Genre Sorting

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Genre Sorting

Post by serendip1959 »

I have written an add on for Media Monkey 4 or greater that sorts and de-duplicates the genre field/tag. It puts multiple genres into alphabetical order and removes duplicates.

It can be downloaded from here

Feedback and suggestions for improvement welcome.
Last edited by Lowlander on Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 11:48 am

Re: Genre Sorting

Post by Darryl_Gittins »

I'd love to try this but the link is dead. Is it available still?
Erwin Hanzl
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Re: Genre Sorting

Post by Erwin Hanzl »


Close MM after installation.
Windows Explorer: Enter in the address bar "%appdata%
Folder: MediaMonkey
Folder: Scripts
Folder: Auto
Open file CusomFieldsTagger with NotePad and add "FieldList" and "FieldListDB" with the entry "Genre":

Code: Select all

Sub OnStartup
    FieldList = Array("Genre","Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", "Custom4", "Custom5", "Mood", "Occasion", "Quality", "Tempo", "Comment",  "Grouping")
    FieldListDB = Array("Genre", "Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", "Custom4", "Custom5", "Mood", "Occasion", "Quality", "Tempo", "Comment", "GroupDesc")
Save file
Close NotePad

Tools> Options> Library .. Custom Fields Tagger - aktivate "Genre"

Access without exception via the context menu of selected files.
(right mousekey)
MMW Gold-Standardinstallation
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Re: Genre Sorting

Post by Darryl_Gittins »


I think I did it right but "Genre" does not appear in the addon's page with the checkboxes. I open Tools> Options> Library .. Custom Fields Tagger - there is no "Genre" listed.

Here's what I have in the vbs:


Sub OnStartup

' Initialize global variables
Set INI = SDB.IniFile

Set MIs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
MIs.CompareMode = 1

FieldList = Array("Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", "Custom4", "Genre", "Mood", "Occasion", "Quality", "Tempo", "Comment", "Grouping")
FieldListDB = Array("Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", "Custom4", "Genre", "Mood", "Occasion", "Quality", "Tempo", "Comment", "GroupDesc")
MenuList = Array(UI.Menu_TrayIcon, UI.Menu_Pop_TrackList, UI.Menu_Pop_Tree, UI.Menu_Pop_NP) 'UI.Menu_TbCategorize

Erwin Hanzl
Posts: 1189
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:47 am
Location: Vienna

Re: Genre Sorting

Post by Erwin Hanzl »

Open file CusomFieldsTagger with NotePad and add "FieldList" and "FieldListDB" with the entry "Genre":
Sorry, the order was wrong - NEW-NEW-NEW-NEW:

FieldList = Array("Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", "Custom4", "Custom5", "Mood", "Occasion", "Quality", "Tempo", "Comment", "Genre","Grouping")
FieldListDB = Array("Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", "Custom4", "Custom5", "Mood", "Occasion", "Quality", "Tempo", "Comment", "Genre", "GroupDesc"

Save file
Close NotePad

Tools> Options> Library .. Custom Fields Tagger - aktivate "Genre"
Last edited by Erwin Hanzl on Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
MMW Gold-Standardinstallation
Posts: 290
Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 11:48 am

Re: Genre Sorting

Post by Darryl_Gittins »

That worked!

Code: Select all

' MediaMonkey Script 
' NAME: CustomFieldsTagger v1.0.3
'  Helps you to quickly tag your custom fields. In the context menu of the
'   selected tracks, for the fields where this is enabled you get a list with
'   possible values from which you can select a value to add/set (depending if
'   you allow multiple values for the custom field or not.) Values that are
'   in the selected field are checked. Values that are not yet used can be
'   added manually to the field, as the selection list only shows used values.
' AUTHOR: Steegy
' DATE  : 2011-06-13
' UPDATE: 2011-10-13

Option Explicit

' Set the menu items you want displayed here. The format is :
'    <Field> | <Value> | <Shortcut>
' The field must one of the fields supported by the script
' The shortcut must not already be a defined hotkey in MM
Dim MenuItems : MenuItems = Array ("Custom1 | Bonus | Ctrl+1", "Custom1 | Live | Ctrl+2", "Custom1 | Remix | Ctrl+3")

