How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

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How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by pokeefe0001 »

We have 3 USB flash drives with portable copies of MMW4. We also have portable copies of MMW4 "installed" on several PCs. Each MM installation is paired with a copy of our music library. These libraries all have different paths - different drive letters and/or different high level directories. This makes porting playlists among the copies a real pain. And one a week we create a new playlist that needs to be copied to each installation. (The playlists serve as an archive of the music we've played.)

To complicate matters, our library contains multiple tracks with the same titles - sometimes different versions of the same piece; sometimes the exact same track in multiple directories.

Is there an addon that can help us copy a new playlist among our installations? Exporting the playlist is no trouble but we need something that ignores the drive letter and one or more high level qualifiers. I've tried ImportM3U.vbs but it runs afoul of the multiple copies.

For instance, say I export a playlist to an M3U file containing

Code: Select all

ImportM3U.vbs finds

Code: Select all

D:\MM4\FDMusic\Atanas\AK003\A3 Bufcansko.mp3
D:\MM4\FDMusic\Sundian\05 Bufcansko.mp3
It does a good job of handling the drive and high level qualifiers but finds 4 matches where only the 2nd one is the actual match. That's not a problem for one track, but it's a real hassle for 50 tracks.

Is there an addon that can do what we need?
Last edited by pokeefe0001 on Fri Sep 17, 2021 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by IanRTaylorUK » ... desNew.htm works for me.

Regularly use with almost 1000 playlists.
Ian Taylor
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Re: How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by pokeefe0001 »

I've seen that posting, but it contains the comment
This page has an informative character only for donors that already got the enhanced version of the add-on. That version is not available nor it is supported by me for now. Please don't post questions and requests for that version in the Forum. And please do not donate if your only reason for doing that is to get the enhanced version!
If this enhanced version is still available (even though unsupported) I haven't located it.

I've tried the older version but have not found a way to perform the transfer. Maybe I've just misunderstood it.
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Re: How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by IanRTaylorUK »

Hi Pokeefe0001,

I think I initially tried the free version 4.1.1 (2019?) and then made a donation to get to the current(?) in Feb2021.

Typically I use this each month to:
1). Backup my MMW4 Playlists
2). Export my MMW4 Playlists (of MP3s on D:\Music with Cloud backups) for MMW5 (MP3s on E:\Music)
3). If I use MMW on another PC or with other software.

In this way I can keep MMW4 and MMW5 running in parallel whilst running separate copies of my library / tracks. There is a lot to be said for running both MMW4 and MMW5 together yet with separate copies of the music!

Hope this helps.
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Re: How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by pokeefe0001 »

It sounds like that "advanced" addon does what I want. Unfortunately, the author very clearly states that is is no longer available, no longer supported, and that users are not even supposed to ask questions about it on the forum. I suppose I could donate to support the effort to migrate it to MM5 and then ask you (or some other user) to send me a copy of the MM4 advanced version, but I'm not sure that is ethical.
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Re: How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by IanRTaylorUK »

Hi Pokeeefe001,

Version 4.1.1 is still available for download. I suggest you try this and make a decision as to whether you wish to donate to get the "enhanced" version and support the developer's work.

I am happy to recommend but would not send a copy.

I would expect MMW4 Add-On developers to become more engaged with MMW5 a few versions ahead from where we are at the moment. As you will see from the forum there are still a few issues to be resolved with MMW5.

In my limited experience, it is not a big deal to use both MMW4 and MMW5 as each has its plus points and performance benefits.
Ian Taylor
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Re: How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by pokeefe0001 »

I have version 4.1.1 but could not get it to do what I want. I'll look again, but my impression is that the "transfer of playlists to another computer" function was something specifically in version 6 - part to the enhanced function.
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Re: How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by Erwin Hanzl »

Hello pokeefe0001,

I tested with "Import M3U.vbs".
Note, I do NOT have a portable installation.

Variant 1) Import cleaned playlist:


I exported this playlist (Export All Playlists) and changed entries
#EXTINF:185,Imagine Dragons - Natural
E:\_MUSIK\Natural - Imagine DragonsE.mp3
#EXTINF:233,Alice Merton - No Roots
E:\_MUSIK\No Roots - Alice MertonE.mp3
#EXTINF:477,Jan Akkerman - Pietons
E:\_MUSIK\Pietons - Jan AkkermanE.mp3

#EXTINF:221,Udo Wenders - Die Welt Von Heut (I Am I Said - Neil Diamond)
D:\_MUSIK\Die Welt Von Heut (I Am I Said - Neil Diamond) - Udo Wenders.mp3
#EXTINF:252,Big Mountain - Lean On Me
D:\_MUSIK\Lean On Me - Big Mountain.mp3
#EXTINF:190,Imagine Dragons - On Top Of The World
D:\_MUSIK\On Top Of The World - Imagine Dragons.mp3
#EXTINF:174,Imagine Dragons - Thunder
D:\_MUSIK\Thunder - Imagine Dragons.mp3
#EXTINF:209,The Nits - In The Dutch Mountains
D:\_MUSIK\In The Dutch Mountains - The Nits.mp3
#EXTINF:241,D-Mona & Mainstreet - Daddy Blue
D:\_MUSIK\Daddy Blue - D-Mona & Mainstreet.mp3
#EXTINF:269,Santabarbara - Charly
D:\_MUSIK\Charly - Santabarbara.flac
#EXTINF:229,Celine Dion - The Power Of Love (Utol RMX)
D:\_MUSIK\The Power Of Love (Utol RMX) - Celine Dion.mp3
#EXTINF:277,Celine Dion - The Power Of Love (DJ West Side RMX)
D:\_MUSIK\The Power Of Love (DJ West Side RMX) - Celine Dion.mp3
#EXTINF:511,Neil Diamond - Soolaimon (Live)
D:\_MUSIK\Soolaimon (Live) - Neil Diamond.mp3
#EXTINF:511,A3 - Bufcansko
D:\MM4\FDMusic\Atanas\AK003\A3 Bufcansko.mp3

Then I "Imported" with the following settings:


This then led to the following message:


The result: dead links were removed:




Then you can remove the "dead links" via "Files to Edit".
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Re: How to copy playlist to multiple copies of MM

Post by pokeefe0001 »

Let me restate my problem: We have many tracks with duplicate titles - differentiated by path. The import function has to filter on the low order part of the path in order to select the appropriate track. The 4.1.1 version of the Import M3U Playlist does not do that.

For instance, I created a M3U playlist containing only one entry:

Code: Select all

For import checked no options. I got a popup stating "Some tracks appear more than one in this playlist". That is obviously not true for the M3U file being read but is true of the created playlist:

Code: Select all

D:\MM4\FDMusic\Misc\S\13 Seta.mp3
The script did a good job of changing the high level part of the path(s) but it apparently filtered only on "Seta.mp3", not "\FDMusic\Steve\Misc03\Seta.mp3".
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