Set OF = Nothing
End Sub
Sub InitSqueezeBox
  	On Error Resume Next
  	Set SqueezeBoxSocket = CreateObject("Socket.TCP")
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.DoTelnetEmulation = True
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.TelnetEmulation = "TTY"
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.Host = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") & ":9090"
End Sub
Function SqueezeBoxMode
  	On Error Resume Next
  	SqueezeBoxMode = ""
	'SqueezeBoxSocket.SendLine "mode ?"
	'SqueezeBoxMode = SqueezeBoxSocket.GetLine
End Function
Sub Event_OnPlay
    Dim strRetVal, TrackPath
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If ManualTrackChange = True Then
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""add"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
    	ManualTrackChange = True
	End If
End Sub
Function SyncToggle( itm )
    Dim TrackPath
    Dim Mnu
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = False Then
        SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = True
    	Call registerEvents
    	itm.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sbon.ico", 0)
    	slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
  		slimRequest(formatCommand("""time"", """ + CStr(SDB.Player.PlaybackTime*0.001 + 1) + """"))      'added 1 second to try to make up for net and lookup lag
    	Call unregisterEvents
        SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = False
  	   	itm.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sboff.ico", 0)
 	End If
End Function
Function CheckPath(SongValue)
    If Left(SongValue.Path,1) = "?" Then
    	If SongValue.Cached Then
        	CheckPath = SongValue.CachedPath
    		CheckPath = SongValue.Path
    	End If
    	CheckPath = SongValue.Path
	End If
End Function
Sub Event_OnStop
End Sub
Sub Event_OnShutdown
  	On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Sub Event_OnPause
	If SDB.Player.IsPaused Then
    End If
End Sub
Sub Event_OnSeek
 	Dim strRetVal, TrackPath
  	strRetVal = SqueezeBoxMode
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If InStr(1,strRetval,"mode stop") > 0 Then
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
    End If
    slimRequest(formatCommand("""time"", """ + CStr(SDB.Player.PlaybackTime*0.001) + """"))
End Sub
Function slimRequest(params)
    'slimRequest accepts pre-formatted parameter string, returns string of the response'
    'logme "  >> slimRequest: Begin with " + params

   	'Dim url : url = "http://" + sbIP + "/jsonrpc.js"
	Dim url : url = "http://" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") & ":9000" + "/jsonrpc.js"
	'Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Objects("LoadXMLBar")
    Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Progress
    Dim objHTTP : Set objHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    Call"POST", url, True)
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.112 Safari/535.1"

    Dim cnt : cnt = 0
    While (objHTTP.readyState < 4) And (cnt < 300)
    	Call SDB.Tools.Sleep(100)
        cnt = cnt+1
    	If prog.Terminate Then
    		cnt = 300
    	End If   
    If objHTTP.readyState < 4 Then
    	Set slimRequest = Nothing
    	Dim str : str = objHTTP.responseText
          slimRequest = str
   	End If
End Function
'This is is a JSON RPC call - We're directly calling functions in the Slim::Request module in Perl. See here:
'the addDispatch section tells you how to use the commands and what the RPC module is looking for in terms of formatting
Function formatCommand(str1)
    Dim str2
    'str2 = "{""id"":1,""method"":""slim.request"",""params"":[""" + sbMAC + """,[" + str1 + "]]}"
	str2 = "{""id"":1,""method"":""slim.request"",""params"":[""" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") + """,[" + str1 + "]]}"
	formatCommand = str2
End Function
'borrowed from a teknojunky - if you want the popups add them to this and then just call logme
Sub logme(msg)
  	Dim fso, logf
    On Error Resume Next
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set logf = fso.OpenTextFile(Script.ScriptPath&".log",ForAppending,True)
    logf.WriteLine Now() & ": " & msg
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set logf = Nothing
End Sub
'Perl is taking the JSON strings directly into variables - "\" is a special character in perl to escape the following string
'wherever we have a "\" we need it to be "\\" in anything that goes to Perl (ie: anything that goes to Squeezebox)
Function perlEscape(str1)
   	str1 = Replace(str1, "\", "\\")
    perlEscape = str1
End Function
Sub registerEvents
 	Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPlay","Event_OnPlay")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPause","Event_OnPause")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnStop","Event_OnStop")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnSeek","Event_OnSeek")
End Sub
Sub unregisterEvents
  	Script.UnregisterEvents SDB
End Sub
'These are what the full JSON strings look like that need to be sent to slimRequest()
'formatRequest() fills in the first part and all you have to do is pick the RPC commands from

'Note: there are cleaner ways of doing this - but this is quick and dirty. It just means that you have to use a lot of """ and etc in vbscript.
'This entire script is much easier to write in jscript but I don't know jscript at all so, shrug.

