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Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:21 pm
by DC
kevinchg wrote:Tet's see following ,
I use your scipts to generate the iTunes XML,
for thinese MP3 stored in chinese path and file name, all tags information are coded in codepoint type,
so does the file path. [...]
Thanks for the detailed information - exactly what I needed. Check out this new version. If this works I will replace the script on the first page of this thread.

Code: Select all

' This script exports the complete MediaMonkey database (songs and playlist) into
' the iTunes xml format. Some caveats apply, for details and the latest version
' see the MediaMonkey forum thread at
' Change history:
' 1.0   initial version
' 1.1   options added for disabling timer and showing a file selection dialog
' 1.2   fixed: unicode characters (e.g. Chinese) were encoded different than iTunes does

option explicit     ' report undefined variables, ...

' Customize options below; then (re)start MM.
const ENABLE_TIMER = true ' change to false to prevent automatic exporting once per hour
const QUERY_FOLDER = false ' set tp true to be asked each time where to save the iTunes xml file

' End of options.

'  ------------------------------------------------------------------
const EXPORTING = "itunes_export_active"
dim scriptControl ' : scriptControl = CreateObject("ScriptControl")

' Returns encoded URI for provided location string. 
function encodeLocation(location)
  ' 10.10.2010: need jscript engine to access its encodeURI function which is not 
  ' available in vbscript
  if isEmpty(scriptControl) then
    set scriptControl = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
    scriptControl.Language = "JScript"
  end if

  location = replace(location, "\", "/")
  encodeLocation = scriptControl.Run("encodeURI", location)
end function

' Returns UTF8 equivalent string of the provided Unicode codepoint c.
' For the argument AscW should be used to get the Unicode codepoint
' (not Asc).
' Function by "Arnout", copied from this stackoverflow question:
function Utf8(ByVal c)
  dim b1, b2, b3
  if c < 128 then
    Utf8 = chr(c)
  elseif c < 2048 then
    b1 = c mod 64
    b2 = (c - b1) / 64
    Utf8 = chr(&hc0 + b2) & chr(&h80 + b1)
  elseif c < 65536 then
    b1 = c mod 64
    b2 = ((c - b1) / 64) mod 64
    b3 = (c - b1 - (64 * b2)) / 4096
    Utf8 = chr(&he0 + b3) & chr(&h80 + b2) & chr(&h80 + b1)
  end if
end function

' Returns the XML suitable escaped version of the srcstring parameter.
' This function is based on MapXML found in other MM scripts, e.g.
' Export.vbs, but fixes a unicode issue and is probably faster.
' Note that a bug in AscW still prevents the correct handling of unicode
' codepoints > 65535.
function escapeXML(srcstring)
  dim i, codepoint, currentchar, replacement
  i = 1
  while i <= Len(srcstring)
    currentchar = mid(srcstring, i, 1)
    replacement = null
    if currentchar = "&" then
      replacement = "&"
    elseif currentchar = "<" then
      replacement = "<"
    elseif currentchar = ">" then
      replacement = ">"
      codepoint = AscW(currentchar)
      if codepoint < 0 then ' adjust for negative (incorrect) values, see also
        codepoint = codepoint + 65536
      end if
      ' Important: reject control characters except tab, cr, lf. See also
      if codepoint > 127 or currentchar = vbTab or currentchar = vbLf or currentchar = vbCr then
        ' replacement = "&#" + CStr(codepoint) + ";"
        replacement = Utf8(codepoint)
      elseif codepoint < 32 then
        replacement = ""
      end if
    end if
    if not IsNull(replacement) then ' otherwise we keep the original srcstring character (common case)
      srcstring = mid(srcstring, 1, i - 1) + replacement + Mid(srcstring, i + 1, Len(srcstring))
      i = i + len(replacement)
      i = i + 1
    end if
  escapeXML = srcstring
end function

' N must be numberic. Return value is N converted to a string, padded with
' a single "0" if N has only one digit.
function LdgZ(N)    
  if (N >= 0) and (N < 10) then 
    LdgZ = "0" & N 
    LdgZ = "" & N  
  end if  
end function  

' Adds a simple key/value pair to the XML accessible via textfile fout.
sub addKey(fout, key, val, keytype)
  if keytype = "string" then
    if val = "" then ' nested if because there is no shortcut boolean eval
      exit sub
    end if
  end if
  if keytype = "integer" then
    if val = 0 then ' nested if because there is no shortcut boolean eval
      exit sub
    end if
  end if
  if keytype = "date" then ' convert date into ISO-8601 format
    val = Year(val) & "-" & LdgZ(Month(val)) & "-" & LdgZ(Day(val)) _
      & "T" & LdgZ(Hour(val)) &  ":" & LdgZ(Minute(val)) & ":" & LdgZ(Second(val))
  end if
  fout.WriteLine "            <key>" & key & "</key><" & keytype & ">" & val & "</" & keytype & ">"
end sub

' Return the full path of the file to export to. The file will be located 
' in the same folder as the database because this folder is writable and user
' specific. For maximum compatibility we will use the original iTunes name
' which is "iTunes Music Library.xml".
' 29.03.2009: if the new option QUERY_FOLDER is set to true this function
' will query for the folder to save to instead.
function getExportFilename()
  dim path
  if QUERY_FOLDER then
    dim inif
    set inif = SDB.IniFile
    path = inif.StringValue("Scripts", "LastExportITunesXMLDir")
    path = SDB.SelectFolder(path, SDB.Localize("Select where to export the iTunes XML file to."))
    if path = "" then
      exit function
    end if
    if right(path, 1) <> "\" then
      path = path & "\"
    end if
    inif.StringValue("Scripts", "LastExportITunesXMLDir") = path
    set inif = Nothing  
    dim dbpath : dbpath = SDB.Database.Path
    dim parts : parts = split(dbpath, "\")
    dim dbfilename : dbfilename = parts(UBound(parts))
    path = Mid(dbpath, 1, Len(dbpath) - Len(dbfilename))
  end if
  getExportFilename = path + "iTunes Music Library.xml"
end function

' Exports the full MM library and playlists into an iTunes compatible
' library.xml. This is not intended to make MM's database available to
' iTunes itself but to provide a bridge to other applications which are
' able to read the iTunes library xml.
sub export
  if SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) is nothing then
    SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = SDB
    MsgBox SDB.Localize("iTunes export is already in progress."), 64, "iTunes Export Script"
    exit sub
  end if

  dim filename, fso, iter, songCount, fout, progress, song, playlistCount
  dim progressText, i, j, tracks, playlist
  filename = getExportFilename()
  if filename = "" then
    SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = nothing
    exit sub
  end if

  set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
  set fout = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, true)

  set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select count(*) from SONGS")
  songCount = Int(iter.ValueByIndex(0)) ' needed for progress
  set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select count(*) from PLAYLISTS")
  playlistCount = CInt(iter.ValueByIndex(0)) 

  set progress = SDB.Progress
  progressText = SDB.Localize("Exporting to iTunes library.xml...")
  Progress.Text = progressText
  Progress.MaxValue = songCount + playlistCount * 50

  fout.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"
  fout.WriteLine "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC ""-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"" """">"
  fout.WriteLine "<plist version=""1.0"">"
  fout.WriteLine "<dict>"
  fout.WriteLine "    <key>Major Version</key><integer>1</integer>"
  fout.WriteLine "    <key>Minor Version</key><integer>1</integer>"
  fout.WriteLine "    <key>Application Version</key><string>7.6</string>"
  fout.WriteLine "    <key>Features</key><integer>5</integer>" ' whatever that means
  fout.WriteLine "    <key>Show Content Ratings</key><true/>"
  ' Fields not available in MM:
  ' fout.WriteLine "    <key>Music Folder</key><string>file://localhost/C:/....../iTunes/iTunes%20Music/</string>"
  ' fout.WriteLine "    <key>Library Persistent ID</key><string>4A9134D6F642512F</string>"