Const SCRIPT_NAME = "CustomFieldsTagger"

Const cftSeparatorMI = -1
Const cftFieldMI = 0
Const cftFixedSubMI = 1
Const cftValueSubMI = 2

Dim UI

Dim MIs

Dim FieldList
Dim FieldListDB
Dim MenuList

Dim NoSelMI
Dim OptionSheetID
Dim Separator

Sub OnStartup

    ' Initialize global variables
    Set UI = SDB.UI
    Set INI = SDB.IniFile
    Set MIs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    MIs.CompareMode = 1
FieldList = Array("Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", "Custom4", "Custom5", "Mood", "Occasion", "Quality", "Tempo", "Comment", "Genre","Grouping")
FieldListDB = Array("Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", "Custom4", "Custom5", "Mood", "Occasion", "Quality", "Tempo", "Comment", "Genre", "GroupDesc")
    MenuList = Array(UI.Menu_TrayIcon, UI.Menu_Pop_TrackList, UI.Menu_Pop_Tree, UI.Menu_Pop_NP) 'UI.Menu_TbCategorize
    Set NoSelMI = Nothing
    ' Set default configuration if missing
    Dim iField, vField
    For iField = 0 To UBound(FieldList)
        vField = FieldList(iField)
        If Not INI.ValueExists(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_show") Then INI.BoolValue(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_show") = True
        If Not INI.ValueExists(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_allowmultiple") Then INI.BoolValue(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_allowmultiple") = True
        If Not INI.ValueExists(SCRIPT_NAME, "Separator") Then INI.StringValue(SCRIPT_NAME, "Separator") = "[; ]"
    ' Add menu items
   Dim Itm, Mnu, i, parts
  Set Mnu = UI.AddMenuItemSub( UI.Menu_Edit, -1, -1)
  Mnu.Caption = "Custom Fields Tagger"

   For i = 0 to UBound(MenuItems)
     Set Itm = UI.AddMenuItem( Mnu, -1, -1)
     parts = Split(MenuItems(i), " | ")
     Itm.Caption = parts(0) & " | " & parts(1)
     Itm.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
     Itm.OnClickFunc = "MenuTag"
     Itm.Shortcut = parts(2)
     Itm.IconIndex = 35


    ' Add options sheet
    OptionSheetID = UI.AddOptionSheet("Custom Fields Tagger", Script.ScriptPath, "InitSheet1", "SaveSheet1", -3)
    ' Get separator value
    Separator = INI.StringValue(SCRIPT_NAME, "Separator")
    Separator = Mid(Separator, 2, Len(Separator) - 2)
End Sub

Sub MenuTag(Item)
   Dim iField, i, parts, IsPres
   parts = Split(Item.Caption, " | ")
   For i = 0 to UBound(FieldList)
     If FieldList(i) = parts(0) Then iField = i
  Dim Tracks : Set Tracks = GetTracks(1)
  If Tracks Is Nothing Or Tracks.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No tracks selected"
      Exit Sub
  End If
   IsPres = (IsCustValPresent(Tracks, parts(1), parts(0)) = 1)
   AddSetRemoveValue parts(1), 1, iField, IsPres
End Sub

Sub AddFieldMIs

    Dim iMenu, iField, MI, vMenu, vField
    For iMenu = 0 To UBound(MenuList)
        Set vMenu = MenuList(iMenu)
        Set MI = UI.AddMenuItemSep(vMenu, -2, -1)
        MIs.Add MI, Array(iMenu, -1, cftSeparatorMI)
        For iField = 0 To UBound(FieldList)
            vField = FieldList(iField)
            Set MI = UI.AddMenuItemSub(vMenu, -2, -1)
            If iField < 5 Then
                MI.Caption = INI.StringValue("CustomFields", "Fld" & (iField + 1) & "Name")
                MI.Caption = SDB.Localize(vField)
            End If
            MI.IconIndex = 25
            MI.Visible = INI.BoolValue(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_show")
            Script.RegisterEvent MI, "OnClick", "AddValueSubMIs"
            MIs.Add MI, Array(iMenu, iField, cftFieldMI)
            AddFixedSubMIs MI, iMenu, iField
End Sub

