Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

Post by groovekanzler »

Hi Lowlander,
thanx for responding! That sounds promising, I just can not get it to work. It should be straight forward: My folder structure is:

lossy\Artist A\Album A\
lossless\Artist A\Album A\

The only metadata I would like to keep from my older lossy mp3s is "Date added" and "playcount". I would also like to keep the playlists that are based on the older lossy files.

I do see the files to edit nodes, but I dont get any meaningful suggestions in the "dublicates node".

How would I need to setup the script to do the trick?

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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

Post by Lowlander »

I use right click on old Album > Copy Metadata, then right click on new Album > Paste Metadata > ListtoList - Manual Selection and then select what metadata I want copied.
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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

Post by groovekanzler »

Is that using the script?

Here is an example of the same album as mp3 and ALAC

but it does not show up in the duplicates node

what am I doing wrong?
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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

Post by Lowlander »

Yes, that uses the script, but it is a manual process where I locate both old and new Album (Find More from Same > Album) and then manually copy metadata using that method.
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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

Post by forschi »

Is there a way to set up this plugin so that it will search for duplicates from one collection or playlist compared to a different one?
F.ex: checking my "Downloads" collection for tracks already in my "Music Library" collection.

Advanced Duplicate Find and Fix

Post by Trollheart2016 »

Really sorry guys; I'm sure this has been asked a million times but I've searched and found nothing that helps.

Basically it's the old story: just scanned one of my main music directories (havign come back to MM for the first time in a long while) and have lots of lovely duplicates. Installed the above addon but can't find it in scripts. Saw it in Extensions but there it only allows me to update it (no update exists) not run it. I'm on the latest version I think ( and using Win 7. I've obviously overlooked something but have no clue what. Installation was reported successful ok, so what monumental blunder am I making here?

Appreciate any help and again sorry for probably opening a topic that has been discussed before.

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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find and Fix

Post by MMFrLife »

Trollheart2016 wrote:Installed the above addon
If you already installed it, then you use it by finding it under Entire Library > Files to Edit node.
You can find the .vbs file under Scripts > Auto

If you just downloaded it, it'll be an .mmip file or .zip file. Either in Downloads default or some custom one of your choosing.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find and Fix

Post by Trollheart2016 »

Thanks for that. I think I found it under "Manage collections", but I cant figure out how to get it running. Seems a little complicated to a boob like me. Is there no simple way to get the prog to recognise highlight and allow deletion of all duplicate files? I can seem looking at for instance ABBA Greatest Hits that there are two of every track. How can I get it to delete these, and any other copies in other albums? I know I used to be able to do this easily but I can't remember how, as it's been some time since I used MM. SOrry for the newbness.

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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find and Fix

Post by MMFrLife »

It shouldn't be under Manage Collections. It should be in the tree where I mentioned or the options for it under Tools > Options > Library >

Can you provide a step by step of what you did before you got all the dups.
Did you have items in the library before you did the scan that created dups or did you scan fresh, etc. ?

Start here

If all else fails, it may be best to just start over.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
Top 2 scripts: RegExp Find & Replace (e.v.) and Magic Nodes (e.v.) ZvezdanD's scripts site
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"The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth"

Re: Advanced Duplicate Find and Fix

Post by Trollheart2016 »

One note: why does it keep asking me to prove I'm human for every post? Surely I've proven that once and should not have to keep doing it, but every time I post I have to do that ape thing. Very annoying.

Anyway, first I used Magic MP3 Tagger and then Picard to supposedly tag my files, but I didn't really see much in the way of information. Then I added the same directiory ("Downloaded Albums" and all its subdirs) with MM. I then changed the display grid to show album art plus details, and now as I say I can see at least one album with duplicate tracks.

I found ADF where you said, as I had before, but there are so many parameters I have no idea what to do. All I want is all visible duplicated tracks to be deleted, but it seems to be very complicated. I remember before, as I said, I was able to click something, it would show duplicate files and mark them for deletion, ass pretty seamlessly and quickly. Not sure if that option is gone now?

Thanks for taking the time to help, by the way. Sorry I'm not being as clear as maybe I could be. If it's possible to provide me with a quick runthrough of what to do to get rid of the duplicate files that would be great. Do I need to check certain options or what do I fill in? Just not too sure.


Re: Advanced Duplicate Find and Fix

Post by Trollheart2016 »

Okay, I think I have accidentally stumbled over the actual find duplicates routine built into the program. I may be all right, except I just need the answer to one question if you'd be so kind: when the prog lists duplicate files and shows them to me, is it safe to delete all I see, as in, is it showing me copies and originals, and if the former, is it safe them just to select all and delete the duplicates? I feel this may be the case, as though some albums show twice, others do not. So if everything I'm seeing is a duplicate, am I safe to delete them all would you think?

Also, if I screw that up, all I'm deleting is tags, yes? So at worst I can just rescan, although if I do that am I likely to get the duplicates tagged back in? And if so, any idea how I avoid this happening in the first place, or why it happens?

Sorry for all the questions. Thanks for your help.

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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find and Fix

Post by MMFrLife »

The links in my last post tell you about all the why and where.

As far as deleting the duplicates, you do that at your own risk.
Sometimes, the duplicates are actual dup "files", sometimes one is actual and one is a metadata reference, and sometimes there are two
"metadata references" that refer to the "same actual" file. In the latter case, If you delete one of them it will delete both.
You have to look over things like path, length, etc. to ultimately make a judgement call.

Monkeys and Apes at the login is a security measure to make sure you are a human being and not an automated machine running a scam, etc.
Since you are not a registered member it has no way of knowing that it's still just you after the first time.

In the end, though, there's nothing more important than the "almighty, sacred" backup of your media files.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

Post by ALB »

How do i get mm to auto delete the files. i have like 7,000 to delete
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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

Post by MMFrLife »

There is no auto when it comes to deleting in MM or the add-on. You have to do this at your own risk, as said in my last post
and here.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
Top 2 scripts: RegExp Find & Replace (e.v.) and Magic Nodes (e.v.) ZvezdanD's scripts site
Please take a moment to read the bottom of the linked page to support the one and only - ZvezdanD! (the "originator" since 2006).
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Re: Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix 3.8.2 (2014-01-27)

Post by ALB »

You saying it has to be done way ..i rather reripp than going through
15,000 songs deleting..there must be somekind of software than can delete duplicates
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