  ' Songs
  ' For each song write available tag values to the library.xml. At this time 
  ' this does not include artwork, volume leveling and album rating.
  if songCount > 0 then
    fout.WriteLine "    <key>Tracks</key>"
    fout.WriteLine "    <dict>"
    i = 0
    set iter = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("")
    while not iter.EOF and not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate
      set song = iter.Item

      ' %d always inserts 0, don't know why
      i = i + 1
      progress.Text = progressText & " " & SDB.LocalizedFormat("%s / %s songs", CStr(i), CStr(songCount), 0)
      if i mod 50 = 0 then
      end if

      fout.WriteLine "        <key>" & & "</key>"
      fout.WriteLine "        <dict>   "
      addKey fout, "Track ID",, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Name", escapeXML(Song.Title), "string"
      addKey fout, "Artist", escapeXML(Song.ArtistName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Composer", escapeXML(Song.MusicComposer), "string"
      addKey fout, "Album Artist", escapeXML(Song.AlbumArtistName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Album", escapeXML(Song.AlbumName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Kind", escapeXML("MPEG audio file"), "string"
      addKey fout, "Size", Song.FileLength, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Genre", escapeXML(Song.Genre), "string"
      addKey fout, "Total Time", Song.SongLength, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Track Number", Song.TrackOrder, "integer" ' potential type problem with TrackOrderStr
      addKey fout, "Disc Number", Song.DiscNumber, "integer" ' potential type problem with DiscNumberStr
      addKey fout, "Play Count", Song.PlayCounter, "integer"
      if Song.Rating >= 0 and Song.Rating <= 100 then
        addKey fout, "Rating", Song.Rating, "integer" ' rating seems to be compatible in range (although not stored in same id3 tag)
      end if
      addKey fout, "Year", Song.Year, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Date Modified", Song.FileModified, "date"
      addKey fout, "Date Added", Song.DateAdded, "date"
      addKey fout, "Bit Rate", Int(Song.Bitrate / 1000), "integer"
      addKey fout, "Sample Rate", Song.SampleRate, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Track Type", escapeXML("File"), "string"
      addKey fout, "File Folder Count", -1, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Library Folder Count", -1, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Comments", escapeXML(Song.Comment), "string"
      ' 10.10.2010: fixed: location was not correctly URI encoded before
      ' addKey fout, "Location", "file://localhost/" & Replace(Replace(Escape(Song.Path), "%5C", "/"), "%3A", ":"), "string"
      addKey fout, "Location", encodeLocation("file://localhost/" & Song.Path), "string"

      ' TODO artwork?
      ' addKey fout, "Artwork Count", 0, "integer"
      ' TODO convert to iTunes rating range. MM: -99999...?. iTunes: -255 (silent) .. 255
      ' fout.WriteLine "            <key>Volume Adjustment</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.Leveling) & "</integer>" 

      ' Fields not available in MM:
      ' fout.WriteLine "            <key>Disc Count</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.?) & "</integer>"
      ' fout.WriteLine "            <key>Album Rating</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.?) & "</integer>"
      ' fout.WriteLine "            <key>Persistent ID</key><string>5282DFDE369975A8</string>"

      fout.WriteLine "        </dict>"

    fout.WriteLine "    </dict>"
  end if
  ' Playlists
  ' This part differs at least with the following items from an original iTunes 
  ' library.xml:
  ' - iTunes includes a playlist named "Library" with all songs, we don't
  ' - every iTunes playlist has a "Playlist Persistent ID", e.g. "4A9134D6F6425130"
  '   We don't have that data.
  ' Also note: auto-playlists are evaluated once and are exported like that. They
  ' are not converted into iTunes auto-playlists. A consequence of this is that
  ' e.g. randomized or size-limited playlists will contain a static snapshot taken
  ' at export time.
  if playlistCount > 0 and not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate then
    fout.WriteLine "    <key>Playlists</key>"
    fout.WriteLine "    <array>"
    ' Get playlists and store them into an array. Make sure that we do not have
    ' an open query while playlist.Tracks is evaluated because that will fail
    ' (it wants to start a db transaction but can't because a query is still open)
    dim playlists()
    set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select PlaylistName from PLAYLISTS")
    i = 0
    while not iter.EOF 
      set playlist = SDB.PlaylistByTitle(iter.StringByIndex(0))
      if playlist.Title <> "Accessible Tracks" then ' this would correspond to iTunes' "Library" playlist
        redim preserve playlists(i)
        set playlists(i) = playlist
        i = i + 1
      end if
    set iter = nothing

    for each playlist in playlists
      set tracks = playlist.Tracks
      ' %d always inserts 0, don't know why
      i = i + 1
      progress.Text = progressText & " " & SDB.LocalizedFormat("playlist ""%s"" (%s songs)", playlist.Title, CStr(tracks.Count), 0)

      fout.WriteLine "        <dict>"
      addKey fout, "Name", escapeXML(playlist.Title), "string"
      ' Apparently only used for "Library" playlist:
      ' addKey fout, "Master", Nothing, "true"
      ' addKey fout, "Visible", Nothing, "empty"
      addKey fout, "Playlist ID", playlist.ID, "integer"
      ' No MM field for this:
      ' addKey fout, "Playlist Persistent ID", "4A9134D6F6425130", "string"
      fout.WriteLine "            <key>All Items</key><true/>"
      if tracks.Count > 0 then      
        fout.WriteLine "            <key>Playlist Items</key>"
        fout.WriteLine "            <array>"
        for j = 0 to tracks.Count - 1
          fout.WriteLine "                <dict>"
          fout.WriteLine "                    <key>Track ID</key><integer>" & tracks.Item(j).ID & "</integer>"
          fout.WriteLine "                </dict>"
        fout.WriteLine "            </array>"
      end if
      fout.WriteLine "        </dict>"
      progress.Value = progress.Value + 50
      if Progress.Terminate or Script.Terminate then
        exit for
      end if
    fout.WriteLine "    </array>"
  end if
  fout.WriteLine "</dict>"
  fout.WriteLine "</plist>"
  fout.Close ' Close the output file and finish

  dim ok : ok = not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate
  set Progress = Nothing
  on error resume next
  if not ok then
    fso.DeleteFile(filename) ' remove the output file if terminated
  end if
  SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = nothing
end sub

sub timedExport(exportTimer)
  if SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) is nothing then
  end if
end sub

' Called when MM starts up, installs a timer to export the data
' frequently to the iTunes library.xml.
sub OnStartup
  if ENABLE_TIMER then
    dim exportTimer : set exportTimer = SDB.CreateTimer(3600000) ' export every 60 minutes
    Script.RegisterEvent exportTimer, "OnTimer", "timedExport"
  end if
end sub

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:20 pm
by kevinchg
Hi DC:
Thanks for your update,
I've tested it , however it looks more complicated than we expect,
I'll try to explain as detail as I can
the result is..