Sub AddFixedSubMIs(FieldMI, iMenu, iField)

    Dim vField : vField = FieldList(iField)
    Dim MI
    Set MI = UI.AddMenuItemSep(FieldMI, 0, 0)
    MIs.Add MI, Array(iMenu, iField, cftFixedSubMI)
    Set MI = UI.AddMenuItem(FieldMI, 0, 0)
    MI.Caption = "Allow multiple values"
    MI.Checked = INI.BoolValue(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_allowmultiple")
    Script.RegisterEvent MI, "OnClick", "ChangeAllowMultiple"
    MIs.Add MI, Array(iMenu, iField, cftFixedSubMI)
    Set MI = UI.AddMenuItem(FieldMI, 0, 0)
    MI.Caption = "Add/set value..."
    Script.RegisterEvent MI, "OnClick", "AddManually"
    MIs.Add MI, Array(iMenu, iField, cftFixedSubMI)
End Sub

Function GetTracks(iMenu)

    Set GetTracks = Nothing
    If iMenu = 0 Then ' Tray menu
        Set GetTracks = SDB.NewSongList
        If Not (SDB.Player.CurrentSong Is Nothing) Then GetTracks.Add(SDB.Player.CurrentSong)
        Set GetTracks = SDB.CurrentSongList
    End If
End Function

Sub AddValueSubMIs(FieldMI)

    Dim Props : Props = MIs.Item(FieldMI)
    Dim iMenu : iMenu = Props(0)
    Dim iField : iField = Props(1)
    Dim vField : vField = FieldList(iField)
    Dim vFieldDB : vFieldDB = FieldListDB(iField)
    Dim MI
    ' Remove existing ValueSubMIs
    Dim Keys : Keys = MIs.Keys
    Dim Items : Items = MIs.Items

    For i = UBound(Items) To 0 Step -1
        Props = Items(i)
        If Props(0) = iMenu And Props(1) = iField And Props(2) = cftValueSubMI Then
            Set MI = Keys(i)
            MI.Visible = False
            Script.UnRegisterEvents MI
            MIs.Remove MI
        End If
    ' Remove "<no tracks selected>", if it exists
    If Not NoSelMI Is Nothing Then
        NoSelMI.Visible = False
        Set NoSelMI = Nothing
    End If
    ' Check if tracks are selected
    Dim Tracks : Set Tracks = GetTracks(iMenu)
    If Tracks Is Nothing Or Tracks.Count = 0 Then
        Set MI = UI.AddMenuItem(FieldMI, 1, -1)
        MI.Caption = "<no tracks selected>"
        Set NoSelMI = MI
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim Iter : Set Iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT " & vFieldDB & " FROM Songs GROUP BY " & vFieldDB)
    Dim Sep : Sep = Trim(Separator)
    Dim Arr
    Dim oDic : Set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oDic.CompareMode = 1
    Dim i, Cust
    Do While Not Iter.EOF
        Arr = Split(Iter.StringByIndex(0), Sep)
        For i = 0 To UBound(Arr)
            Cust = Trim(Arr(i))
            If Not oDic.Exists(Cust) Then oDic.Add Cust, ""
    SortDictionary oDic, dictKey
    i = 0
    Dim CustVal, IsPres
    For Each CustVal In oDic.Keys
        i = i + 1
        Set MI = UI.AddMenuItem(FieldMI, 1, -1)
        MI.Caption = CustVal
        Script.RegisterEvent MI, "OnClick", "SetCustom"
        MIs.Add MI, Array(iMenu, iField, cftValueSubMI)
        IsPres = IsCustValPresent(Tracks, CustVal, vField)

        If IsPres = 0 Then
            MI.Checked = False
        ElseIf IsPres = 1 Then
            MI.Checked = True
            MI.IconIndex = 35
        End If
End Sub

Const dictKey  = 1
Const dictItem = 2

Function SortDictionary(objDict,intSort)

