RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

kluv wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:35 pm No, i was saying in the original title of the song the key can be in the front, middle or end. its not in a set position.
Title: E flat major Op.7`6 (Il Pianto D'Arianna)
Title: Op.7`6 in E flat major (Il Pianto D'Arianna)
Title: Op.7`6 (Il Pianto D'Arianna) E flat major
That is a high level of change.
You will need the enhanced version (latest v. to ensure compatibility for needs)

You can use something like the following variety of presets,
Copy specified number of words from the start of <From Field> to <Into Field>...
Copy specified number of words from the end of <From Field> to <Into Field>...
Copy specified number of words before right-specified position in <From Field> to <Into Field>...
Copy specified number of words after left-specified position in <From Field> to <Into Field>...

as you execute them on different groups of keys at different positions.


You can use a single preset like one of the last two,
ex., Copy specified number of words before right-specified position in <From Field> to <Into Field>...
and constantly change the number words to copy and skip as you execute them on different groups of keys at different
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

mmuser101 wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 5:24 pm lets say the file is called "joe rogan show 2021_07_31.mp3" Song-Show Name YYYY_MM_DD.mp3

I want to take the date that is in the end and create two things with it. I want to create the track number as 20210731 and I want to create the date as 07/31/2021
For the track number, something like:

Copy specified number of words from the end of <From Field> to <Into Field>...
- should copy date in current format to the track number field
Replace specified string with another one in <Into Field>...
- to get rid of the underscores

For the date part:

I'm not sure because you can "directly" assign the date in forward slash format to the date field, but you can''t
just "copy" the date in that format to the date field even if it is from a temporary field.

Maybe you can use another field for that, with something like,

Copy specified number of words from the end of <From Field> to <Into Field>...
Copy specified number of words before right-specified position in <From Field> to <Into Field>...
- to get date at end copied to an alternate field.
Swap text separated by specified string in <Into Field>...
- to get desired order of date numbers
Replace specified string with another one in <Into Field>...
- to replace underscores with forward slashes

In enhanced version, you can batch those presets together to behave as one for your desired purpose.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

I sometimes already have a descriptor at the end of a title/filename the way I want it: ex., '{rough mix}' or 'mx {rough, no strings}'.

But, often when I run a general processing batch on my titles to correct other things, which includes the preset
Capitalize <Into Field> with exceptions (ASCII, Latin-1, Latin-2 & Cyrillic)...,
it causes it to render as {Rough Mix} or 'mx {Rough, No Strings}'.

I'm not saying that doesn't make sense, but is there a way, maybe inside of "Specific" field,
to tell that preset to keep everything contained in {...} lower case?

Is that something that can be done as an independent preset? I could maybe insert it
into the batch after the 'Caps/Exceptions' one.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

In presets like "Partial manipulations", Name: "Move rightmost part of <From Field> between (and including) specified strings to <Into Field>...,

I would think the coding itself and/or my adjustments to the opening/closing strings and/or 'string copy/removal' options
at bottom of dialog would achieve what I want, but I can't figure it out.


01 Songs Are Meant For Listening {from 'What the Heck is a Song?'; 1973; 2D} [1_01]

Moved Part: {from 'What the Heck is a Song?'; 1973; 2D}

the result I get:

01 Songs Are Meant For Listening[1_01]

{from 'What the Heck is a Song?'; 1973; 2D}

Ive tried various things to correct the space problem of 'Listening[1_01]',
but whatever the adjustments, at least one field is incorrect.

Is this even possible with that preset alone, or do I need to add to it or find
another preset(s)

Preset #220 in v6.0.0.54 RFR .ini
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by ZvezdanD »

MMFrLife wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 2:30 pm Is this even possible with that preset alone, or do I need to add to it or find
another preset(s)
What is the result that you want to get? Is it only problem because there is no a space character between "Listening" and "[1_01]"?