1: Location path and filename of chinese can be identified(I mean "detected") now, but the tag information(Artist, Title....)
are all shown in "???????" in Squeeze.
2:I also try Japanese to see the result, unfortunately, for that, they cannot identifed in path & filename,
and tag information also show "???????" in Squeeze.
3:English one is fine and works well.

More, I personally try modify a line in your scripts(sorry for not tell you in advance),
I'm not a programmer, just try,

1: I just modify
"Location", "file://localhost/" & Replace(Replace(Escape(Song.Path), "%5C", "/"), "%3A", ":"), "string"
"Location", "file://localhost/" & Song.Path, "string"

2: then export XML
3: Use code convert applicaton "ConvertZ" to convert the content of XML from "Big5" to "UTF-8"
4: Next , Import it to Squeeze, and Squeeze can work well both Chinese and English.
5:But , for Japanese, still get error on filepath , filename problem.

I suppose it also will happen in Korean one, bu I currently don't have korea song on hand,

Maybe, it's the problem of Squeeze, or some limitation of VBS,
Although really want to have scripts "Universal" for the world,
but at least , 90% of my database works now (sounds a little bit selfish),
for Japanese , what I can do just change the name of file and folder,

If it takes you too much time , just leave it, no more care.

Appreciate you again

Use iTunes library as a bridge of MM and Squeeze is a good idea,
break apple's file format legend, no need to install itunes ( MM actually can do everything well as itunes)
Get inspiration from you post is worth of the ticket already...

and BTW,
If you still want to fix it, just let me know, I'll help to do it,
at least , my OS is suitable for CKJ environment, can see the result fathfully.
Best Regards

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:16 pm
by tatoosh
Hi there.

Great Script - but i doesn't work for me. I want to export 17000files, iTunes only imported 189files and after it tehre was error 50.
What to do now`?

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:28 am
by tatoosh
Ok i found the error in the source:

the "&" isn't escaped to "&" ;)

I replaced it here:

Code: Select all

' Returns encoded URI for provided location string.
function encodeLocation(location)
  ' 10.10.2010: need jscript engine to access its encodeURI function which is not
  ' available in vbscript
  if isEmpty(scriptControl) then
    set scriptControl = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
    scriptControl.Language = "JScript"
  end if

  location = replace(location, "\", "/")
 location = replace(location, "&", "&")
  encodeLocation = scriptControl.Run("encodeURI", location)
end function
location = replace(location, "&", "&")

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:29 am
by Jadjam
Hi, thanks for this great script, its really helped me out but is there any chance after the first time it asks for a location it could remember that for future exports? Basically I want the xml file to go to Program Files\Itunes\ without user intervention.


Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:40 am
by markstuartwalker

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:23 pm
by Jadjam
markstuartwalker wrote:Have you looked at ... start=9999
Thanks for the reply, yes I've seen that but preferably I would not like iTunes installed and running in the background. All I need on my computer is the library xml file.

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:24 pm
by wormywyrm
I create an itunes library with your script, but when I replace the original library with the new one it does not work. I load iTunes up and it acts like there was no library file at all and it overrides the library file with a clean/empty one. I am using iTunes 10.2.2

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:22 pm
by wormywyrm
I think the new version of iTunes uses iTunes Library.itl instead of the xml file.

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:15 pm
by remmer
Does this still work with the latest MM? I can't seem to get the playcount to export.

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:09 pm
by remmer
Is there a way to edit this script to just export the play count? I don't want to export any other data but that. I would try myself but I have no idea where to start with these scripts.

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:14 pm
by Rhashime
For other Traktor users out there, I have made a slight modification to the script to support exporting the BPM field.

Code: Select all

option explicit     ' report undefined variables, ...

' Customize options below; then (re)start MM.
const ENABLE_TIMER = true ' change to false to prevent automatic exporting once per hour
const QUERY_FOLDER = false ' set tp true to be asked each time where to save the iTunes xml file

' End of options.

'  ------------------------------------------------------------------
const EXPORTING = "itunes_export_active"

' Returns the XML suitable escaped version of the srcstring parameter.
' This function is based on MapXML found in other MM scripts, e.g.
' Export.vbs, but fixes a unicode issue and is probably faster.
' Note that a bug in AscW still prevents the correct handling of unicode
' codepoints > 65535.
function escapeXML(srcstring)
  dim i, codepoint, currentchar, replacement
  i = 1
  while i <= Len(srcstring)
    currentchar = Mid(srcstring, i, 1)
    replacement = Null
    if currentchar = "&" then
      replacement = "&"
    elseif currentchar = "<" then
      replacement = "<"
    elseif currentchar = ">" then
      replacement = ">"
      codepoint = AscW(currentchar)
      if codepoint < 0 then ' adjust for negative (incorrect) values, see also
        codepoint = codepoint + 65536
      end if
      ' Important: reject control characters except tab, cr, lf. See also
      if codepoint > 127 or currentchar = vbTab or currentchar = vbLf or currentchar = vbCr then
        replacement = "&#" + CStr(codepoint) + ";"
      elseif codepoint < 32 then
        replacement = ""
      end if
    end if
    if not IsNull(replacement) then    
      srcstring = Mid(srcstring, 1, i - 1) + replacement + Mid(srcstring, i + 1, Len(srcstring))
      i = i + Len(replacement) - 1 ' 07.10.2010: no need to parse that #99999; stuff again although it does no harm
    end if
    i = i + 1
  escapeXML = srcstring
end function

' N must be numberic. Return value is N converted to a string, padded with
' a single "0" if N has only one digit.
function LdgZ(N)    
  if (N >= 0) and (N < 10) then 
    LdgZ = "0" & N 
    LdgZ = "" & N  
  end if  
end function  

' Adds a simple key/value pair to the XML accessible via textfile fout.
sub addKey(fout, key, val, keytype)
  if keytype = "string" then
    if val = "" then ' nested if because there is no shortcut boolean eval
      exit sub
    end if
  end if
  if keytype = "integer" then
    if val = 0 then ' nested if because there is no shortcut boolean eval
      exit sub
    end if
  end if
  if keytype = "date" then ' convert date into ISO-8601 format
    val = Year(val) & "-" & LdgZ(Month(val)) & "-" & LdgZ(Day(val)) _
      & "T" & LdgZ(Hour(val)) &  ":" & LdgZ(Minute(val)) & ":" & LdgZ(Second(val))
  end if
  fout.WriteLine "         <key>" & key & "</key><" & keytype & ">" & val & "</" & keytype & ">"
end sub

