Can anyone help me with “Best Practice” for Tag Separators….?

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Can anyone help me with “Best Practice” for Tag Separators….?

Post by leeuniverse »

I’m leaning thinking I should use backward Double-Slashes \\ as the separator for ALL Tags, but would all players etc. like that?

So, any value that has multiple entries I just use the double-slash.
So, Genres would be separated by double-slashes, as well as ALL other Tags, Artist, ISRC #'s, etc.
Or should I do something different, like use double-slashes for some and a forward single-slash (/) or semi-colon (;), a comma (,), etc. for others?

This has confused the crap out of me since ALL seem to be being used.
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Re: Can anyone help me with “Best Practice” for Tag Separators….?

Post by Lowlander »

There is no setting in MediaMonkey for how this saved in the files themselves. You can only change how it's displayed in MediaMonkey when multiple values are present. It depends on the file type which separator is saved in the file tags or if each value is saved as a separate tag in the files themselves.
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Re: Can anyone help me with “Best Practice” for Tag Separators….?

Post by Not_tech_savy »

leeuniverse wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:23 pm I’m leaning thinking I should use backward Double-Slashes \\ as the separator for ALL Tags, but would all players etc. like that?

So, any value that has multiple entries I just use the double-slash.
So, Genres would be separated by double-slashes, as well as ALL other Tags, Artist, ISRC #'s, etc.
Or should I do something different, like use double-slashes for some and a forward single-slash (/) or semi-colon (;), a comma (,), etc. for others?

This has confused the crap out of me since ALL seem to be being used.
My only experience with tag separators is MediaMonkey but I believe semi colon is the default for multiple entry fields. I would stick with that incase something resets and all of a sudden you're multiple entry tags are all using different separators. Not sure if MM would read them all differently.

Idk about outside of MM though.
Also you ever figured the // date problem?
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Re: Can anyone help me with “Best Practice” for Tag Separators….?

Post by leeuniverse »

So, I ended up deciding on just ALL Semi-colons with a Space for anything that has multiple entries...

I was going to do a forward slash on some of the lesser common tags since that seems to be common, but then I just decided to just keep it simple and things should still mostly work with the semi-colon.

The date // issue seemed to be related to switching between ID3 2.4 and 2.3, eventually, just trial and error trying different saves, removing/adding slashes, etc. I was able to just work it all out.

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