Beta bug - MMA Playlists are truncated in Android Auto

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Beta bug - MMA Playlists are truncated in Android Auto

Post by tbaker08550 »

Using MMA

When doing a WiFi synch, all playlists synch to my Android phone perfectly.

In Android Auto on car screen, however, some playlists are incomplete. Playlist menu on AA will show the correct number of tracks in each playlist, but then when choosing that playlist in Android Auto, only a few of the tracks are present. (All tracks in each playlist are present and complete on the phone, just not in Android Auto.)
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Re: Beta bug - MMA Playlists are truncated in Android Auto

Post by Peke »

Some Android Auto versions and devices require bit tempering to show whole list. Please go to ☰ -> Options -> Playback -> Limit list for external apps (0 is default).

How long are your lists and are they ok till the cuted track #?
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Re: Beta bug - MMA Playlists are truncated in Android Auto

Post by tbaker08550 »

I have 695 total tracks on the phone. There are about 40 playlists, the longest one being 132 tracks. Many are very short but they still truncate - there are 16 tracks showing on the phone, but only 4 showing in Android Auto.

There doesn't seem to be a pattern that I can see as to what playlists truncate and which don't.

I tried changing the "limit list for external apps" setting as you suggested. I changed it to 800 and it didn't make any difference to the truncation of the playlists. I changed it to "unlimited" and on Android Auto I got a rotating yellow circle in the middle of the's like it never finished reading the phone.
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Re: Beta bug - MMA Playlists are truncated in Android Auto

Post by Peke »

It's weird. The playlist with only 16 tracks should not be truncated in AA. If you can browse phone when is wired connected to AA go to MMA and send using ☰ -> ? -> Send Logs -> Make Screen shot of Log id or write log id -> Send The log and post LOG ID here.

If it is an older device and you have AA screen on phone when connected, you can't use home button during AA is connected, then please exit from AA , go to MMA and send log asap using ☰ -> ? -> Send Logs -> Make Screen shot of Log id or write log id -> Send The log and post LOG ID here.
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Re: Beta bug - MMA Playlists are truncated in Android Auto

Post by rusty »

fyi, the issue seems dependent on the Android Auto device. If not all tracks are listed, your best bet is to reduce the "limit list for external apps" setting to the number of tracks that display correctly so as to avoid the 'endless hourglass' that otherwise appears.

btw, is it safe to assume that this issue occurs with other apps over Android Auto as well?


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