' Return the full path of the file to export to. The file will be located 
' in the same folder as the database because this folder is writable and user
' specific. For maximum compatibility we will use the original iTunes name
' which is "iTunes Music Library.xml".
' 29.03.2009: if the new option QUERY_FOLDER is set to true this function
' will query for the folder to save to instead.
function getExportFilename()
  dim path
  if QUERY_FOLDER then
    dim inif
    set inif = SDB.IniFile
    path = inif.StringValue("Scripts", "LastExportITunesXMLDir")
    path = SDB.SelectFolder(path, SDB.Localize("Select where to export the iTunes XML file to."))
    if path = "" then
      exit function
    end if
    if right(path, 1) <> "\" then
      path = path & "\"
    end if
    inif.StringValue("Scripts", "LastExportITunesXMLDir") = path
    set inif = Nothing  
    dim dbpath : dbpath = SDB.Database.Path
    dim parts : parts = split(dbpath, "\")
    dim dbfilename : dbfilename = parts(UBound(parts))
    path = Mid(dbpath, 1, Len(dbpath) - Len(dbfilename))
  end if
  getExportFilename = path + "iTunes Music Library.xml"
end function

' Exports the full MM library and playlists into an iTunes compatible
' library.xml. This is not intended to make MM's database available to
' iTunes itself but to provide a bridge to other applications which are
' able to read the iTunes library xml.
sub export
  if SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) is nothing then
    SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = SDB
    MsgBox SDB.Localize("iTunes export is already in progress."), 64, "iTunes Export Script"
    exit sub
  end if

  dim filename, fso, iter, songCount, fout, progress, song, playlistCount
  dim progressText, i, j, tracks, playlist
  filename = getExportFilename()
  if filename = "" then
    SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = nothing
    exit sub
  end if

  set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
  set fout = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, true)

  set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select count(*) from SONGS")
  songCount = Int(iter.ValueByIndex(0)) ' needed for progress
  set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select count(*) from PLAYLISTS")
  playlistCount = CInt(iter.ValueByIndex(0)) 

  set progress = SDB.Progress
  progressText = SDB.Localize("Exporting to iTunes library.xml...")
  Progress.Text = progressText
  Progress.MaxValue = songCount + playlistCount * 50

  fout.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"
  fout.WriteLine "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC ""-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"" """">"
  fout.WriteLine "<plist version=""1.0"">"
  fout.WriteLine "<dict>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Major Version</key><integer>1</integer>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Minor Version</key><integer>1</integer>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Application Version</key><string>7.6</string>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Features</key><integer>5</integer>" ' whatever that means
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Show Content Ratings</key><true/>"
  ' Fields not available in MM:
  ' fout.WriteLine "   <key>Music Folder</key><string>file://localhost/C:/....../iTunes/iTunes%20Music/</string>"
  ' fout.WriteLine "   <key>Library Persistent ID</key><string>4A9134D6F642512F</string>"

  ' Songs
  ' For each song write available tag values to the library.xml. At this time 
  ' this does not include artwork, volume leveling and album rating.
  if songCount > 0 then
    fout.WriteLine "   <key>Tracks</key>"
    fout.WriteLine "   <dict>"
    i = 0
    set iter = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("")
    while not iter.EOF and not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate
      set song = iter.Item

      ' %d always inserts 0, don't know why
      i = i + 1
      progress.Text = progressText & " " & SDB.LocalizedFormat("%s / %s songs", CStr(i), CStr(songCount), 0)
      if i mod 50 = 0 then
      end if

      fout.WriteLine "      <key>" & & "</key>"
      fout.WriteLine "      <dict>   "
      addKey fout, "Track ID",, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Name", escapeXML(Song.Title), "string"
      addKey fout, "Artist", escapeXML(Song.ArtistName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Composer", escapeXML(Song.MusicComposer), "string"
      addKey fout, "Album Artist", escapeXML(Song.AlbumArtistName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Album", escapeXML(Song.AlbumName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Kind", escapeXML("MPEG audio file"), "string"
      addKey fout, "Size", Song.FileLength, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Genre", escapeXML(Song.Genre), "string"
      addKey fout, "Total Time", Song.SongLength, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Track Number", Song.TrackOrder, "integer" ' potential type problem with TrackOrderStr
      addKey fout, "Disc Number", Song.DiscNumber, "integer" ' potential type problem with DiscNumberStr
      addKey fout, "Play Count", Song.PlayCounter, "integer"
      if Song.Rating >= 0 and Song.Rating <= 100 then
        addKey fout, "Rating", Song.Rating, "integer" ' rating seems to be compatible in range (although not stored in same id3 tag)
      end if
      addKey fout, "Year", Song.Year, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Date Modified", Song.FileModified, "date"
      addKey fout, "Date Added", Song.DateAdded, "date"
      addKey fout, "Bit Rate", Int(Song.Bitrate / 1000), "integer"
      addKey fout, "Sample Rate", Song.SampleRate, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Track Type", escapeXML("File"), "string"
      addKey fout, "File Folder Count", -1, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Library Folder Count", -1, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Comments", escapeXML(Song.Comment), "string"
	  addKey fout, "BPM", Song.BPM, "string"
      addKey fout, "Location", "file://localhost/" & Replace(Replace(Escape(Song.Path), "%5C", "/"), "%3A", ":"), "string"

      ' TODO artwork?
      ' addKey fout, "Artwork Count", 0, "integer"
      ' TODO convert to iTunes rating range. MM: -99999...?. iTunes: -255 (silent) .. 255
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Volume Adjustment</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.Leveling) & "</integer>" 

      ' Fields not available in MM:
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Disc Count</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.?) & "</integer>"
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Album Rating</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.?) & "</integer>"
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Persistent ID</key><string>5282DFDE369975A8</string>"

      fout.WriteLine "      </dict>"

    fout.WriteLine "   </dict>"
  end if
  ' Playlists
  ' This part differs at least with the following items from an original iTunes 
  ' library.xml:
  ' - iTunes includes a playlist named "Library" with all songs, we don't
  ' - every iTunes playlist has a "Playlist Persistent ID", e.g. "4A9134D6F6425130"
  '   We don't have that data.
  ' Also note: auto-playlists are evaluated once and are exported like that. They
  ' are not converted into iTunes auto-playlists. A consequence of this is that
  ' e.g. randomized or size-limited playlists will contain a static snapshot taken
  ' at export time.
  if playlistCount > 0 and not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate then
    fout.WriteLine "   <key>Playlists</key>"
    fout.WriteLine "   <array>"
    ' Get playlists and store them into an array. Make sure that we do not have
    ' an open query while playlist.Tracks is evaluated because that will fail
    ' (it wants to start a db transaction but can't because a query is still open)
    dim playlists()
    set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select PlaylistName from PLAYLISTS")
    i = 0
    while not iter.EOF 
      set playlist = SDB.PlaylistByTitle(iter.StringByIndex(0))
      if playlist.Title <> "Accessible Tracks" then ' this would correspond to iTunes' "Library" playlist
        redim preserve playlists(i)
        set playlists(i) = playlist
        i = i + 1
      end if
    set iter = nothing

    for each playlist in playlists
      set tracks = playlist.Tracks
      ' %d always inserts 0, don't know why
      i = i + 1
      progress.Text = progressText & " " & SDB.LocalizedFormat("playlist ""%s"" (%s songs)", playlist.Title, CStr(tracks.Count), 0)

