Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

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Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:35 pm

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by sparhawk »

I've restarted MediaMonkeyServer multiple times to try to get the count up, as each time I restart the service, it will sometimes find more songs before halting. Here's the comparison between MMS and MM5.

Feb 24 21:37:10 mms mm-server[664]: 131312 files have been read from database in 10553 ms
Feb 24 21:37:10 mms mm-server[664]: Scan music directory: file:/mnt/music/Alt, Folk, Pop 1, 46059 files to process
Feb 24 21:37:55 mms mm-server[664]: Scan of repository /mnt/music/Alt, Folk, Pop 1 has been finished in 56.28 seconds
Feb 24 21:37:55 mms mm-server[664]: Scan music directory: file:/mnt/music/Alt, Folk, Pop 2, 11842 files to process
Feb 24 21:38:21 mms mm-server[664]: Scan of repository /mnt/music/Alt, Folk, Pop 2 has been finished in 25.40 seconds
Feb 24 21:38:21 mms mm-server[664]: Scan music directory: file:/mnt/music/Rock 1, 4741 files to process
Feb 24 21:38:22 mms mm-server[664]: Scan of repository /mnt/music/Rock 1 has been finished in 1.41 seconds
Feb 24 21:38:22 mms mm-server[664]: Scan music directory: file:/mnt/music/Rock 2, 49709 files to process
Feb 24 21:39:15 mms mm-server[664]: Scan of repository /mnt/music/Rock 2 has been finished in 52.55 seconds
Feb 24 21:39:15 mms mm-server[664]: Scan music directory: file:/mnt/music/Industrial 1, 7912 files to process
Feb 24 21:39:18 mms mm-server[664]: Scan of repository /mnt/music/Industrial 1 has been finished in 3.46 seconds
Feb 24 21:39:18 mms mm-server[664]: Scan music directory: file:/mnt/music/Industrial 2, 11049 files to process
Feb 24 21:39:28 mms mm-server[664]: Scan of repository /mnt/music/Industrial 2 has been finished in 9.86 seconds

Alt, Folk, Pop 1 -> 72,644
Alt, Folk, Pop 2 -> 55,036
Rock 1 -> 61,173
Rock 2 -> 53,430
Industrial 1 -> 13,113
Industrial 2 -> 11,049 (hey, this one matches!!!!)

All I can see from the logs is that it fails on MPC files, which is fine. But it might also be causing it to halt? Hard to tell. If you want me to attach logs again, just let me know which one(s).
Posts: 5031
Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:00 am

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by Ludek »

good catch with the MPC files!

I am seeing the hung with MPC too, looking into it...
Posts: 5031
Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:00 am

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by Ludek »

Re the MPC: Actually seeing that I have already reported it here 4 years ago:

See the last comments where:
1) I'have just found that two files were actually corrupted (03, 06) having each 1.8 GB in size
2) it still takes 57 seconds to scan just the 10 files , so still quite slow
Reply from Borewit: As I explained, the the Musepack, stream-version 7 parsing indeed very inefficient.

Maybe you could also comment there with your MPC samples?
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Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:35 pm

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by sparhawk »

Any way to force a collection's rescan again to get those MPC errors? The only time they appeared was during initial scan. Restarting the server or choosing to rescan the collection from the web interface doesn't do it.

What I want to send you is the last MPC file from each scan before it stopped adding files, as that is probably the culprit.

I suppose if I have to, I can delete the collection and re-add it.
Posts: 5031
Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:00 am

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by Ludek »

I think that currently only the new files (not in the database yet) are scanned during re-scan, this is being tracked as

Until this is fixed then test it by moving the MPC files to a new folder and add this testing folder to a testing collection to see which MPC makes the issue.
Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:35 pm

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by sparhawk »

I'm seeing two different types of errors with MPC files

Code: Select all

Music metadata parsing error: Error: Unexpected data-type: 3 (/mnt/music/Rock 1/Alan Davey/[2001] Al Chemical's Lysergic Orchestra/Alan Davey - Al Chemical's Lysergic Orchestra - 07 Synthia.mpc)

Code: Select all

Music metadata parsing error: RangeError [ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE]: The value "4098121093" is invalid for option "size" (/mnt/music/Rock 1/Amen/[1999] Amen/Amen - Amen - 03 Drive.mpc)
Here are three MPC files that appear to stop the scanning process for me:
Posts: 5031
Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:00 am

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by Ludek »

Thanks, added it as
for Borewit to analyze.
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Location: Sydney NSW

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by allwi »