This preset is rather complex with many settings that you haven't reported, it would be best if you posted its screenshot. I suppose you have specified "{" as an opening string and "}" as a closing string, right?
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

ZvezdanD wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:03 pm What is the result that you want to get? Is it only problem because there is no a space character between "Listening" and "[1_01]"?
a single space between those two strings and no spaces at the beg or end of the destination field string.
ZvezdanD wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:03 pmI suppose you have specified "{" as an opening string and "}" as a closing string, right?
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
Top 2 scripts: RegExp Find & Replace (e.v.) and Magic Nodes (e.v.) ZvezdanD's scripts site
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by ZvezdanD »

Please provide a screenshot.
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

Do you want a screenshot of the 'Tune' dialog settings?
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by ZvezdanD »

Yes, with your own settings, not default ones. And it would be nice if the same screenshot include the Preset Settings dialog box with the selected mentioned file, so that it could be observed in the Old <Into> and New <Into> fields, as well as in the table.
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

Last edited by MMFrLife on Tue Nov 09, 2021 1:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

Well, oddly it is working now!
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by ZvezdanD »

Are you sure that it is working with the same file?

I just saw that you don't have a space character between "}" and "[" in the original which is causing that issue. It seems that most simply would be if you first replace "}[" with "} [" and then you could apply the mentioned preset.
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

ZvezdanD wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 5:42 pm I just saw that you don't have a space character between "}" and "[" in the original
When I look at the image I sent you I see a space between the two } [ characters.
I am looking in the results field at the Path column. Is that what you mean?

Are you sure you didn't do a quick glance for space referencing at "Lover {" before it?
That has two spaces between on purpose, which could make the spot in question seem
like it has no space b/n.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by ZvezdanD »

MMFrLife wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 5:54 pm When I look at the image I sent you I see a space between the two } [ characters.
You are right. The space around } and [ characters is quite significant, almost as large as one space character itself, and it was hard for me to distinguish if it is one or another on my small screen. After I copy/pasted your example in my text editor, I saw it right there.

Then I don't have any idea why you had the mentioned issue and how you don't have it anymore.

By the way, the next time when you post the screenshot, make sure that the combo box below the "Find what" has the "New <From>" selected, if you are using a preset that modify two fields at once; also choose the "Show From Field" option from the context menu when you right-click on the table. So that I could see both the resulting source and destination fields.
Magic Nodes 4.3.3 / 5.2 RegExp Find & Replace 4.4.9 / 5.2  Invert Selection/Select None 1.5.1  Export/Create Playlists for Child Nodes 4.1.1 / 5.4.1  Expand Child Nodes/Expand All 1.1.2  Event Logger 2.7  Filtered Statistics Report 1.6  Track Redirection & Synchronization 3.4.2  Restore/Synchronize Database 3.1.8 / 4.0.1  Find Currently Playing Track 1.3.2  Queue List 1.2.1  Add to Library on Play 1.0.1  Tree Report for Child Nodes 1.1.1  Update Location of Files in Database 1.4.5 / 2.3  Inherit Child Playlists 1.0.3  Add Currently Playing/Selected Track(s) to Playlist 1.2
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Re: RegExp Find & Replace 4.3 w/ 253 presets (2011-07-06) [MM2+]

Post by MMFrLife »

ZvezdanD wrote: Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:35 am The space around } and [ characters is quite significant, almost as large as one space character itself, and it was hard for me to distinguish if it is one or another on my small screen. After I copy/pasted your example in my text editor, I saw it right there.
Curly braces are a little deceiving anyway, as the point of distance between itself and another character is measured from
that tiny, split kink in the middle, whereas its top and bottom bend away from that. And like you say, on a small screen the whole thing probably looked pretty tight.
ZvezdanD wrote: Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:35 amThen I don't have any idea why you had the mentioned issue and how you don't have it anymore.
Yeah, I'm not sure about what happened. Oh well, it could have been some little unconscious thing I did. It has been fixed/overhauled now, including deciding to put back in the info I was moving out of the path (ha). It is one of the few artists/release types/release groups I use to experiment on when I change my mind about something or have a new organizational idea, and it was in an experimental state.

Anyway, if I notice it again I'll let you know if I can figure it out.
ZvezdanD wrote: Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:35 am...make sure that the combo box below the "Find what" has the "New <From>" selected, if you are using a preset that modify two fields at once; also choose the "Show From Field" option
Ah, yes. I forgot to do those. Next time for sure!
Thanks again!
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
Top 2 scripts: RegExp Find & Replace (e.v.) and Magic Nodes (e.v.) ZvezdanD's scripts site
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