  ' declare our variables
  Dim strDict()
  Dim objKey
  Dim strKey,strItem
  Dim X,Y,Z

  ' get the dictionary count
  Z = objDict.Count

  ' we need more than one item to warrant sorting
  If Z > 1 Then
    ' create an array to store dictionary information
    ReDim strDict(Z,2)
    X = 0
    ' populate the string array
    For Each objKey In objDict
        strDict(X,dictKey)  = CStr(objKey)
        strDict(X,dictItem) = CStr(objDict(objKey))
        X = X + 1

    ' perform a a shell sort of the string array
    For X = 0 to (Z - 2)
      For Y = X to (Z - 1)
        If StrComp(strDict(X,intSort),strDict(Y,intSort),vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
            strKey  = strDict(X,dictKey)
            strItem = strDict(X,dictItem)
            strDict(X,dictKey)  = strDict(Y,dictKey)
            strDict(X,dictItem) = strDict(Y,dictItem)
            strDict(Y,dictKey)  = strKey
            strDict(Y,dictItem) = strItem
        End If

    ' erase the contents of the dictionary object

    ' repopulate the dictionary with the sorted information
    For X = 0 to (Z - 1)
      objDict.Add strDict(X,dictKey), strDict(X,dictItem)

  End If

End Function

' 0 = no
' 1 = yes
' 2 = yes/no
Function IsCustValPresent(Tracks, CustVal, vField)
    Dim Sep : Sep = Trim(Separator)
    Dim myRegExp : Set myRegExp = New RegExp
    myRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
    myRegExp.Global = True
    myRegExp.Pattern = "\-|\+|\*|\?|\!|\%|\(|\)|\[|\]|\<|\>|\\|\||\$|\^"
    CustVal = myRegExp.Replace(CustVal, "\$&")
    Sep = myRegExp.Replace(Sep, "\$&")
    myRegExp.Global = False
    Dim CustomContents
    Dim CustValFound, CustValFoundPrevious
    Dim i
    For i = 0 To Tracks.Count - 1
        Execute "CustomContents = Tracks.Item(i)." & vField
        myRegExp.Pattern = "^\s*" & CustVal & "\s*$|^\s*" & CustVal & "\s*" & Sep & "|" & Sep & "\s*" & CustVal & "\s*" & Sep & "|" & Sep & "\s*" & CustVal & "\s*$"
        If myRegExp.Test(CustomContents) Then CustValFound = 1 Else CustValFound = 0
        If i > 0 Then
            If CustValFound <> CustValFoundPrevious Then
                CustValFound = 2    ' Combined yes/no
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
        CustValFoundPrevious = CustValFound
    IsCustValPresent = CustValFound
End Function

Sub ChangeAllowMultiple(MI)

    Dim Props : Props = MIs.Item(MI)
    Dim iField : iField = Props(1)
    Dim vField: vField = FieldList(iField)
    MI.Checked = Not MI.Checked
    INI.BoolValue(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_allowmultiple") = MI.Checked
End Sub

Sub AddManually(MI)

    Dim Props : Props = MIs.Item(MI)
    Dim iMenu : iMenu = Props(0)
    Dim iField : iField = Props(1)
    Dim TheValue : TheValue = InputBox("Enter the value you want to add/set in the custom field.", "Custom Fields Tagger")
    If Trim(TheValue) <> "" Then
        AddSetRemoveValue TheValue, iMenu, iField, False
    End If
End Sub

Sub SetCustom(MI)

    Dim Props : Props = MIs.Item(MI)
    Dim iMenu : iMenu = Props(0)
    Dim iField : iField = Props(1)
    AddSetRemoveValue MI.Caption, iMenu, iField, MI.Checked
End Sub

