MMW 2024 versioning / licensing Q&A

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MMW 2024 versioning / licensing Q&A

Post by rusty »

For those of you testing the current MMW beta, you've no doubt noticed that the versioning has switched from MMW 5.1 to MMW 2024. There have been a number of questions and answers in different threads about what this means in terms of MMW licensing, and this post is an attempt to summarize that in one place for beta testers (this information will migrate to our Knowledgebase / Help once MMW 2024 is released to production).

1) Why aren't we releasing the next version as MMW 5.1?
MMW 5.0 was released 3 years ago. The beta that we're currently working on has over 600 fixes and improvements (compared to 5.0.5), and we felt that it merited a new major version.

2) Why MMW 2024 instead of MMW 6.0?
This better communicates the timeframe in which it's being released and the fact that it's new.

3) What will happen to MMW 4.x and MMW 5.x once MMW 2024 is released?
Once MMW 2024 is released, all efforts will be focused on that particular version and earlier releases will no longer be officially supported. BUT, in the past, when there have been major problems associated with the functionality of an earlier release (e.g. failed synchronization with a new iOS version), we've sometimes updated the unsupported version so that it can continue to be used. Such decisions are made on a case by case basis.

4) Does the new versioning scheme mean that Gold licenses will expire after a year?
No. This is not a change to a subscription model where a license expires after some set period of time. MMW 4.x Gold licenses work perpetually on MMW 4.x; MMW 5.x licenses work perpetually on MMW 5.x; and MMW 2024 licenses will work perpetually on MMW 2024.x.

5) How long will MMW 2024 be supported?
Our policy has always been that Gold license purchasers receive at least one year of support updates with their purchase (although depending on when a purchase was made, users usually received 2+ years of updates). Our policy remains unchanged for MMW 2024.

6) Will MMW 5.x Gold users get upgrades to MMW 2024?
As described above, our policy has always been that Gold license purchasers receive at least one year of updates. With that guideline in mind, all users who've purchased MMW 5.x Gold after 1/1/2023 will receive free upgrades to MMW 2024 Gold. As to the logistics of this:
- Users who've purchased MMW 5.x Gold between 1/2023 and 3/2024 will receive an email with an MMW 2024 Gold license key closer to release (contact the helpdesk if you want this sooner).
- Users who have or are purchasing MMW 5.x Gold from 4/2024 and on receive an MMW 2024 key automatically upon purchase

In addition:
- Users who've purchased MMW 4.x or 5.x Gold licenses prior to 2023, will receive coupons for a discounted upgrade upon release time (contact the help desk if you require this sooner)
- MMW Lifetime Gold license holders will be able to use their license with MMW 2024 (don't need to upgrade their licenses)

6) How much will MMW 2024 Gold licenses cost?
TBD, but it'll probably be more than MMW 5.x.

Thank you all for your continued support!