'{"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["00:04:20:17:06:xx",[""playlist"", ""play"", ""D:\\MP3\\filename.mp3""]]}

'You can do ANYTHING you can do from the web interface via this RPC engine because you are directly calling the methods in Perl
'so you could add whole playlists and etc see the docs. Sky's the limit.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:01 pm
by mccstumble
What a day today has been. That's the last time I update, in one go, my full Squeezebox and companion programs (ie SBS to LMS, MM Beta1.414 to 1422, Squeezeplay and last, but by no means least, the great MonkeySqueeze form a stable release to a beta.

To be honest most of the time today was spent on Logitech Media Server not starting. It turns out that the install routine doesn't clean out the previous SBS cache which then prevents LMS from starting. Odd they don't include that option in the install?? It's all working fine now.

Have been using the Beta MonkeySqueeze from the last post. Major improvements are (in no particular order), not needing W3 Sockets, no longer having autostart (it was a pain anyway), the enable/disable icons are a real bonus and easy to use with minimum of mouse clicking. Not sure at this stage, as MM has only been playing for an hour or so, but there have been no premature ending of tracks in that time (note; I use MP3 format and not FLAC or any Lossless files).

So, from someone who used the cobbled together script and who is now using the beta script a big thanks to gingernut63 and boobler for this latest beta version of MonkeySqueeze.

I'm not sure how realistic this suugestion is.........MM quite happily plays CDs. LMS has a CD Player Plugin that enables it to play CDs both in RAW format and transcoded. I wonder if it is possible that MonkeySqueeze somehow utilises the CDPlayer Plugin in LMS?

cheers mccstumble

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development-Buffering Issue

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:26 am
by Gingernut63
Probably the greatest issue MonkeySqueeze faces is the buffering issue between MediaMonkey and the Squeezebox system. Solve this issue and the basic goals are achieved.

Before I go further I should state I'm writing this from a perspective of a person who is not a MediaMonkey or Squeezebox expert but a person who has a more than basic understanding of computers.

What is the problem? When MediaMonkey is linked to Squeezebox via MonkeySqueeze there is a noticeable lag in the music playing on a Squeezebox device. The lag usually ranges from 1 to 7 seconds depending on file size, type etc... When a new track starts playing on MediaMonkey the previous track can still be playing on the Squeezebox device and it will abruptly finish to be replaced by the next piece of music. This is exacerbated by tracks that have no lead out silence such as some classical, opera, progressive rock etc... any music with gap less tracks.

What is happening is a delay caused by the track being loaded by a Squeezebox device before it plays (buffering) and delays in MediaMonkey communication as it passes through various computer subsystems. The format of the track can have a significant impact on the issue; when playing mp3 tracks the lag is about 1 to 3 seconds however when playing lossless tracks such as FLAC the lag can be from 4 seconds to 10 seconds in extreme cases.

What can be done? Good question. I'm sorry to say at this stage I do not have the skills to do the advanced programming that would be required :( and hence why I'm writing this post. I have a couple of ideas but they may not be achievable or totally off track but I'll table them anyway.

1. If MonkeySqueeze could monitor the track countdown time on a squeezebox device then it could delay the next track from playing until the time falls to 0.00 seconds. A delay between tracks will possibly still occur but it is better than a track abruptly stopping

2. Introduce a synchronise function similar to the one in Squeezebox Server

If anyone has better ideas or wishes to contribute to the discussion please take the time to reply.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development - Beta110827

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:52 pm
by Gingernut63
Latest Beta release V2.0.0.110827.