      fout.WriteLine "      <dict>"
      addKey fout, "Name", escapeXML(playlist.Title), "string"
      ' Apparently only used for "Library" playlist:
      ' addKey fout, "Master", Nothing, "true"
      ' addKey fout, "Visible", Nothing, "empty"
      addKey fout, "Playlist ID", playlist.ID, "integer"
      ' No MM field for this:
      ' addKey fout, "Playlist Persistent ID", "4A9134D6F6425130", "string"
      fout.WriteLine "         <key>All Items</key><true/>"
      if tracks.Count > 0 then      
        fout.WriteLine "         <key>Playlist Items</key>"
        fout.WriteLine "         <array>"
        for j = 0 to tracks.Count - 1
          fout.WriteLine "            <dict>"
          fout.WriteLine "               <key>Track ID</key><integer>" & tracks.Item(j).ID & "</integer>"
          fout.WriteLine "            </dict>"
        fout.WriteLine "         </array>"
      end if
      fout.WriteLine "      </dict>"
      progress.Value = progress.Value + 50
      if Progress.Terminate or Script.Terminate then
        exit for
      end if
    fout.WriteLine "   </array>"
  end if
  fout.WriteLine "</dict>"
  fout.WriteLine "</plist>"
  fout.Close ' Close the output file and finish

  dim ok : ok = not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate
  set Progress = Nothing
  on error resume next
  if not ok then
    fso.DeleteFile(filename) ' remove the output file if terminated
  end if
  SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = nothing
end sub

sub timedExport(exportTimer)
  if SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) is nothing then
  end if
end sub

' Called when MM starts up, installs a timer to export the data
' frequently to the iTunes library.xml.
sub OnStartup
  if ENABLE_TIMER then
    dim exportTimer : set exportTimer = SDB.CreateTimer(3600000) ' export every 60 minutes
    Script.RegisterEvent exportTimer, "OnTimer", "timedExport"
  end if
end sub
"DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far ..."

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:52 am
by Guest
Hello folks, I'm an iTunes/Serato user eager to get this working for my DJ needs.
On the last post it seems that the ability to export "BPM" data was added. Is the song "KEY" data also part of the script?
Rhashime wrote:For other Traktor users out there, I have made a slight modification to the script to support exporting the BPM field.

Code: Select all

option explicit     ' report undefined variables, ...

' Customize options below; then (re)start MM.
const ENABLE_TIMER = true ' change to false to prevent automatic exporting once per hour
const QUERY_FOLDER = false ' set tp true to be asked each time where to save the iTunes xml file

' End of options.

'  ------------------------------------------------------------------
const EXPORTING = "itunes_export_active"

' Returns the XML suitable escaped version of the srcstring parameter.
' This function is based on MapXML found in other MM scripts, e.g.
' Export.vbs, but fixes a unicode issue and is probably faster.
' Note that a bug in AscW still prevents the correct handling of unicode
' codepoints > 65535.
function escapeXML(srcstring)
  dim i, codepoint, currentchar, replacement
  i = 1
  while i <= Len(srcstring)
    currentchar = Mid(srcstring, i, 1)
    replacement = Null
    if currentchar = "&" then
      replacement = "&"
    elseif currentchar = "<" then
      replacement = "<"
    elseif currentchar = ">" then
      replacement = ">"
      codepoint = AscW(currentchar)
      if codepoint < 0 then ' adjust for negative (incorrect) values, see also
        codepoint = codepoint + 65536
      end if
      ' Important: reject control characters except tab, cr, lf. See also
      if codepoint > 127 or currentchar = vbTab or currentchar = vbLf or currentchar = vbCr then
        replacement = "&#" + CStr(codepoint) + ";"
      elseif codepoint < 32 then
        replacement = ""
      end if
    end if
    if not IsNull(replacement) then    
      srcstring = Mid(srcstring, 1, i - 1) + replacement + Mid(srcstring, i + 1, Len(srcstring))
      i = i + Len(replacement) - 1 ' 07.10.2010: no need to parse that #99999; stuff again although it does no harm
    end if
    i = i + 1
  escapeXML = srcstring
end function

' N must be numberic. Return value is N converted to a string, padded with
' a single "0" if N has only one digit.
function LdgZ(N)    
  if (N >= 0) and (N < 10) then 
    LdgZ = "0" & N 
    LdgZ = "" & N  
  end if  
end function  

' Adds a simple key/value pair to the XML accessible via textfile fout.
sub addKey(fout, key, val, keytype)
  if keytype = "string" then
    if val = "" then ' nested if because there is no shortcut boolean eval
      exit sub
    end if
  end if
  if keytype = "integer" then
    if val = 0 then ' nested if because there is no shortcut boolean eval
      exit sub
    end if
  end if
  if keytype = "date" then ' convert date into ISO-8601 format
    val = Year(val) & "-" & LdgZ(Month(val)) & "-" & LdgZ(Day(val)) _
      & "T" & LdgZ(Hour(val)) &  ":" & LdgZ(Minute(val)) & ":" & LdgZ(Second(val))
  end if
  fout.WriteLine "         <key>" & key & "</key><" & keytype & ">" & val & "</" & keytype & ">"
end sub

' Return the full path of the file to export to. The file will be located 
' in the same folder as the database because this folder is writable and user
' specific. For maximum compatibility we will use the original iTunes name
' which is "iTunes Music Library.xml".
' 29.03.2009: if the new option QUERY_FOLDER is set to true this function
' will query for the folder to save to instead.
function getExportFilename()
  dim path
  if QUERY_FOLDER then
    dim inif
    set inif = SDB.IniFile
    path = inif.StringValue("Scripts", "LastExportITunesXMLDir")
    path = SDB.SelectFolder(path, SDB.Localize("Select where to export the iTunes XML file to."))
    if path = "" then
      exit function
    end if
    if right(path, 1) <> "\" then
      path = path & "\"
    end if
    inif.StringValue("Scripts", "LastExportITunesXMLDir") = path
    set inif = Nothing  
    dim dbpath : dbpath = SDB.Database.Path
    dim parts : parts = split(dbpath, "\")
    dim dbfilename : dbfilename = parts(UBound(parts))
    path = Mid(dbpath, 1, Len(dbpath) - Len(dbfilename))
  end if
  getExportFilename = path + "iTunes Music Library.xml"
end function

' Exports the full MM library and playlists into an iTunes compatible
' library.xml. This is not intended to make MM's database available to
' iTunes itself but to provide a bridge to other applications which are
' able to read the iTunes library xml.
sub export
  if SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) is nothing then
    SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = SDB
    MsgBox SDB.Localize("iTunes export is already in progress."), 64, "iTunes Export Script"
    exit sub
  end if

  dim filename, fso, iter, songCount, fout, progress, song, playlistCount
  dim progressText, i, j, tracks, playlist
  filename = getExportFilename()
  if filename = "" then
    SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = nothing
    exit sub
  end if

  set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
  set fout = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, true)

  set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select count(*) from SONGS")
  songCount = Int(iter.ValueByIndex(0)) ' needed for progress
  set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select count(*) from PLAYLISTS")
  playlistCount = CInt(iter.ValueByIndex(0)) 

  set progress = SDB.Progress
  progressText = SDB.Localize("Exporting to iTunes library.xml...")
  Progress.Text = progressText
  Progress.MaxValue = songCount + playlistCount * 50

  fout.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"
  fout.WriteLine "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC ""-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"" """">"
  fout.WriteLine "<plist version=""1.0"">"
  fout.WriteLine "<dict>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Major Version</key><integer>1</integer>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Minor Version</key><integer>1</integer>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Application Version</key><string>7.6</string>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Features</key><integer>5</integer>" ' whatever that means
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Show Content Ratings</key><true/>"
  ' Fields not available in MM:
  ' fout.WriteLine "   <key>Music Folder</key><string>file://localhost/C:/....../iTunes/iTunes%20Music/</string>"
  ' fout.WriteLine "   <key>Library Persistent ID</key><string>4A9134D6F642512F</string>"