Sub AddSetRemoveValue(TheValue, iMenu, iField, ValuePresent)
    Dim vField : vField = FieldList(iField)
    Dim Entry
    Dim AllowMultiple : AllowMultiple = INI.BoolValue(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_allowmultiple")
    Dim Tracks : Set Tracks = GetTracks(iMenu)
    Dim Sep : Sep = Trim(Separator)
    Dim CustomContents, Arr, oDic, j, Cust
    Set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    oDic.CompareMode = 1
    Dim i
    For i = 0 To Tracks.Count - 1
        Execute "CustomContents = Tracks.Item(i)." & vField
        Arr = Split(CustomContents, Sep)
        If Not ValuePresent Then ' CustVal not present yet, add it.
            If AllowMultiple Then
                For j = 0 To UBound(Arr)
                    Cust = Trim(Arr(j))
                    oDic.Add Cust, ""
            End If
            If Not oDic.Exists(TheValue) Then oDic.Add TheValue, TheValue
        Else ' CustVal already present, remove it.
            For j = 0 To UBound(Arr)
                Cust = Trim(Arr(j))
                oDic.Add Cust, Cust
            oDic.Remove TheValue
        End If
        SortDictionary oDic, dictKey
        CustomContents = Join(oDic.Keys, Separator)
        Execute "Tracks.Item(i)." & vField & " = CustomContents"
End Sub

Sub InitSheet1(Sheet1)

    Dim Label1 : Set Label1 = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Sheet1)
    Label1.Common.SetRect 18,27,400,17
    Label1.Common.ControlName = "Label1"
    Label1.Caption = "Use Custom Fields Tagger for following custom fields:"
    Dim iField, vField, chk, ypos
    ypos = 60
    For iField = 0 To UBound(FieldList)
        vField = FieldList(iField)
        Set chk = SDB.UI.NewCheckBox(Sheet1)
        If iField < 5 Then
            chk.Caption = INI.StringValue("CustomFields", "Fld" & (iField + 1) & "Name")
            chk.Caption = SDB.Localize(vField)
        End If
        chk.Checked = SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_show")
        chk.Common.SetRect 40,ypos,100,20
        chk.Common.ControlName = "Show" & vField
        ypos = ypos + 20
    Dim Label2 : Set Label2 = UI.NewLabel(Sheet1)
    Label2.Autosize = False
    Label2.Common.SetRect 33,360,70,21
    Label2.Common.ControlName = "Label2"
    Label2.Caption = "Separator:"
    Dim Edit1 : Set Edit1 = UI.NewEdit(Sheet1)
    Edit1.Common.SetRect 95,357,20,21
    Edit1.Common.ControlName = "Separator"
    Edit1.Text = Separator
End Sub

Sub SaveSheet1(Sheet1)

    Dim iMenu, iField, MI, vMenu, vField, Show
    Dim Keys : Keys = MIs.Keys
    Dim Items : Items = MIs.Items
    Dim Props, i
    For iField = 0 To UBound(FieldList)
        vField = FieldList(iField)
        Show = Sheet1.Common.ChildControl("Show" & vField).Checked
        INI.BoolValue(SCRIPT_NAME, vField & "_show") = Show
        For iMenu = 0 To UBound(MenuList)
            Set vMenu = MenuList(iMenu)
            For i = 0 To UBound(Items)
                Props = Items(i)
                If Props(0) = iMenu And Props(1) = iField And Props(2) = cftFieldMI Then
                    Set MI = Keys(i)
                    MI.Visible = Show
                End If
    Separator = Sheet1.Common.ChildControl("Separator").Text
    INI.StringValue(SCRIPT_NAME, "Separator") = "[" & Separator & "]"
End Sub

Sub Uninstall

    Dim MsgDeleteSettings : MsgDeleteSettings = "Uninstalling " & SCRIPT_NAME & "." & vbNewLine & _
                                     "Do you want to remove the settings as well?" & vbNewLine & _
                                                "If you click No, script settings will be left in MediaMonkey.ini"
    If (Not INI Is Nothing) and (MsgBox(MsgDeleteSettings, vbYesNo, SCRIPT_NAME) = vbYes) Then
    End If

End Sub

Sub DoCleanup

    If IsEmpty(OptionSheetID) Then Exit Sub
    SDB.UI.DeleteOptionSheet OptionSheetID
    Dim MI
    For Each MI In MIs.Keys
        MI.Visible = False
    Set MIs = Nothing

End Sub
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