This release contains contains changes to the settings page but no changes to the operation of the script. Text gives better connection instructions.

To use this version, copy the script to Notepad and save as MonkeySqueeze.vbs to one one of the following locations:
C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto or C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto

If you use this script please report any issues on this forum. Feedback is required so we can implement changes before any official release.

Code: Select all

' MonkeySqueeze V2-0-0-110827Beta
' ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Todd Nemeth/revel
' DATE STARTED: 26.09.2007
' ADDITIONAL AUTHORS: Baz, Big_Berny, Peke, trixmoto, debacle, mccstumble, Gingernut63, booblers
'  - You will also need Squeezebox Server and SqueezePlay installed and running.
'  - After installation the interface for this script is located at Tools\Options\MonkeySqueeze

Option Explicit
Public SqueezeBoxSocket
Public ManualTrackChange
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim onMonkeySqueezeIcon
Dim offMonkeySqueezeIcon
    'Note - you need to include the port here
'Dim sbIP : sbIP = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9000"
'You can get this mac address manually and hardcode it as I have here or you could make another JSON call to "status" and get the MAC address.
'it will be required to directly send commands to a particular player - which is what you want to do. It is in every call to the player.
'I changed my address below for security reasons - you will need to input yours below.
'Dim sbMAC: sbMAC = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
Sub OnStartup
  	Dim ind
  	Dim UI : Set UI = SDB.UI

   	Dim Mnu
   	onMonkeySqueezeIcon = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sbon.ico", 0)
   	If onMonkeySqueezeIcon < 0 Then
      	onMonkeySqueezeIcon = 74 'unlocked icon if it doesn't exist
   	End If
   	offMonkeySqueezeIcon = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sboff.ico", 0)
   	If offMonkeySqueezeIcon < 0 Then
      	offMonkeySqueezeIcon = 75 'locked icon if it doesn't exist
   	End If

  	Set Mnu = UI.AddMenuItem( UI.Menu_TbStandard, 0, 0)
  	Mnu.Caption = "MonkeySqueeze"
  	Mnu.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
  	Mnu.OnClickFunc = "SyncToggle"
  	Mnu.IconIndex = onMonkeySqueezeIcon
  	Mnu.Hint = "Enable Disable MonkeySqueeze"
  	Set SDB.Objects("MonkeySqueezeIcon") = Mnu      'save a reference to it so we can change the icon later.

  	If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = True Then
      	Call registerEvents
      	Mnu.IconIndex = onMonkeySqueezeIcon
      	Mnu.IconIndex = offMonkeySqueezeIcon
   	End If

  	ind = SDB.UI.AddOptionSheet("MonkeySqueeze",Script.ScriptPath,"InitSheet","SaveSheet",-2)
  	ManualTrackChange = True
End Sub

Sub InitSheet(Sheet)
  	Dim oPanel1, oCheck1, oLabelAbout, oPanel2, Edit1, oPanel3, Btn1, Edit2

  	Set oPanel1 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel1.Common.SetRect 10,10,450,75
   	oPanel1.Caption = "MonkeySqueeze v2.0.0.110827Beta"
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel1)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,440,40
   	  	.Caption = "This script allows MediaMonkey to play music on a Squeezebox System" & vbNewLine _
   	  	& vbNewLine _
   	  	& "To Enable/Disable MonkeySqueeze, click the button on the toolbar main menu"
  	End With
  	Set oPanel2 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel2.Common.SetRect 10,95,450,60
   	oPanel2.Caption = "User Guide"
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel2)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,25,440,40
   	  	.Caption = "Click the button and then open MonkeySqueeze_UserGuide.pdf"
  	End With
  	Set Btn1 = SDB.UI.NewButton(oPanel2) 
  	Btn1.Common.SetRect 345,20,80,25 
  	Btn1.Caption = "User Guide" 
  	Btn1.Common.Hint = "Click to open the folder where the user guide is located"
  	Script.RegisterEvent Btn1, "OnClick", "UserGuide" 
  	Set oPanel3 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel3.Common.SetRect 10,165,450,165
   	oPanel3.Caption = "Logitech Media Server IP and Device MAC Addresses"