Is there any process on this? I was hoping that a new version on a different platform (Linux) may solve the issue but when I installed on the weekend MMS from the source, it showed v 0.43 and worse, the scanning only discovered 2,046 of my 20k files :(
Posts: 979
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Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by drakinite »

allwi wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 9:35 pm Is there any process on this? I was hoping that a new version on a different platform (Linux) may solve the issue but when I installed on the weekend MMS from the source, it showed v 0.43 and worse, the scanning only discovered 2,046 of my 20k files :(
Looks like Borewit fixed it, but we haven't updated the version of music-metadata on the repo. Go to package.json (in the MMS file root) and change "music-metadata": "^7.11.7", to "music-metadata": "^7.12.3", - then do npm install again and see how it works. :slight_smile:

side note: I wish phpbb had inline code blocks. :pensive:
Student electrical-computer engineer, web programmer, part-time MediaMonkey developer, full-time MediaMonkey enthusiast
I uploaded many addons to MM's addon page, but not all of those were created by me. "By drakinite, Submitted by drakinite" means I made it on my own time. "By Ventis Media, Inc., Submitted by drakinite" means it may have been made by me or another MediaMonkey developer, so instead of crediting/thanking me, please thank the team. You can still ask me for support on any of our addons.
Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:35 pm

Re: Only tiny percentage of songs read into collection

Post by sparhawk »

I just changed the music-metadata tag in package.json, ran npm install, started up mms, and rescanned a directory that was giving me this error, and it still occurred. From syslog on the server:

Code: Select all

Jun 26 18:31:15 mms mm-server[1543]: Caught exception: TypeError: SQLite3 can only bind numbers, strings, bigints, buffers, and null
Finding that timestamp in the web interface's Debug Logs:

Code: Select all

1:32:08 PM   HTTP SUBSCRIBE /cds/event, headers: {"sid":"uuid:fc6500dd-45ca-4870-ad8b-d40dc3ee2fa0","timeout":"Second-1800","host":"","content-length":"0"}
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[2009] Purple Audio {Trance}/Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Purple Audio - 04 Photograph (Original Mix) feat. Roberta Harrison.mp3 metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,lyrics,rating,ratings,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[2009] Purple Audio {Trance}/Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Purple Audio - 03 Spirit (Original Mix) feat. Katie Marne.mp3 metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,lyrics,rating,ratings,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[2009] Purple Audio {Trance}/Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Purple Audio - 02 Paul Van Dyk - In Circles (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix Album Edit).mp3 metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,lyrics,rating,ratings,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   SELECT _id, sync_id FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[200'/*+108 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[2009] Purple Audio {Trance}/Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Purple Audio - 01 No Regrets (Purple Classic Mix) feat. Simon.mp3 metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,lyrics,rating,ratings,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   Reading metadata of /mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[2009] Purple Audio {Trance}/Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Purple Audio - 04 Photograph (Original Mix) feat. Roberta Harrison.mp3
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[200'/*+113 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   SELECT token FROM content_points ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1
1:31:15 PM   Log content change: media,added,Good God Almighty.0664b81d-6dd6-45fe-90ee-4e4b447da381
1:31:15 PM   INSERT INTO media (path, title, album, artist, album_artist, actor, composer, producer, director, publisher, contributor, lyricist, conductor, bpm, genre, rating, playcount, skipcount, bookmark, comment, duration, size, mime_type, year, trackNumber, discNumber, lyrics, last_time_played, volumeLeveling, normalizeTrack, normalizeAlbum, parental_rating, grouping, tempo, mood, occasion, quality, isrc, initialKey, originalTitle, originalArtist, originalLyricist, originalDate, copyright, encoder, subtitle, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5, custom6, custom7, custom8, custom9, custom10, album_art, sync_id) VALUES ('/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+74 bytes*/,'Good God Almighty','The Blues','Alex Harvey','Alex Harvey',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Blues Rock',-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,182053.333333333,15746408.0,'audio/x-flac',1964.0,15.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'[{"contentHandlerKey":"musicMeta'/*+102 bytes*/,'Good God Almighty.0664b81d-6dd6-'/*+22 bytes*/)
1:31:15 PM   SELECT _id, sync_id FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+74 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 15 Good God Almighty.flac metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   Reading metadata of /mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[2009] Purple Audio {Trance}/Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Purple Audio - 03 Spirit (Original Mix) feat. Katie Marne.mp3
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[200'/*+104 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   SELECT token FROM content_points ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1
1:31:15 PM   Log content change: media,added,Kisses Sweeter Than .90bfb6e1-95b3-4c4d-8502-8778e27ff040
1:31:15 PM   INSERT INTO media (path, title, album, artist, album_artist, actor, composer, producer, director, publisher, contributor, lyricist, conductor, bpm, genre, rating, playcount, skipcount, bookmark, comment, duration, size, mime_type, year, trackNumber, discNumber, lyrics, last_time_played, volumeLeveling, normalizeTrack, normalizeAlbum, parental_rating, grouping, tempo, mood, occasion, quality, isrc, initialKey, originalTitle, originalArtist, originalLyricist, originalDate, copyright, encoder, subtitle, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5, custom6, custom7, custom8, custom9, custom10, album_art, sync_id) VALUES ('/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+81 bytes*/,'Kisses Sweeter Than Wine','The Blues','Alex Harvey','Alex Harvey',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Blues Rock',-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,209533.333333333,13231518.0,'audio/x-flac',1964.0,14.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'[{"contentHandlerKey":"musicMeta'/*+102 bytes*/,'Kisses Sweeter Than .90bfb6e1-95'/*+25 bytes*/)
1:31:15 PM   SELECT _id, sync_id FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+81 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 14 Kisses Sweeter Than Wine.flac metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   Reading metadata of /mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[2009] Purple Audio {Trance}/Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Purple Audio - 02 Paul Van Dyk - In Circles (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix Album Edit).mp3
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[200'/*+125 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   SELECT token FROM content_points ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1
1:31:15 PM   Log content change: media,added,Strange Fruit.4c3e0754-c656-4799-bb88-7f181ab79d49
1:31:15 PM   INSERT INTO media (path, title, album, artist, album_artist, actor, composer, producer, director, publisher, contributor, lyricist, conductor, bpm, genre, rating, playcount, skipcount, bookmark, comment, duration, size, mime_type, year, trackNumber, discNumber, lyrics, last_time_played, volumeLeveling, normalizeTrack, normalizeAlbum, parental_rating, grouping, tempo, mood, occasion, quality, isrc, initialKey, originalTitle, originalArtist, originalLyricist, originalDate, copyright, encoder, subtitle, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5, custom6, custom7, custom8, custom9, custom10, album_art, sync_id) VALUES ('/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+70 bytes*/,'Strange Fruit','The Blues','Alex Harvey','Alex Harvey',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Blues Rock',-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,162373.333333333,9389925.0,'audio/x-flac',1964.0,13.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'[{"contentHandlerKey":"musicMeta'/*+102 bytes*/,'Strange Fruit.4c3e0754-c656-4799'/*+18 bytes*/)
1:31:15 PM   SELECT _id, sync_id FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+70 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 13 Strange Fruit.flac metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   Reading metadata of /mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[2009] Purple Audio {Trance}/Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Purple Audio - 01 No Regrets (Purple Classic Mix) feat. Simon.mp3