  ' Songs
  ' For each song write available tag values to the library.xml. At this time 
  ' this does not include artwork, volume leveling and album rating.
  if songCount > 0 then
    fout.WriteLine "   <key>Tracks</key>"
    fout.WriteLine "   <dict>"
    i = 0
    set iter = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("")
    while not iter.EOF and not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate
      set song = iter.Item

      ' %d always inserts 0, don't know why
      i = i + 1
      progress.Text = progressText & " " & SDB.LocalizedFormat("%s / %s songs", CStr(i), CStr(songCount), 0)
      if i mod 50 = 0 then
      end if

      fout.WriteLine "      <key>" & & "</key>"
      fout.WriteLine "      <dict>   "
      addKey fout, "Track ID",, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Name", escapeXML(Song.Title), "string"
      addKey fout, "Artist", escapeXML(Song.ArtistName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Composer", escapeXML(Song.MusicComposer), "string"
      addKey fout, "Album Artist", escapeXML(Song.AlbumArtistName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Album", escapeXML(Song.AlbumName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Kind", escapeXML("MPEG audio file"), "string"
      addKey fout, "Size", Song.FileLength, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Genre", escapeXML(Song.Genre), "string"
      addKey fout, "Total Time", Song.SongLength, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Track Number", Song.TrackOrder, "integer" ' potential type problem with TrackOrderStr
      addKey fout, "Disc Number", Song.DiscNumber, "integer" ' potential type problem with DiscNumberStr
      addKey fout, "Play Count", Song.PlayCounter, "integer"
      if Song.Rating >= 0 and Song.Rating <= 100 then
        addKey fout, "Rating", Song.Rating, "integer" ' rating seems to be compatible in range (although not stored in same id3 tag)
      end if
      addKey fout, "Year", Song.Year, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Date Modified", Song.FileModified, "date"
      addKey fout, "Date Added", Song.DateAdded, "date"
      addKey fout, "Bit Rate", Int(Song.Bitrate / 1000), "integer"
      addKey fout, "Sample Rate", Song.SampleRate, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Track Type", escapeXML("File"), "string"
      addKey fout, "File Folder Count", -1, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Library Folder Count", -1, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Comments", escapeXML(Song.Comment), "string"
	  addKey fout, "BPM", Song.BPM, "string"
      addKey fout, "Location", "file://localhost/" & Replace(Replace(Escape(Song.Path), "%5C", "/"), "%3A", ":"), "string"

      ' TODO artwork?
      ' addKey fout, "Artwork Count", 0, "integer"
      ' TODO convert to iTunes rating range. MM: -99999...?. iTunes: -255 (silent) .. 255
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Volume Adjustment</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.Leveling) & "</integer>" 

      ' Fields not available in MM:
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Disc Count</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.?) & "</integer>"
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Album Rating</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.?) & "</integer>"
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Persistent ID</key><string>5282DFDE369975A8</string>"

      fout.WriteLine "      </dict>"

    fout.WriteLine "   </dict>"
  end if
  ' Playlists
  ' This part differs at least with the following items from an original iTunes 
  ' library.xml:
  ' - iTunes includes a playlist named "Library" with all songs, we don't
  ' - every iTunes playlist has a "Playlist Persistent ID", e.g. "4A9134D6F6425130"
  '   We don't have that data.
  ' Also note: auto-playlists are evaluated once and are exported like that. They
  ' are not converted into iTunes auto-playlists. A consequence of this is that
  ' e.g. randomized or size-limited playlists will contain a static snapshot taken
  ' at export time.
  if playlistCount > 0 and not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate then
    fout.WriteLine "   <key>Playlists</key>"
    fout.WriteLine "   <array>"
    ' Get playlists and store them into an array. Make sure that we do not have
    ' an open query while playlist.Tracks is evaluated because that will fail
    ' (it wants to start a db transaction but can't because a query is still open)
    dim playlists()
    set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select PlaylistName from PLAYLISTS")
    i = 0
    while not iter.EOF 
      set playlist = SDB.PlaylistByTitle(iter.StringByIndex(0))
      if playlist.Title <> "Accessible Tracks" then ' this would correspond to iTunes' "Library" playlist
        redim preserve playlists(i)
        set playlists(i) = playlist
        i = i + 1
      end if
    set iter = nothing

    for each playlist in playlists
      set tracks = playlist.Tracks
      ' %d always inserts 0, don't know why
      i = i + 1
      progress.Text = progressText & " " & SDB.LocalizedFormat("playlist ""%s"" (%s songs)", playlist.Title, CStr(tracks.Count), 0)

      fout.WriteLine "      <dict>"
      addKey fout, "Name", escapeXML(playlist.Title), "string"
      ' Apparently only used for "Library" playlist:
      ' addKey fout, "Master", Nothing, "true"
      ' addKey fout, "Visible", Nothing, "empty"
      addKey fout, "Playlist ID", playlist.ID, "integer"
      ' No MM field for this:
      ' addKey fout, "Playlist Persistent ID", "4A9134D6F6425130", "string"
      fout.WriteLine "         <key>All Items</key><true/>"
      if tracks.Count > 0 then      
        fout.WriteLine "         <key>Playlist Items</key>"
        fout.WriteLine "         <array>"
        for j = 0 to tracks.Count - 1
          fout.WriteLine "            <dict>"
          fout.WriteLine "               <key>Track ID</key><integer>" & tracks.Item(j).ID & "</integer>"
          fout.WriteLine "            </dict>"
        fout.WriteLine "         </array>"
      end if
      fout.WriteLine "      </dict>"
      progress.Value = progress.Value + 50
      if Progress.Terminate or Script.Terminate then
        exit for
      end if
    fout.WriteLine "   </array>"
  end if
  fout.WriteLine "</dict>"
  fout.WriteLine "</plist>"
  fout.Close ' Close the output file and finish

  dim ok : ok = not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate
  set Progress = Nothing
  on error resume next
  if not ok then
    fso.DeleteFile(filename) ' remove the output file if terminated
  end if
  SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = nothing
end sub

sub timedExport(exportTimer)
  if SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) is nothing then
  end if
end sub

' Called when MM starts up, installs a timer to export the data
' frequently to the iTunes library.xml.
sub OnStartup
  if ENABLE_TIMER then
    dim exportTimer : set exportTimer = SDB.CreateTimer(3600000) ' export every 60 minutes
    Script.RegisterEvent exportTimer, "OnTimer", "timedExport"
  end if
end sub
"DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far ..."

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:51 am
by Mazze_HH
Some guys in this thread asked for an export of the playlist structure as well. As I needed it for Traktor, I did some modifications to the script. Now, parent playlists are displayed properly (at least in Traktor). I also added a third option that allows to run the script on every shutdown of MM.

Please see the following code and give me your comments.

Code: Select all

option explicit     ' report undefined variables, ...

