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Previewer 2.9 - Updated 26/07/2014

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:06 am
by trixmoto
This script previews a song. If you are playing a song (or have one paused) it remembers this song and position. It then adds the selected song to the end of your now playing list (remembering where it added it) and plays it. When the song has finished, it removes it from your now playing list, and plays the previous song from where it left off. Genius! One limitation is that if the interrupted track is a stream then the position cannot be restored, so it will restart from the beginning.

An installer for this script can be downloaded from my website which I suggest because there are mutiple files as well an ini entry.

Code: Select all

' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: Previewer 2.9
' AUTHOR: trixmoto (
' DATE : 26/07/2014
' Thanks to Psyxonova for this help with the design of this script
' Thanks to MoDementia who added check/disable/re-enable for AutoDJ and AutoRateSongs
' Thanks to Nanya who helped make the progress bar editable during preview
' INSTALL: Copy to Scripts directory and add the following to Scripts.ini 
'          Don't forget to remove comments (') and set the order appropriately
' NOTE: This script switches off AutoDJ, AutoRateSongs, AutoAlbumDJ, ScrobblerDJ and RatePlayedSong
'       It restores their previous state afterwards though! :)
' [Previewer]
' FileName=Previewer.vbs
' ProcName=Previewer
' Order=10
' DisplayName=Previewer
' Description=Preview a track without disturbing now playing
' Language=VBScript
' ScriptType=0 
' FIXES: Added ability to move progress bar during preview (thanks to Nanya)

Option Explicit

Dim ManualChange : ManualChange = True

Sub Toolbar(but)
  Call Previewer()
End Sub

Sub Previewer
  If SDB.SelectedSonglist.Count = 1 Then
    'get status and switch off other scripts
    Dim Regs : Set Regs = SDB.Registry
    If Regs.OpenKey("Auto Rating", True) Then 
      Dim autoratesongson : autoratesongson = Regs.IntValue("os00")
      If Regs.IntValue("os00") = 1 Then
        Regs.IntValue("os00") = 0
      End If
    End If
    Dim autodj : autodj = SDB.Player.isAutoDJ 
    If autodj Then
      SDB.Player.isAutoDJ = False
    End If    
    Dim scrobbler : scrobbler = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("ScrobblerDJ","Enabled")
    If scrobbler = "1" Then
      SDB.IniFile.StringValue("ScrobblerDJ","Enabled") = "0"
    End If
    Dim autoalbum : autoalbum = SDB.IniFile.StringValue("AutoAlbumDJ","Enabled")
    If autoalbum = "1" Then
      SDB.IniFile.StringValue("AutoAlbumDJ","Enabled") = 0
    End If
    Dim crossfade : crossfade = SDB.Player.isCrossfade
    If crossfade Then
      SDB.Player.isCrossfade = False
    End If
    Dim ratesong : ratesong = SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("RatePlayedSong","Enabled")
    If ratesong Then
      SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("RatePlayedSong", "Enabled") = False
    End If
    'store player status
    Dim playing : playing = SDB.Player.isPlaying
    Dim paused : paused = SDB.Player.isPaused
    If playing Or paused Then
      Dim curi : curi = SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex
      Dim curp : curp = SDB.Player.PlaybackTime
    End If

    'play preview track
    Dim newi : newi = SDB.Player.PlaylistCount
    SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex = newi

    'create preview form
    Dim midp : midp = 200
    Dim bheight : bheight = 23
    Dim bwidth : bwidth = 35
    Dim Form : Set Form = SDB.UI.NewForm
    Form.Common.SetRect 100, 100, (2*midp)+15, 200
    Form.BorderStyle  = 3   ' Non-Resizable
    Form.FormPosition = 4   ' Screen Center
    Form.Caption = "Previewer"

    Dim Label2 : Set Label2 = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
    Label2.Caption = "Title: "&SDB.Player.CurrentSong.Title
    Label2.Common.Left = 10
    Label2.Common.Top = 14

