Is there a way to force the PODCAST feed to show all tracks in a single page rather than separating them by artist? I believe I may be able to do this by purchasing the full version for Android and using a folder with all of my podcasts, but I still want to check if this will be an issue in the full version.
Another issue is that the interface could use some improvements. For example, part of the interface covers album art unnecessarily. Why have users click on album art to show the shuffle and repeat buttons over the album art when those buttons could easily be placed in other parts of the interface that are currently vacant? It's not a big deal, but small changes like that can add up to make a BIG difference to the user experience.
I hope these changes are considered and are able to improve Media Monkey in future updates. I'm thankful for what has been produced so far.
Feature request: Shuffle, repeat, and other interface change
Moderator: Gurus