The field formats can be separated with spaces to apply multiple formats to one field. For example, to surround a value with brackets use the format P( S).
As always to installer is available from my website.
Code: Select all
' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: CustomReport 3.2
' AUTHOR: trixmoto (
' DATE : 29/07/2014
' INSTALL: Copy to Scripts directory and add the following to Scripts.ini
' Don't forget to remove comments (') and set the order appropriately
' [CustomReport]
' FileName=CustomReport.vbs
' ProcName=CustomReport
' Order=50
' DisplayName=Custom Report
' Description=Custom Report
' Language=VBScript
' ScriptType=1
' Add: A1 - "1" becomes "2"
' Newline char: C*** - Newline character
' Divide: D100 - "1" becomes "0.01"
' Extract: E()2 - "A B C" becomes "B"
' Format date: Fd/m/Y - "30th Oct 2009" becomes "30/10/2009" -
' Hyperlink: H... - Create link in HTML
' Hyperlink: I... - Create link in HTML using mask
' Justify: JL for left, JR for right, JC for centre
' Lowercase: L - "Word" becomes "word"
' Multiply: M100 - "1" becomes "100"
' Number: N2 - "1" becomes "1.00"
' Prefix: P( - "Word" becomes "(Word"
' Replace: R1=One - "1" becomes "One"
' Suffix: S) - "Word" becomes "Word)"
' Title case: T - "WORD" becomes "Word"
' Uppercase: U - "Word" becomes "WORD"
' Width: W25% - Column width in HTML/Excel
' Leading zeros: Z2 - "1" becomes "01"
' Traverse: \1 - "C:\Music\Test.mp3" becomes "Music\Test.mp3"
' FIXES: Fixed SongLengthString back to unformatted value
' Added SongLengthTime and SongLengthLocal with formatted values
(Exceeds 60,000 characters)