    Dim Label1 : Set Label1 = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
    Label1.Caption = "Artist: "&SDB.Player.CurrentSong.ArtistName
    Label1.Common.Left = 10
    Label1.Common.Top = Label2.Common.Top + Label2.Common.Height +10

    Dim Btn3 : Set Btn3 = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    Btn3.Caption = "&Pause"
    Btn3.Common.Height = bheight
    Btn3.Common.Width = bwidth+20
    Btn3.Common.Top = Label1.Common.Top + Label1.Common.Height +10
    Btn3.Common.Left = midp - Int(Btn3.Common.Width/2)
    Btn3.Common.ControlName = "playButton"
    Btn3.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Btn3.OnClickFunc = "playPause"

    Dim Btn2 : Set Btn2 = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    Btn2.Caption = "-5s"
    Btn2.Common.Height = bheight
    Btn2.Common.Width = bwidth
    Btn2.Common.Top = Btn3.Common.Top
    Btn2.Common.Left = midp - Int(Btn3.Common.Width/2) - bwidth -10
    Btn2.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Btn2.OnClickFunc = "seekB05"

    Dim Btn1 : Set Btn1 = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    Btn1.Caption = "-30s"
    Btn1.Common.Height = bheight
    Btn1.Common.Width = bwidth
    Btn1.Common.Top = Btn3.Common.Top
    Btn1.Common.Left = midp - Int(Btn3.Common.Width/2) - (bwidth*2) -20
    Btn1.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Btn1.OnClickFunc = "seekB30"

    Dim Btn4 : Set Btn4 = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    Btn4.Caption = "+5s"
    Btn4.Common.Height = bheight
    Btn4.Common.Width = bwidth
    Btn4.Common.Top = Btn3.Common.Top
    Btn4.Common.Left = midp + Int(Btn3.Common.Width/2) +10
    Btn4.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Btn4.OnClickFunc = "seekF05"

    Dim Btn5 : Set Btn5 = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    Btn5.Caption = "+30s"
    Btn5.Common.Height = bheight
    Btn5.Common.Width = bwidth
    Btn5.Common.Top = Btn3.Common.Top
    Btn5.Common.Left = midp + Int(Btn3.Common.Width/2) + bwidth +20
    Btn5.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Btn5.OnClickFunc = "seekF30"
    Dim PosBar : Set PosBar = SDB.UI.NewTrackBar(Form)
    PosBar.Horizontal = True
    PosBar.MinValue = 0
    PosBar.MaxValue = 1000
    PosBar.Value = 0
    PosBar.Common.Top = Btn3.Common.Top + bheight
    PosBar.Common.Left = 20
    PosBar.Common.Height = 25
    PosBar.Common.Width = (midp - PosBar.Common.Left)*2 
    PosBar.Common.Enabled = True
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(PosBar,"OnChange","OnSeek")
    Set SDB.Objects("PreviewerPosBar") = PosBar
    Dim BtnPlayNow : Set BtnPlayNow = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    BtnPlayNow.Caption = "Play &Now"
    BtnPlayNow.Common.Height = bheight
    BtnPlayNow.Common.Width = 70
    BtnPlayNow.Common.Top = PosBar.Common.Top + PosBar.Common.Height +10
    BtnPlayNow.Common.Left = midp -155
    BtnPlayNow.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    BtnPlayNow.ModalResult = 3
    Dim BtnPlayNext : Set BtnPlayNext = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    BtnPlayNext.Caption = "Play N&ext"
    BtnPlayNext.Common.Height = bheight
    BtnPlayNext.Common.Width = 70
    BtnPlayNext.Common.Top = BtnPlayNow.Common.Top
    BtnPlayNext.Common.Left = midp -75
    BtnPlayNext.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    BtnPlayNext.ModalResult = 4
    Dim BtnPlayLast : Set BtnPlayLast = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    BtnPlayLast.Caption = "Play &Last"
    BtnPlayLast.Common.Height = bheight
    BtnPlayLast.Common.Width = 70
    BtnPlayLast.Common.Top = BtnPlayNow.Common.Top
    BtnPlayLast.Common.Left = midp +5
    BtnPlayLast.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    BtnPlayLast.Default = True
    BtnPlayLast.ModalResult = 1    
    Dim BtnCancel : Set BtnCancel = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    BtnCancel.Caption = "&Cancel"
    BtnCancel.Common.Height = bheight
    BtnCancel.Common.Width = 70
    BtnCancel.Common.Left = midp +85
    BtnCancel.Common.Top = BtnPlayLast.Common.Top
    BtnCancel.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    BtnCancel.Cancel = True
    BtnCancel.ModalResult = 2