' Customize options below; then (re)start MM.
const ENABLE_TIMER = false ' true: export to lib every hour while MM is running. False: No scheduled export
const SHUTDOWN_EXPORT = true 'True: Export to lib on shutdown of MM. False: No action on shutdown
const QUERY_FOLDER = false ' True: For every expoert, a target folder has to be defined. False: Target: Appdata/Roaming/MediaMonkey is fix

const EXPORTING = "itunes_export_active"
' End of options.

'  ------------------------------------------------------------------

' Returns the XML suitable escaped version of the srcstring parameter.
' This function is based on MapXML found in other MM scripts, e.g.
' Export.vbs, but fixes a unicode issue and is probably faster.
' Note that a bug in AscW still prevents the correct handling of unicode
' codepoints > 65535.
function escapeXML(srcstring)
  dim i, codepoint, currentchar, replacement
  i = 1
  while i <= Len(srcstring)
    currentchar = Mid(srcstring, i, 1)
    replacement = Null
    if currentchar = "&" then
      replacement = "&"
    elseif currentchar = "<" then
      replacement = "<"
    elseif currentchar = ">" then
      replacement = ">"
      codepoint = AscW(currentchar)
      if codepoint < 0 then ' adjust for negative (incorrect) values, see also
        codepoint = codepoint + 65536
      end if
      ' Important: reject control characters except tab, cr, lf. See also
	  if (codepoint > 127 ) or currentchar = vbTab or currentchar = vbLf or currentchar = vbCr then
        replacement = "&#" + CStr(codepoint) + ";"
      elseif codepoint < 32 then
        replacement = ""
      end if
    end if
    if not IsNull(replacement) then    
      srcstring = Mid(srcstring, 1, i - 1) + replacement + Mid(srcstring, i + 1, Len(srcstring))
      i = i + Len(replacement) - 1 ' 07.10.2010: no need to parse that #99999; stuff again although it does no harm
    end if
    i = i + 1
  escapeXML = srcstring
end function

' N must be numberic. Return value is N converted to a string, padded with
' a single "0" if N has only one digit.
function LdgZ(N)    
  if (N >= 0) and (N < 10) then 
    LdgZ = "0" & N 
    LdgZ = "" & N  
  end if  
end function  

' Adds a simple key/value pair to the XML accessible via textfile fout.
sub addKey(fout, key, val, keytype)
  if keytype = "string" then
    if val = "" then ' nested if because there is no shortcut boolean eval
      exit sub
    end if
  end if
  if keytype = "integer" then
    if val = 0 then ' nested if because there is no shortcut boolean eval
      exit sub
    end if
  end if
  if keytype = "date" then ' convert date into ISO-8601 format
    val = Year(val) & "-" & LdgZ(Month(val)) & "-" & LdgZ(Day(val)) _
      & "T" & LdgZ(Hour(val)) &  ":" & LdgZ(Minute(val)) & ":" & LdgZ(Second(val))
  end if
  fout.WriteLine "         <key>" & key & "</key><" & keytype & ">" & val & "</" & keytype & ">"
end sub

' Return the full path of the file to export to. The file will be located 
' in the same folder as the database because this folder is writable and user
' specific. For maximum compatibility we will use the original iTunes name
' which is "iTunes Music Library.xml".
' 29.03.2009: if the new option QUERY_FOLDER is set to true this function
' will query for the folder to save to instead.
function getExportFilename()
  dim path
  if QUERY_FOLDER then
    dim inif
    set inif = SDB.IniFile
    path = inif.StringValue("Scripts", "LastExportITunesXMLDir")
    path = SDB.SelectFolder(path, SDB.Localize("Select where to export the iTunes XML file to."))
    if path = "" then
      exit function
    end if
    if right(path, 1) <> "\" then
      path = path & "\"
    end if
    inif.StringValue("Scripts", "LastExportITunesXMLDir") = path
    set inif = Nothing  
    dim dbpath : dbpath = SDB.Database.Path
    dim parts : parts = split(dbpath, "\")
    dim dbfilename : dbfilename = parts(UBound(parts))
    path = Mid(dbpath, 1, Len(dbpath) - Len(dbfilename))
  end if
  getExportFilename = path + "iTunes Music Library.xml"
end function

' MM stores childplaylists, while iTunes XML stores parent playlist
' This function gets the parent playlist (if existent) 
' Added 12.12.2012 by Matthias 

function getparentID(playlist)
	Dim childID, childItems, i, iter
	childID = playlist.ID
    set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select PlaylistName from PLAYLISTS")
    while not iter.EOF 
		if playlist.Title <> "Accessible Tracks" then ' this would correspond to iTunes' "Library" playlist
			Set childItems = SDB.PlaylistByTitle(iter.StringByIndex(0)).ChildPlaylists
			For i=0 To childItems.Count-1
				if childItems.Item(i).ID = childID then  
					getparentID = SDB.PlaylistByTitle(iter.StringByIndex(0)).ID
					exit function
				end if 
		end if
    set iter = nothing
	getparentID = 0 
end function

' Exports the full MM library and playlists into an iTunes compatible
' library.xml. This is not intended to make MM's database available to
' iTunes itself but to provide a bridge to other applications which are
' able to read the iTunes library xml.
sub ExportLib
  if SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) is nothing then
    SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = SDB
    MsgBox SDB.Localize("iTunes export is already in progress."), 64, "iTunes Export Script"
    exit sub
  end if

  dim filename, fso, iter, songCount, fout, progress, song, playlistCount
  dim progressText, i, j, tracks, playlist
  filename = getExportFilename()
  if filename = "" then
    SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = nothing
    exit sub
  end if

  set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
  set fout = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, true)

  set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select count(*) from SONGS")
  songCount = Int(iter.ValueByIndex(0)) ' needed for progress
  set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select count(*) from PLAYLISTS")
  playlistCount = CInt(iter.ValueByIndex(0)) 

  set progress = SDB.Progress
  progressText = SDB.Localize("Exporting to iTunes library.xml...")
  Progress.Text = progressText
  Progress.MaxValue = songCount + playlistCount * 50

  fout.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"
  fout.WriteLine "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC ""-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"" """">"
  fout.WriteLine "<plist version=""1.0"">"
  fout.WriteLine "<dict>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Major Version</key><integer>1</integer>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Minor Version</key><integer>1</integer>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Application Version</key><string>7.6</string>"
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Features</key><integer>5</integer>" ' whatever that means
  fout.WriteLine "   <key>Show Content Ratings</key><true/>"
  ' Fields not available in MM:
  ' fout.WriteLine "   <key>Music Folder</key><string>file://localhost/C:/....../iTunes/iTunes%20Music/</string>"
  ' fout.WriteLine "   <key>Library Persistent ID</key><string>4A9134D6F642512F</string>"

  ' Songs
  ' For each song write available tag values to the library.xml. At this time 
  ' this does not include artwork, volume leveling and album rating.
  if songCount > 0 then
    fout.WriteLine "   <key>Tracks</key>"
    fout.WriteLine "   <dict>"
    i = 0
    set iter = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("")
    while not iter.EOF and not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate
      set song = iter.Item

