How to report a bug

This forum is for reporting bugs in MediaMonkey for Windows 4. Note that version 4 is no longer actively maintained as it has been replaced by version 5.

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Location: Montreal, Canada

How to report a bug

Post by rusty »

This note is for anyone who wants to report a bug in MediaMonkey for Windows. It provides a few basic guidelines that'll help us resolve bugs as quickly as possible:

1) Make sure that you're using the most recent build, and scan the forum beforehand to ensure that the problem hasn't already been discussed/fixed. If your bug hasn't been reported yet, please report it in a new topic so that it's easy to find and track. If the issue appears to be another instance of a previously reported bug, please add the information to the already existing thread.

2) Be specific in your description of the problem and clearly describe the steps needed to reproduce the problem. Post a video if it's difficult to clearly describe the bug, using a tool like Jing:

3) Provide detailed information about your environment.
- e.g. WinXP SP2, P3 256MB, 1 CDR, 1 DVD reader, 1 HD (C:/), MediaMonkey, MAD plug-in enabled
- Send the files needed to replicate the problem, in cases where the bug is specific to certain files.

4) Send us a debug report / debug log if the problem isn't consistently reproducible or is environment-specific. To do so, you need to use the debug version e.g. MediaMonkey_xxxx_debug.exe. Install the debug version (see links below) of MediaMonkey on top of the regular build (or just install the debug build).
  • a) For crashes and error conditions MediaMonkey will (usually) automatically generate a debug error report and prompt you to send it.
    - Please include your e-mail address and a reference to the original bug description in the forum so that we can match the submission to the original bug description.
    - In case MediaMonkey crashes before sending the error report, you can find the error report as 'MediaMonkey.elf' located in the same folder as MediaMonkey.exe (or in some Win7 installations, at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\EurekaLog\MediaMonkey )

    b) For functional problems (i.e. no crash or error) or if an error report isn't generated automatically, you can manually generate a debug log as described below:
    - Download the DbgView application from: ... s/bb896647
    - Execute DbgView.
    - If you know that the bug triggers a system freeze, configure DbgView to save the log to a file automatically via File > Log to File...
    - Execute MediaMonkey.exe and try to reproduce the bug with a small set of Tracks.
    - You'll see logs being generated in DbgView (if not try running DBGView as Administrator)
    - Save the log messages from DbgView to a file, compress it (ZIP, RAR) and attach. If the file is too large ( > 2MB) then upload the file to a free file hosting service (DropBox, RapidShare, FileDropper, MediaFire, ...) and share just the link to the file.

    c) For CD Burning problems, an additional log will automatically be saved to c:\hpCDE.log

    d) For synchronization bugs, also send us the following information (along with the debug log from 4b):
    i) For an iPod (other than an iPod Touch), please send us zipped content of the \iPod_Control\iTunes\ folder and \iPod_Control\Device\SysInfo
    ii) For an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, please send please send zipped content of the \iTunes_Control\iTunes\ folder
    Note: you'll need an iOS File Explorer such as iMazing or iExplorer to get these files from the iPhone or iPod Touch.
    iii) For an MTP device, please generate a log of the device's internal structure using the following tool:
    To use the tool, save it to the /Program Files/MediaMonkey directory and run it after connecting your device. It'll generate a log that is saved to C:\MMLog.txt. (if using Vista, UAC must be turned off)
Please send the relevant files, log file(s), along with a detailed description / link to the original bug description in the forum via our helpdesk. Note that our helpdesk will not accept attachments larger than 1MB, so please:
- zip any attachments before sending
- send us links to any really large attachments (e.g. upload the files to or or or one you prefer, and include links within the helpdesk ticket).

Thank you very much for your help!

Latest Debug Versions can be downloaded from:
MMW : ... 54426&sd=d
MM5 : ... 86639&sd=d