    'show preview form
    Form.Common.Height = BtnCancel.Common.Top + bheight +40
    Dim Tmr : Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(1000)
    Call Script.RegisterEvent(Tmr,"OnTimer","UpdatePosBar")
    Dim res : res = Form.ShowModal
    Dim lst : lst = SDB.Player.PlaylistCount-1
    Call Script.UnregisterEvents(Tmr)
    Select Case res 
      Case 1 'play last
        'do nothing   
      Case 2 'cancel 
        Call SDB.Player.PlaylistDelete(lst)
      Case 3 'play now
        If lst <> curi Then
          Call SDB.Player.PlaylistMoveTrack(lst,curi)
        End If
      Case 4 'play next
        If lst <> curi+1 Then
          Call SDB.Player.PlaylistMoveTrack(lst,curi+1)
        End If                
    End Select

    'restore player status
    If res <> 3 Then
      SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex = curi
      SDB.Player.PlaybackTime = curp-1000
      If playing Then 
      End If
      While SDB.Player.IsStartingPlayback
      If Not (UCase(Left(SDB.Player.CurrentSong.Path,4)) = "HTTP") Then
        SDB.Player.PlaybackTime = curp-1000
      End If    
      If paused Then 
      End If
    End If    
    'restore status of other scripts
    If Regs.OpenKey("Auto Rating", True) Then 
      Regs.IntValue("os00") = autoratesongson
    End If
    If autodj Then
      SDB.Player.isAutoDJ = True
    End If
    If Not (scrobbler = "") Then
      SDB.IniFile.StringValue("ScrobblerDJ","Enabled") = scrobbler
    End If
    If Not (autoalbum = "") Then
      SDB.IniFile.StringValue("AutoAlbumDJ","Enabled") = autoalbum
    End If    
    If crossfade Then
      SDB.Player.isCrossfade = True
    End If    
    If ratesong Then
      SDB.IniFile.BoolValue("RatePlayedSong", "Enabled") = True
    End If
    Call SDB.MessageBox("Previewer - You can only preview one track at a time.", mtError, Array(mbOk))
  End If
End Sub 

Sub UpdatePosBar(PosTimer)
  Dim PosBar : Set PosBar = SDB.Objects("PreviewerPosBar")  
  If SDB.Player.CurrentSongLength > 0 Then      
    ManualChange = False
    PosBar.Value = (SDB.Player.PlayBackTime*1000)\SDB.Player.CurrentSongLength
    ManualChange = True
  End If
  If SDB.Player.CurrentSongLength < SDB.Player.PlayBackTime+2000 Then
    Dim wsh : Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Call wsh.SendKeys("%C")
  End If
End Sub

Sub playPause (ClickedBtn)
  If SDB.Player.isPaused Then
    ClickedBtn.Caption = "&Pause"
    Exit Sub
  End If   
  If SDB.Player.isPlaying Then
    ClickedBtn.Caption = "&Play"
    Exit Sub
  End If
End Sub

Sub seekB30 (ClickedBtn)
  SDB.Player.PlaybackTime = SDB.Player.PlaybackTime - 30000
End Sub

Sub seekB05 (ClickedBtn)
  SDB.Player.PlaybackTime = SDB.Player.PlaybackTime - 5000
End Sub