      ' %d always inserts 0, don't know why
      i = i + 1
      progress.Text = progressText & " " & SDB.LocalizedFormat("%s / %s songs", CStr(i), CStr(songCount), 0)
      if i mod 50 = 0 then
      end if

      fout.WriteLine "      <key>" & & "</key>"
      fout.WriteLine "      <dict>   "
      addKey fout, "Track ID",, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Name", escapeXML(Song.Title), "string"
      addKey fout, "Artist", escapeXML(Song.ArtistName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Composer", escapeXML(Song.MusicComposer), "string"
      addKey fout, "Album Artist", escapeXML(Song.AlbumArtistName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Album", escapeXML(Song.AlbumName), "string"
      addKey fout, "Kind", escapeXML("MPEG audio file"), "string"
      addKey fout, "Size", Song.FileLength, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Genre", escapeXML(Song.Genre), "string"
      addKey fout, "Total Time", Song.SongLength, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Track Number", Song.TrackOrder, "integer" ' potential type problem with TrackOrderStr
      addKey fout, "Disc Number", Song.DiscNumber, "integer" ' potential type problem with DiscNumberStr
      addKey fout, "Play Count", Song.PlayCounter, "integer"
      if Song.Rating >= 0 and Song.Rating <= 100 then
        addKey fout, "Rating", Song.Rating, "integer" ' rating seems to be compatible in range (although not stored in same id3 tag)
      end if
      addKey fout, "Year", Song.Year, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Date Modified", Song.FileModified, "date"
      addKey fout, "Date Added", Song.DateAdded, "date"
      addKey fout, "Bit Rate", Int(Song.Bitrate / 1000), "integer"
      addKey fout, "Sample Rate", Song.SampleRate, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Track Type", escapeXML("File"), "string"
      addKey fout, "File Folder Count", -1, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Library Folder Count", -1, "integer"
      addKey fout, "Comments", escapeXML(Song.Comment), "string"
     addKey fout, "BPM", Song.BPM, "string"
      addKey fout, "Location", "file://localhost/" & Replace(Replace(Escape(Song.Path), "%5C", "/"), "%3A", ":"), "string"

      ' TODO artwork?
      ' addKey fout, "Artwork Count", 0, "integer"
      ' TODO convert to iTunes rating range. MM: -99999...?. iTunes: -255 (silent) .. 255
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Volume Adjustment</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.Leveling) & "</integer>" 

      ' Fields not available in MM:
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Disc Count</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.?) & "</integer>"
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Album Rating</key><integer>" & escapeXML(Song.?) & "</integer>"
      ' fout.WriteLine "         <key>Persistent ID</key><string>5282DFDE369975A8</string>"

      fout.WriteLine "      </dict>"

    fout.WriteLine "   </dict>"
  end if
  ' Playlists
  ' This part differs at least with the following items from an original iTunes 
  ' library.xml:
  ' - iTunes includes a playlist named "Library" with all songs, we don't
  ' - every iTunes playlist has a "Playlist Persistent ID", e.g. "4A9134D6F6425130"
  '   We don't have that data.
  ' Also note: auto-playlists are evaluated once and are exported like that. They
  ' are not converted into iTunes auto-playlists. A consequence of this is that
  ' e.g. randomized or size-limited playlists will contain a static snapshot taken
  ' at export time.
  if playlistCount > 0 and not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate then
    fout.WriteLine "   <key>Playlists</key>"
    fout.WriteLine "   <array>"
    ' Get playlists and store them into an array. Make sure that we do not have
    ' an open query while playlist.Tracks is evaluated because that will fail
    ' (it wants to start a db transaction but can't because a query is still open)
    dim playlists()
    set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("select PlaylistName from PLAYLISTS")
    i = 0
    while not iter.EOF 
      set playlist = SDB.PlaylistByTitle(iter.StringByIndex(0))
      if playlist.Title <> "Accessible Tracks" then ' this would correspond to iTunes' "Library" playlist
        redim preserve playlists(i)
        set playlists(i) = playlist
        i = i + 1
      end if
    set iter = nothing

    for each playlist in playlists
	  dim parentID
	  parentID = getparentID(playlist)
      set tracks = playlist.Tracks
      ' %d always inserts 0, don't know why
      i = i + 1
      progress.Text = progressText & " " & SDB.LocalizedFormat("playlist ""%s"" (%s songs)", playlist.Title, CStr(tracks.Count), 0)

      fout.WriteLine "      <dict>"
	  addKey fout, "Name", escapeXML(playlist.Title), "string"
      ' Apparently only used for "Library" playlist:
      ' addKey fout, "Master", Nothing, "true"
      ' addKey fout, "Visible", Nothing, "empty"
      addKey fout, "Playlist ID", playlist.ID, "integer"
      ' No MM field for this:
	  addKey fout, "Playlist Persistent ID", playlist.ID, "string"
	  if parentID <> 0 then
		addKey fout, "Parent Persistent ID", parentID, "string"
	  end if 
      fout.WriteLine "         <key>All Items</key><true/>"
      if tracks.Count > 0 then      
        fout.WriteLine "         <key>Playlist Items</key>"
        fout.WriteLine "         <array>"
        for j = 0 to tracks.Count - 1
          fout.WriteLine "            <dict>"
          fout.WriteLine "               <key>Track ID</key><integer>" & tracks.Item(j).ID & "</integer>"
          fout.WriteLine "            </dict>"
        fout.WriteLine "         </array>"
      end if
      fout.WriteLine "      </dict>"
      progress.Value = progress.Value + 50
      if Progress.Terminate or Script.Terminate then
        exit for
      end if
    fout.WriteLine "   </array>"
  end if
  fout.WriteLine "</dict>"
  fout.WriteLine "</plist>"
  fout.Close ' Close the output file and finish

  dim ok : ok = not Progress.Terminate and not Script.Terminate
  set Progress = Nothing
  on error resume next
  if not ok then
    fso.DeleteFile(filename) ' remove the output file if terminated
  end if
  SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) = nothing
end sub

sub forcedExport()
  if SDB.Objects(EXPORTING) is nothing then
    Call ExportLib
  end if
end sub

' Called when MM starts up, installs a timer to export the data
' frequently to the iTunes library.xml.
' 12.12.2012: Added forced export on shutdown (Matthias)
sub OnStartup
  if ENABLE_TIMER then
    dim exportTimer : set exportTimer = SDB.CreateTimer(3600000) ' export every 60 minutes
    Script.RegisterEvent exportTimer, "OnTimer", "forcedExport"
  end if
    Script.RegisterEvent SDB,"OnShutdown","forcedExport"
  end if 
end sub
Please note: This will slow down the script a bit, especially if you have a lot of lists - MM stores child playlists, and iTunes needs parent ID, so I designed a query to get the parent ID (this could be done in SQL as well, so feel free to suggest any faster solutions). The sorting of the top node playlists is not transferred to Traktor. I can live with that, and frankly I do not understand how to change it.

Re: Export to iTunes library.xml

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:57 am
by Mazze_HH
Guest wrote:Hello folks, I'm an iTunes/Serato user eager to get this working for my DJ needs.
On the last post it seems that the ability to export "BPM" data was added. Is the song "KEY" data also part of the script?
I do not quite understand why you would want to export the BPM field? At least Traktor uses the BPM field in the tags, so there is no need to mention it in the xml file. Is that not the same with Serato? (I must admit I quit Serato some months ago)