  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Multiline = True
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,420,60
   	  	.Caption = "This script uses the IP address of Logitech Media Server (Squeezebox Server) and the MAC address of the device (Touch, SoftSqueeze, etc...) you wish to connect to. Open the Logitech Media Server Web Control page and then open the Settings page. Under the Information tab find the Server IP Address, e.g. and enter below. Find the device you wish to connect to and enter the MAC address below, e.g. z1:6d:4g:40:1f:32" 
 	End With

  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,114,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "LMS IP Address:"
  	End With
  	Set Edit1 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel3)
   	Edit1.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxIP"
   	Edit1.Common.SetRect 97,110,95,25
   	Edit1.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP")
   	If Edit1.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit1.Text = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
  	End If
   	Edit1.Common.Hint = "Enter LMS IP Address here"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 215,114,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "Device MAC Address:"
  	End With
  	Set Edit2 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel3)
   	Edit2.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxMAC"
   	Edit2.Common.SetRect 322,110,110,25
   	Edit2.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC")
   	If Edit2.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit2.Text = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
  	End If
   	Edit2.Common.Hint = "Enter device MAC Address here"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,140,420,20
   	  	.Caption = "Press OK and restart the music for the changes to take effect."
	End With
	'Dim Logo
	'With SDB.UI.NewLabel(Sheet)
   	  	'.Common.SetRect 10,500,420,110
		'Logo = "<img src=""" & script.scriptpath & "\MonkeySqueeze_Logo_Emboss.png"" width=""100"" height=""100"">"
		'Logo = "<img src=""" & script.scriptpath & "\MonkeySqueeze_Logo_Emboss.png"">"
		'Logo = "<img src=""" & sdb.ScriptsPath & "Auto\" & "\MonkeySqueeze_Logo_Emboss.png"" width=""100"" height=""100"">"
		'Logo = "<img src=""" & sdb.ScriptsPath & "\MonkeySqueeze_Logo_Emboss.png"" width=""100"" height=""100"">"
  	'End With
End Sub
Sub SaveSheet(Sheet)
	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxIP").Text
	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxMAC").Text
End Sub
Sub UserGuide 
 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim OF, FolderToOpen
	Set OF = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
	FolderToOpen = sdb.ScriptsPath & "Auto\"
	OF.Explore FolderToOpen
	Set OF = Nothing
End Sub
Sub InitSqueezeBox
  	On Error Resume Next
  	Set SqueezeBoxSocket = CreateObject("Socket.TCP")
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.DoTelnetEmulation = True
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.TelnetEmulation = "TTY"
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.Host = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") & ":9090"
End Sub
Function SqueezeBoxMode
  	On Error Resume Next
  	SqueezeBoxMode = ""
	'SqueezeBoxSocket.SendLine "mode ?"
	'SqueezeBoxMode = SqueezeBoxSocket.GetLine
End Function
Sub Event_OnPlay
    Dim strRetVal, TrackPath
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If ManualTrackChange = True Then
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""add"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
    	ManualTrackChange = True
	End If
End Sub
Function SyncToggle( itm )
    Dim TrackPath
    Dim Mnu
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = False Then
        SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = True
    	Call registerEvents
    	itm.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sbon.ico", 0)
    	slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
  		slimRequest(formatCommand("""time"", """ + CStr(SDB.Player.PlaybackTime*0.001 + 1) + """"))      'added 1 second to try to make up for net and lookup lag
    	Call unregisterEvents
        SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = False
  	   	itm.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sboff.ico", 0)
 	End If
End Function
Function CheckPath(SongValue)
    If Left(SongValue.Path,1) = "?" Then
    	If SongValue.Cached Then
        	CheckPath = SongValue.CachedPath
    		CheckPath = SongValue.Path
    	End If
    	CheckPath = SongValue.Path
	End If
End Function
Sub Event_OnStop
End Sub
Sub Event_OnShutdown
  	On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Sub Event_OnPause
	If SDB.Player.IsPaused Then
    End If
End Sub
Sub Event_OnSeek
 	Dim strRetVal, TrackPath
  	strRetVal = SqueezeBoxMode
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If InStr(1,strRetval,"mode stop") > 0 Then
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
    End If
    slimRequest(formatCommand("""time"", """ + CStr(SDB.Player.PlaybackTime*0.001) + """"))
End Sub
Function slimRequest(params)
    'slimRequest accepts pre-formatted parameter string, returns string of the response'
    'logme "  >> slimRequest: Begin with " + params

