Read and write as many custom fields as needed?

Any ideas about how to improve MediaMonkey for Windows 4? Let us know!

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Read and write as many custom fields as needed?

Post by MMuser2011 »

I took a quick look at JRiver Media Center. They have a great feature called 'Manage Library Fields'. You can add as many new (custom) fields as you need. With such an implementation we could finally add de facto standard id3 tag fields like the one from MusicBrainz, especially:

Code: Select all

MusicBrainz Track Id      musicbrainz_trackid 	UFID:
MusicBrainz Release Id 	musicbrainz_albumid 	TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id
MusicBrainz Artist Id 	 musicbrainz_artistid   TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id
MusicBrainz Release Artist Id 	musicbrainz_albumartistid 	TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id
MusicBrainz TRM Id 	    musicbrainz_trmid 	  TXXX:MusicBrainz TRM Id
MusicBrainz Disc Id 	   musicbrainz_discid     TXXX:MusicBrainz Disc Id
MusicIP PUID 	          musicip_puid 	       TXXX:MusicIP PUID
MusicIP Fingerprint 	   musicip_fingerprint 	TXXX:MusicMagic Fingerprint 
Release Status 	        releasestatus 	      TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Status
Release Type 	          releasetype 	        TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Type
Release Country 	       releasecountry 	     TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Release Country
ASIN                   	asin                   TXXX:ASIN 
MusicBrainz Release Group Id 	musicbrainz_releasegroupid 	TXXX:MusicBrainz Release Group Id
MusicBrainz Work Id 	   musicbrainz_workid 	 TXXX:MusicBrainz Work Id 
This would help in many ways:
a) you could search for duplicated tracks (by Track ID)
b) you could search for tracks belonging to the same album (by AlbumID)
c) you could search for correctly spelled artist, albums, tracks (using the IDs and a call to the XML Webservice of MusicBrainz)
d) tags written in any other program could be matched to such custom fields in MediaMonkey without additional scripts and sometimes additional tables in the database.

If we could WRITE such custom tags back to the tracks, we could edit them inside MediaMonkey - actually, we have to do this with an external tagging program (like Mp3tag) capable to do this task.

What do you think, will v4.1 bring us more flexibility in this part of managing tracks?
Could someone tell me, if the custom fields (read/write) are already officially tracked and maybe already on the ToDo list?
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Re: Read and write as many custom fields as needed?

Post by trixmoto »

There is some functionality scheduled for the 4.1 release that will enable these tags to be read/written via scripting, but I don't think it's due to be put into the main program. This functionality would allow someone to create a generic script to provide this functionality however, I suspect. See mantis for more details...
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Re: Read and write as many custom fields as needed?

Post by Solitaire001 »

Sony's Media Go program has a feature that might be adapted to MediaMonkey to provide a version of this function. One of the fields in the audio properties is called "Tags." Unlike other fields when tagging files, this one is a free-form field that can contain a large number of individual entries (such as "Instrumental," "Music," "Sad Song," "Cover Song," Number One Hit," and "Parody"), each of which can be used when making autoplaylists.
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