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[200'/*+108 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[200'/*+110 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex M.O.R.P.H/[200'/*+107 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   Reading metadata of /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 15 Good God Almighty.flac
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+74 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   SELECT token FROM content_points ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1
1:31:15 PM   Log content change: media,added,St. James Infirmary.36601a96-92ed-4f21-8509-d8af2b3fbba8
1:31:15 PM   INSERT INTO media (path, title, album, artist, album_artist, actor, composer, producer, director, publisher, contributor, lyricist, conductor, bpm, genre, rating, playcount, skipcount, bookmark, comment, duration, size, mime_type, year, trackNumber, discNumber, lyrics, last_time_played, volumeLeveling, normalizeTrack, normalizeAlbum, parental_rating, grouping, tempo, mood, occasion, quality, isrc, initialKey, originalTitle, originalArtist, originalLyricist, originalDate, copyright, encoder, subtitle, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5, custom6, custom7, custom8, custom9, custom10, album_art, sync_id) VALUES ('/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+76 bytes*/,'St. James Infirmary','The Blues','Alex Harvey','Alex Harvey',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Blues Rock',-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,186226.666666667,13968894.0,'audio/x-flac',1964.0,12.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'[{"contentHandlerKey":"musicMeta'/*+102 bytes*/,'St. James Infirmary.36601a96-92e'/*+24 bytes*/)
1:31:15 PM   SELECT _id, sync_id FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+76 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 12 St. James Infirmary.flac metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   SELECT token FROM content_points ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1
1:31:15 PM   Log content change: media,added,Nobody Knows You Whe.29410d0c-c83a-4d31-bf8c-c069681afd33
1:31:15 PM   INSERT INTO media (path, title, album, artist, album_artist, actor, composer, producer, director, publisher, contributor, lyricist, conductor, bpm, genre, rating, playcount, skipcount, bookmark, comment, duration, size, mime_type, year, trackNumber, discNumber, lyrics, last_time_played, volumeLeveling, normalizeTrack, normalizeAlbum, parental_rating, grouping, tempo, mood, occasion, quality, isrc, initialKey, originalTitle, originalArtist, originalLyricist, originalDate, copyright, encoder, subtitle, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5, custom6, custom7, custom8, custom9, custom10, album_art, sync_id) VALUES ('/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+98 bytes*/,'Nobody Knows You When You''re Dow'/*+9 bytes*/,'The Blues','Alex Harvey','Alex Harvey',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Blues Rock',-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,187466.666666667,14013869.0,'audio/x-flac',1964.0,11.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'[{"contentHandlerKey":"musicMeta'/*+102 bytes*/,'Nobody Knows You Whe.29410d0c-c8'/*+25 bytes*/)
1:31:15 PM   SELECT _id, sync_id FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+98 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 11 Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out.flac metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   Reading metadata of /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 14 Kisses Sweeter Than Wine.flac
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+81 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   SELECT token FROM content_points ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1
1:31:15 PM   Log content change: media,added,No Peace.a0011bcb-4078-40f1-91f6-8c5d8075cff6
1:31:15 PM   INSERT INTO media (path, title, album, artist, album_artist, actor, composer, producer, director, publisher, contributor, lyricist, conductor, bpm, genre, rating, playcount, skipcount, bookmark, comment, duration, size, mime_type, year, trackNumber, discNumber, lyrics, last_time_played, volumeLeveling, normalizeTrack, normalizeAlbum, parental_rating, grouping, tempo, mood, occasion, quality, isrc, initialKey, originalTitle, originalArtist, originalLyricist, originalDate, copyright, encoder, subtitle, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5, custom6, custom7, custom8, custom9, custom10, album_art, sync_id) VALUES ('/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+65 bytes*/,'No Peace','The Blues','Alex Harvey','Alex Harvey',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Blues Rock',-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,317133.333333333,25102349.0,'audio/x-flac',1964.0,10.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'[{"contentHandlerKey":"musicMeta'/*+102 bytes*/,'No Peace.a0011bcb-4078-40f1-91f6'/*+13 bytes*/)
1:31:15 PM   SELECT _id, sync_id FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+65 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 10 No Peace.flac metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
1:31:15 PM   Reading metadata of /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 13 Strange Fruit.flac
1:31:15 PM   SELECT * FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+70 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   SELECT token FROM content_points ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1
1:31:15 PM   Log content change: media,added,The Michigan Massacr.63ad3726-19a9-4999-af12-ad196d607665
1:31:15 PM   INSERT INTO media (path, title, album, artist, album_artist, actor, composer, producer, director, publisher, contributor, lyricist, conductor, bpm, genre, rating, playcount, skipcount, bookmark, comment, duration, size, mime_type, year, trackNumber, discNumber, lyrics, last_time_played, volumeLeveling, normalizeTrack, normalizeAlbum, parental_rating, grouping, tempo, mood, occasion, quality, isrc, initialKey, originalTitle, originalArtist, originalLyricist, originalDate, copyright, encoder, subtitle, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5, custom6, custom7, custom8, custom9, custom10, album_art, sync_id) VALUES ('/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+78 bytes*/,'The Michigan Massacre','The Blues','Alex Harvey','Alex Harvey',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Blues Rock',-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,209973.333333333,15034125.0,'audio/x-flac',1964.0,9.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'[{"contentHandlerKey":"musicMeta'/*+102 bytes*/,'The Michigan Massacr.63ad3726-19'/*+25 bytes*/)
1:31:15 PM   SELECT _id, sync_id FROM media WHERE path = '/mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] '/*+78 bytes*/
1:31:15 PM   putMetas: /mnt/music/A/Alex Harvey/[1964] The Blues {Blues Rock}/Alex Harvey - The Blues - 09 The Michigan Massacre.flac metas: duration,title,album,albumArtists,artists,genres,authors,conductors,lyricists,encoder,copyright,subtitle,bitrate,sampleFrequency,nrAudioChannels,originalTitle,originalArtist,originalDate,mood,isrc,year,originalTrackNumber,albumArts,mimeType,size
These audio files seem okay to me, but if you want me to send you any of them for further analysis, let me know.
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