   	'Dim url : url = "http://" + sbIP + "/jsonrpc.js"
	Dim url : url = "http://" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") & ":9000" + "/jsonrpc.js"
	'Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Objects("LoadXMLBar")
    Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Progress
    Dim objHTTP : Set objHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    Call"POST", url, True)
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.112 Safari/535.1"

    Dim cnt : cnt = 0
    While (objHTTP.readyState < 4) And (cnt < 300)
    	Call SDB.Tools.Sleep(100)
        cnt = cnt+1
    	If prog.Terminate Then
    		cnt = 300
    	End If   
    If objHTTP.readyState < 4 Then
    	Set slimRequest = Nothing
    	Dim str : str = objHTTP.responseText
          slimRequest = str
   	End If
End Function
'This is is a JSON RPC call - We're directly calling functions in the Slim::Request module in Perl. See here:
'the addDispatch section tells you how to use the commands and what the RPC module is looking for in terms of formatting
Function formatCommand(str1)
    Dim str2
    'str2 = "{""id"":1,""method"":""slim.request"",""params"":[""" + sbMAC + """,[" + str1 + "]]}"
	str2 = "{""id"":1,""method"":""slim.request"",""params"":[""" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBoxx","MAC") + """,[" + str1 + "]]}"
	formatCommand = str2
End Function
'borrowed from a teknojunky - if you want the popups add them to this and then just call logme
Sub logme(msg)
  	Dim fso, logf
    On Error Resume Next
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set logf = fso.OpenTextFile(Script.ScriptPath&".log",ForAppending,True)
    logf.WriteLine Now() & ": " & msg
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set logf = Nothing
End Sub
'Perl is taking the JSON strings directly into variables - "\" is a special character in perl to escape the following string
'wherever we have a "\" we need it to be "\\" in anything that goes to Perl (ie: anything that goes to Squeezebox)
Function perlEscape(str1)
   	str1 = Replace(str1, "\", "\\")
    perlEscape = str1
End Function
Sub registerEvents
 	Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPlay","Event_OnPlay")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPause","Event_OnPause")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnStop","Event_OnStop")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnSeek","Event_OnSeek")
End Sub
Sub unregisterEvents
  	Script.UnregisterEvents SDB
End Sub
'These are what the full JSON strings look like that need to be sent to slimRequest()
'formatRequest() fills in the first part and all you have to do is pick the RPC commands from

'Note: there are cleaner ways of doing this - but this is quick and dirty. It just means that you have to use a lot of """ and etc in vbscript.
'This entire script is much easier to write in jscript but I don't know jscript at all so, shrug.

'{"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["00:04:20:17:06:xx",[""playlist"", ""play"", ""D:\\MP3\\filename.mp3""]]}

'You can do ANYTHING you can do from the web interface via this RPC engine because you are directly calling the methods in Perl
'so you could add whole playlists and etc see the docs. Sky's the limit.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:44 am
by Gingernut63
MonkeySqueeze is now on twitter!!/MonkeySqueeze1/

For the latest info on all things MonkeySqueeze, latest releases, news, tips, beta releases and development. A quick way to find out what is happening and telling you when to visit the forums. Feel free to tweet your comments on MonkeySqueeze.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development - Beta 110831

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:34 pm
by Gingernut63
Latest Beta release V2.0.0.110831.

This release adds the ability to change the HTTP port number if Logitech Media Server (Squeezebox Server) is using a different HTTP port due to conflicts with another program. Also contains changes to the settings page.

To use this version, copy the script to Notepad and save as MonkeySqueeze.vbs to one one of the following locations:
C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto or C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto

If you use this script please report any issues on this forum. Feedback is required so we can implement changes before any official release.

Code: Select all

' MonkeySqueeze V2-0-0-110831Beta
' ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Todd Nemeth/revel
' DATE STARTED: 26.09.2007
' ADDITIONAL AUTHORS: Baz, Big_Berny, Peke, trixmoto, debacle, mccstumble, Gingernut63, booblers
'  - You will also need Logitech Media Server (Squeezebox Server) installed and running
'  - Optional: Install and run SqueezePlay or SoftSqueeze
'  - After installation the settings page for this script is located at Tools > Options > MonkeySqueeze

Option Explicit
Public SqueezeBoxSocket
Public ManualTrackChange
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim onMonkeySqueezeIcon
Dim offMonkeySqueezeIcon

Sub OnStartup
  	Dim ind
  	Dim UI : Set UI = SDB.UI

   	Dim Mnu
   	onMonkeySqueezeIcon = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sbon.ico", 0)
   	If onMonkeySqueezeIcon < 0 Then
      	onMonkeySqueezeIcon = 74 'unlocked icon if it doesn't exist
   	End If
   	offMonkeySqueezeIcon = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sboff.ico", 0)
   	If offMonkeySqueezeIcon < 0 Then
      	offMonkeySqueezeIcon = 75 'locked icon if it doesn't exist
   	End If

  	Set Mnu = UI.AddMenuItem( UI.Menu_TbStandard, 0, 0)
  	Mnu.Caption = "MonkeySqueeze"
  	Mnu.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
  	Mnu.OnClickFunc = "SyncToggle"
  	Mnu.IconIndex = onMonkeySqueezeIcon
  	Mnu.Hint = "Enable/Disable MonkeySqueeze"
  	Set SDB.Objects("MonkeySqueezeIcon") = Mnu      'save a reference to it so we can change the icon later.

  	If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = True Then
      	Call registerEvents
      	Mnu.IconIndex = onMonkeySqueezeIcon
      	Mnu.IconIndex = offMonkeySqueezeIcon
   	End If

  	ind = SDB.UI.AddOptionSheet("MonkeySqueeze",Script.ScriptPath,"InitSheet","SaveSheet",-2)
  	ManualTrackChange = True
End Sub

Sub InitSheet(Sheet)
  	Dim oPanel1, oCheck1, oLabelAbout, oPanel2, Edit1, oPanel3, Btn1, Edit2, oPanel4, Edit3

  	Set oPanel1 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel1.Common.SetRect 10,10,450,75
   	oPanel1.Caption = "MonkeySqueeze v2.0.0.110831Beta"
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel1)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,440,40
   	  	.Caption = "This script allows MediaMonkey to play music on a Squeezebox System" & vbNewLine _
   	  	& vbNewLine _
   	  	& "To Enable/Disable MonkeySqueeze, click the button on the toolbar main menu"
  	End With
  	Set oPanel2 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel2.Common.SetRect 10,95,450,60
   	oPanel2.Caption = "User Guide"
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel2)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,25,440,40
   	  	.Caption = "Click the button and then open MonkeySqueeze_UserGuide.pdf"
  	End With
  	Set Btn1 = SDB.UI.NewButton(oPanel2) 
  	Btn1.Common.SetRect 345,20,80,25 
  	Btn1.Caption = "User Guide" 
  	Btn1.Common.Hint = "Click to open the folder where the user guide is located"
  	Script.RegisterEvent Btn1, "OnClick", "UserGuide" 
  	Set oPanel3 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel3.Common.SetRect 10,165,450,125
   	oPanel3.Caption = "Logitech Media Server IP Address and HTTP Port"

  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Multiline = True
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,420,50
   	  	.Caption = "Open the LMS (Squeezebox Server) Web Control page > Settings page > Information tab and find the Server IP Address, e.g. and enter below. The default HTTP Port number is 9000. See the user guide if you wish to change it" 
 	End With

  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,74,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "IP Address:"
  	End With
  	Set Edit1 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel3)
   	Edit1.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxIP"
   	Edit1.Common.SetRect 75,70,95,25
   	Edit1.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP")
   	If Edit1.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit1.Text = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
  	End If
   	Edit1.Common.Hint = "Enter LMS IP Address here"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 215,74,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "HTTP Port No:"
  	End With
	Set Edit2 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel3)
   	Edit2.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxPort"
   	Edit2.Common.SetRect 287,70,35,25
   	Edit2.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","Port")
   	If Edit2.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit2.Text = "9000"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","Port") = "9000"
  	End If
   	Edit2.Common.Hint = "HTTP port default is 9000. See user guide if you wish to change it"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel3)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,100,420,20
   	  	.Caption = "Press OK and restart the music for the changes to take effect."
	End With
	Set oPanel4 = SDB.UI.NewGroupBox(Sheet)
   	oPanel4.Common.SetRect 10,300,450,125
   	oPanel4.Caption = "Squeezebox Device MAC Address"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel4)
   	  	.Multiline = True
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,20,420,60
   	  	.Caption = "The MAC address of the device (Touch, SqueezePlay, etc...) you wish to connect to. Open the LMS Web Control page > Settings page > Information tab and find the device you wish to connect to. Enter the MAC address below, e.g. z1:6d:4g:40:1f:32" 
 	End With
  	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel4)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,74,70,20
   	  	.Caption = "Device MAC Address:"
  	End With
   	Set Edit3 = SDB.UI.NewEdit(oPanel4)
   	Edit3.Common.ControlName = "SqueezeBoxMAC"
   	Edit3.Common.SetRect 122,70,110,25
   	Edit3.Text = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","MAC")
   	If Edit3.Text = "" Then
   	  	Edit3.Text = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
   	  	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","MAC") = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
  	End If
   	Edit3.Common.Hint = "Enter device MAC Address here"
	With SDB.UI.NewLabel(oPanel4)
   	  	.Common.SetRect 15,100,420,20
   	  	.Caption = "Press OK and restart the music for the changes to take effect."
	End With
End Sub
Sub SaveSheet(Sheet)
	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxIP").Text
	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","Port") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxPort").Text
	SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","MAC") = Sheet.Common.ChildControl("SqueezeBoxMAC").Text
End Sub
Sub UserGuide 
 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim OF, FolderToOpen
	Set OF = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
	FolderToOpen = sdb.ScriptsPath & "Auto\"
	OF.Explore FolderToOpen
	Set OF = Nothing
End Sub
Sub InitSqueezeBox
  	On Error Resume Next
  	Set SqueezeBoxSocket = CreateObject("Socket.TCP")
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.DoTelnetEmulation = True
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.TelnetEmulation = "TTY"
  	SqueezeBoxSocket.Host = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") & ":9090"
End Sub
Function SqueezeBoxMode
  	On Error Resume Next
  	SqueezeBoxMode = ""
	'SqueezeBoxSocket.SendLine "mode ?"
	'SqueezeBoxMode = SqueezeBoxSocket.GetLine
End Function
Sub Event_OnPlay
    Dim strRetVal, TrackPath
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If ManualTrackChange = True Then
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""add"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
    	ManualTrackChange = True
	End If
End Sub
Function SyncToggle( itm )
    Dim TrackPath
    Dim Mnu
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = False Then
        SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = True
    	Call registerEvents
    	itm.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sbon.ico", 0)
    	slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
  		slimRequest(formatCommand("""time"", """ + CStr(SDB.Player.PlaybackTime*0.001 + 1) + """"))      'added 1 second to try to make up for net and lookup lag
    	Call unregisterEvents
        SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("MonkeySqueeze","SyncToggle") = False
  	   	itm.IconIndex = SDB.RegisterIcon("Scripts\Auto\sboff.ico", 0)
 	End If
End Function
Function CheckPath(SongValue)
    If Left(SongValue.Path,1) = "?" Then
    	If SongValue.Cached Then
        	CheckPath = SongValue.CachedPath
    		CheckPath = SongValue.Path
    	End If
    	CheckPath = SongValue.Path
	End If
End Function
Sub Event_OnStop
End Sub
Sub Event_OnShutdown
  	On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Sub Event_OnPause
	If SDB.Player.IsPaused Then
    End If
End Sub
Sub Event_OnSeek
 	Dim strRetVal, TrackPath
  	strRetVal = SqueezeBoxMode
    TrackPath = CheckPath(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
    If InStr(1,strRetval,"mode stop") > 0 Then
        slimRequest(formatCommand("""playlist"", ""play"", """ + perlEscape(TrackPath) + """"))
    End If
    slimRequest(formatCommand("""time"", """ + CStr(SDB.Player.PlaybackTime*0.001) + """"))
End Sub
Function slimRequest(params)
    'slimRequest accepts pre-formatted parameter string, returns string of the response'
    'logme "  >> slimRequest: Begin with " + params

   	'Dim url : url = "http://" + sbIP + "/jsonrpc.js"
	'Dim url : url = "http://" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") & ":9000" + "/jsonrpc.js"
	Dim url : url = "http://" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","IP") + ":" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","Port") + "/jsonrpc.js"
	'Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Objects("LoadXMLBar")
    Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Progress
    Dim objHTTP : Set objHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    Call"POST", url, True)
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.112 Safari/535.1"

    Dim cnt : cnt = 0
    While (objHTTP.readyState < 4) And (cnt < 300)
    	Call SDB.Tools.Sleep(100)
        cnt = cnt+1
    	If prog.Terminate Then
    		cnt = 300
    	End If   
    If objHTTP.readyState < 4 Then
    	Set slimRequest = Nothing
    	Dim str : str = objHTTP.responseText
          slimRequest = str
   	End If
End Function
'This is is a JSON RPC call - We're directly calling functions in the Slim::Request module in Perl. See here:
'the addDispatch section tells you how to use the commands and what the RPC module is looking for in terms of formatting
Function formatCommand(str1)
    Dim str2
    'str2 = "{""id"":1,""method"":""slim.request"",""params"":[""" + sbMAC + """,[" + str1 + "]]}"
	str2 = "{""id"":1,""method"":""slim.request"",""params"":[""" + SDB.IniFile.StringValue("SqueezeBox","MAC") + """,[" + str1 + "]]}"
	formatCommand = str2
End Function
'borrowed from a teknojunky - if you want the popups add them to this and then just call logme
Sub logme(msg)
  	Dim fso, logf
    On Error Resume Next
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set logf = fso.OpenTextFile(Script.ScriptPath&".log",ForAppending,True)
    logf.WriteLine Now() & ": " & msg
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set logf = Nothing
End Sub
'Perl is taking the JSON strings directly into variables - "\" is a special character in perl to escape the following string
'wherever we have a "\" we need it to be "\\" in anything that goes to Perl (ie: anything that goes to Squeezebox)
Function perlEscape(str1)
   	str1 = Replace(str1, "\", "\\")
    perlEscape = str1
End Function
Sub registerEvents
 	Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPlay","Event_OnPlay")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnPause","Event_OnPause")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnStop","Event_OnStop")
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(SDB,"OnSeek","Event_OnSeek")
End Sub
Sub unregisterEvents
  	Script.UnregisterEvents SDB
End Sub
'These are what the full JSON strings look like that need to be sent to slimRequest()
'formatRequest() fills in the first part and all you have to do is pick the RPC commands from

'Note: there are cleaner ways of doing this - but this is quick and dirty. It just means that you have to use a lot of """ and etc in vbscript.
'This entire script is much easier to write in jscript but I don't know jscript at all so, shrug.

'{"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["00:04:20:17:06:xx",[""playlist"", ""play"", ""D:\\MP3\\filename.mp3""]]}

'You can do ANYTHING you can do from the web interface via this RPC engine because you are directly calling the methods in Perl
'so you could add whole playlists and etc see the docs. Sky's the limit.

Re: MonkeySqueeze Development

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:53 pm
by Katteman
I am happy with the new versions. Just before the last Beta I changed my port from the Synology default 9002 to 9000 (sigh).
I also modified TrackPath to change the MediaMonkey file name to the NAS server file name, and use SqueezeCenter on the NAS.
First change backslash to forward slash.
Then change the base of the PC-based music file system to the base of the NAS music file system. In my case, change "Y:" to "/volume1/music".
Now it works on the NAS server and I don't need to change servers when I change from Squeezebox Controller to MediaMonkey and vice versa.

I hope the time lag problem can be solved, because in my system it is sometimes as large as 15 seconds. Very annoying.

Thanks for the script and all efforts,