Sub seekF05 (ClickedBtn)
  SDB.Player.PlaybackTime = SDB.Player.PlaybackTime + 5000
End Sub

Sub seekF30 (ClickedBtn)
  SDB.Player.PlaybackTime = SDB.Player.PlaybackTime + 30000
End Sub

Sub OnSeek(PosBar)
  If ManualChange = True Then
    SDB.Player.PlayBackTime = (PosBar.Value*SDB.Player.CurrentSongLength)\1000
  End If
End Sub

Sub Install()
  Dim inip : inip = SDB.ApplicationPath&"Scripts\Scripts.ini"
  Dim inif : Set inif = SDB.Tools.IniFileByPath(inip)
  If Not (inif Is Nothing) Then
    inif.StringValue("Previewer","Filename") = "Previewer.vbs"
    inif.StringValue("Previewer","Procname") = "Previewer"
    inif.StringValue("Previewer","Order") = "10"
    inif.StringValue("Previewer","DisplayName") = "Previewer"
    inif.StringValue("Previewer","Description") = "Preview a track without disturbing now playing"
    inif.StringValue("Previewer","Language") = "VBScript"
    inif.StringValue("Previewer","ScriptType") = "0"
  End If
End Sub

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:07 pm
by rovingcowboy
please explain the use for this script trixmoto because i am lost?

i just play the song and click on the next song and so on and so fourth when i want to preview songs.

what does this script do for me that i should use it? i really am not trying to be sarcastic i am lost as to why this is here?


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:34 pm
by trixmoto
Sorry I should have posted this link: This is where the idea came from.

The script should allow you to preview a song without affecting your Now Playing list, so it stops what you're currently listening to, and then continues from that point after you've previewed the song you wanted to. The script is currently in it's very early stages though! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:11 am
by trixmoto
Ok, this new version (2.0) has a form ("mini player") which opens up to allow you to control your preview. Thanks very much to psyxonova who has been helping with this project.

:o New version below :o

works good

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:38 am
by slyr
works great, maybe you could add a short cut crt + something,
to make it even easier to preview !!

this is realy usefull when creating a playlist,

thanks alot

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:45 am
by slyr
i tried to add shortcut in the ini file (i'm very optimistic :-? ) , but i didn't work. :(

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:48 am
by trixmoto
Your INI entry should look like this if you want a shortcut:

Code: Select all

Description=Preview a track without disturbing now playing
(Obviously you can use any shortcut you want, this is the one I use!) :)

works great

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:56 am
by slyr
ok thanks alot

i think i had put it between " " , but now it works. :D
thanks alot for the fast assistance and a great script.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:10 am
by trixmoto
Glad you like the script. With a little help from psyxonova there should be an improved and more stable version coming out soon. :)


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:49 am
by Bandolero
Thanks for this great script. I've been trying to do this for a while.

I use Alt+Q for a shortcut and it works great.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:49 am
by powerpill-pacman
This script is absolutely great, didn't even think that this would be possible. Thank you so much. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:06 pm
by Philby
Excellent script Trixmoto. One of the neatest I have come across. Well done.

I can see opportunities for further enhancements - like selecting next and previous songs to also preview - skipping quickly thru a list without leaving the script.

I am sure with more use I will think of more.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:36 pm
by Philby
Didnt take long !

How about also a progress bar to show whereabouts you are in the song ?
This would complement the forward and backward movement by time buttons.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:54 pm
by trixmoto
New version (2.1) is now available from my website.

Thanks to MoDementia who added check/disable/re-enable for AutoDJ and AutoRateSongs.

I've just seen some of your suggestions which I'd forgotten so I will implement some of these soon.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:54 pm
by MoDementia
Philby wrote:Excellent script Trixmoto. One of the neatest I have come across. Well done.

I can see opportunities for further enhancements - like selecting next and previous songs to also preview - skipping quickly thru a list without leaving the script.
I didn't see this thread before (just browsed your website) but I agree with Philby :)

I did have in mind to add his enhancement later but I'm sure you could do it alot faster/better :wink: