After installing the script you have to choose your favourite Tagger (Discogs or MusicBrainz) from options in the right upper corner.
- Using the MusicBrainz Tagger doesn't require registration or authorization
- You need an account (only email address is needed) at Discogs to use the Discogs Tagger
You need a discogs account and have to authorize the add-on with your account. Please read the PDF-File if you don't know how to authorize the add-on
Here are some features of the script:
- Tag Artist, Album, Title, Composer, Lyricist, Conductor, Producer, Involved People, Label, Country, Catalog#, Date...
- Add leading zero (Disc# / Track#)
- Rename feat. or Various Artist
- Find first release date of album
- Set Filters for MediaType, MediaFormat, Country or Year to narrow the result
- Show a warning if the number of the selected tracks are different from the discogs release
- Store only the front cover or choose more images, if available on discogs
- Added option to show the original discogs track position
- Showing the Data Quality of the Discogs release
- Edit the keywords for linking the composer, producer, conductor,... tags with discogs
- Correct sub-tracks handling
- Correct Index-Tracks handling [These tracks aren't song-tracks (e.g. Track-Name: 'Bonus track' or 'Live side')]
Latest installer can be obtained from the addons page through the download link. If you get errors or have problems during or after the installation, try installing the script after starting MediaMonkey with administrative rights (right click, run as administrator).
MM updater is supported and can be used for upgrading to latest version (Tools->Extensions->Find Updates) . Running the latest installer will also upgrade to latest version.
Script can be uninstalled from Extensions (Tools->Extensions->Uninstall) .
Recommended Usage:
A - Tagging
1. Right click on the folder that contains the tracks of an album (release) or mark the files and click on "Auto-tag from Web".
2. For enabling the script, you will need to select "Discogs Tagger" or "MusicBrainz Tagger" from options in the right corner (only once).
3. Discogs / MusicBrainz tagger screen will show up.
4. You can change options. You can remove checks for unwanted information (for example composer).
5. For more precise result you can set some filter by choosing the drop down. By pressing the "Set type filter", "Set format filter",... you can set more than one filter option
6. Once you save the options, they will be loaded as default on each time you make a new search.
5. New or different tags will be shown with a yellow background in the list at the lower end. If all music files are matching and correct then continue to next step, otherwise use methods described in section B and C.
6. Press "Auto-Tag" button and tag tracks. Press "Close" button once finished.
B - Finding the release
1. If there are no results, or completely wrong results, problem might be the search string. Use "Quick Search" to change the search string. Although there are plenty of alternatives offered, it is possible to type into the bar at the top and click on search button. Hint: Searching unique identifiers such as barcode number, catalog number etc. will help finding the release. Or you use the Advanced Search button. There you can change the artist/album/track search string.
2. If the release is correct but some tracks were missing/matching wrong, then it's time to test for different versions of the release. One method is to try selecting a different result from the very top combo box to see if you can find the exact release. Other method is to use filters,it's possible to filter results by media type, country and/or year, whichever you know. After applying filters, you will get less and more accurate results.
3. You can use load combo box to switch load mode to master release, artists releases or labels releases. This would help you to locate the correct release faster.
4. If you still couldn't find the release, then it's time to go to discogs web site to locate the release. Once found just paste the release id or release url into search bar at the top and press search to directly load the release. The quickest way to find a release id is clicking on release id on the results page which will open release page at Clicking "All Versions of this Release" link will load master release and bring all versions of that release. Search bar also accepts artist, label and master release urls, which might be useful.
5. If your release is not is listed in, it's best to add that release to discogs database (so that you will also help others) and use that release id to tag your tracks.
C - Matching the tracks
Sometimes, tracks do not match correctly. Then you might need to correct some tags to help matching.
1. Track name determines the matching Cleaning titles and putting track names will provide you exact matching.
2. Selecting individual tracks and tagging them separately is tricky but it will also work.
3. If file names are good enough, another effective option is to right click on the folder and use "Auto-tag from Filename".
4. Matching can become impossible in case of tracks with exactly same names (eg: release with all tracks are "Untitled"). Strategy for such releases is to disable track# field combo box and leave track# as it is (which is better than putting a wrong track #) OR use the Discogs Batch Tagger, there you can move every track to his right place !
D - Organizing the files/folders
1. Right click on the folder that contains the album/single (release) and click on "Auto Organize Files".
2. Decide a format to organize your files according to your tastes. I use the following format:
"..\<Album Artist> - <Album> (<Year>)\<Disc#><Track#:2>. <Artist> - <Title>"
3. Press OK and confirm.
Revision History:
5.86 (09.11.2024)
- Fixed NUL bug from empty tags
5.85 (15.10.2024)
- Added NUL country filter
5.83 (12.09.2023)
- Changed the detection of URL in search string
5.82 (10.06.2022)
- Added option to change search-mode (Using album name for initial search Yes/no)
5.81 (11.08.2021)
- Request of the user collection changed (making them much faster)
5.80 (08.03.2021)
- Removed option for styles tag
- Added a Please-Wait button
5.79 (06.01.2021)
- Bug removed from last update
5.78 (06.01.2021)
- Added "Digital Media" to Mediatype List (Thanks to rvonder)
- Changes in the new matching engine: If only one song was choosen for tagging, you have to select the track from the album in the upper list
5.77 (01.10.2020)
- Added option to show the qty of release format in format tag (i.e. 2 x CD)
5.76 (13.09.2020)
- Bug with additional images while tagging one track removed
- Option to choose matching engine added
5.75 (05.05.2020)
- Some changes made in matching method
5.74 (26.04.2020)
- The following chars ´ , ` , ’ , ‘ , ” , “ are replaced by '
- Fixed tracknumber bug
- Changed the matching method (Thanks to DJ Samhein)
5.73 (16.04.2020)
- Fixed trackname-bug
- A ’ will now replaced by ' , too
5.72 (16.04.2020)
- Added option to replace a ´ and ` with a '
- Added option to search at
- Removed issues with multi-disc albums, need MediaMonkey Version or above
5.71 (23.09.2019)
- Small bugfix from new release yesterday
5.70 (22.09.2019)
- Bug removed: Track-numbering didn't work with more than one char in rare cases
5.69 (20.07.2019)
- Added 'Video' to the CD tag list
5.68 (03.05.2019)
- Now the track-numbering start with the Disc-numbering
5.67 (03.05.2019)
- Changed the Side to Disc function (2 Vinyl sides are one disc)
- Added a "Deselect all" button
5.66 (30.04.2019)
- Changed the Authorize links to work with Windows 10
5.65 (01.04.2019)
- Added option to change media format separator
5.64 (01.11.2018)
- Bug removed with mixed media format
- Select Grouping (not ready yet)
- Add Start/Stop button for track refresh
5.63 (07.09.2018)
- Musicbrainz: New Bug in Label subroutine removed
5.62 (06.09.2018)
- Musicbrainz: Bug removed: Label with no name stop the script
5.61 (25.07.2018)
- Bug removed: Format checkbox didn't work
5.60 (17.06.2018)
- Added new option to store the name of grouped tracks into the grouping tag
- Added changeable separator for sub-tracks
5.59 (04.04.2018)
- The script now use secure channel (https) while fetching data
- Workaround for Discogs date of master release bug: date is now empty instead number 0
5.58 (03.03.2018)
- Repaired the artist tagging
5.57 (03.03.2018)
- Choose artist for tagging back to his old place
- Choose Track# and Disc# for tagging back on the main window
5.56 (14.02.2018)
- Changed some visual things to be more user-friendly
- Authorize the Discogs Tagger should now be more user-friendly
- Every individual genre and style can now selected
- Bug removed: if last track is a sub-track, it didn't recognized as sub-track
- Updating the track titles can now be turned off
5.55 (23.01.2018)
- Now choose your favourite tagger (Discogs or MusicBrainz) from options in the right upper corner
- Bug removed: a slash (/) in folder-names will not stop the script anymore
5.54 (30.12.2017)
- Discogs Tagger use the title-name of the first selected track for search at Discogs, if no album name was found
5.53 (28.12.2017)
- Improved identification of Release/Master/Label/Artist Discogs Numbers e.g. [r12345], [m12345], [l12345], [a12345]
- Fixed identification of master url
5.52 (21.09.2017)
- Now check status-code while image download
- Return to 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0' for MusicBrainz search
- Improved some code
5.51 (15.09.2017)
- Secure channel error: Replaced all 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0' with 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0'
5.50 (13.09.2017)
- Secure channel error: Replaced 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0' with 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0' for image download
5.49 (01.08.2017)
- Changed the 'where to store date' option
5.48 (23.06.2017)
- Added forgotten blank
- Added "Ignore featuring artist" option
5.47 (20.06.2017)
- Added the feature "Add leading zero (Disc#)"
5.46 (29.05.2017)
- Skip Extra-Artists without artistname in musicbrainz-tagger
- Changed Musicbrainz logo
- "Feat."-Function repaired
- Searching at Musicbrainz should now be better
5.45 (21.11.2016)
- Bug with leading zero removed
- Added option for limiting releases
5.44 (10.11.2016)
- Bug with Release Date / Original Date removed
- In Advanced Search hitting enter will trigger search
- Changed error message if no release found
5.43 (09.11.2016)
- Leading/Trailing spaces will now detected and deleted in album-name, too.
- Changing the release will reset the selected tracks
- Added option for choosing where to store Release Date/Original Date
5.42 (20.10.2016)
- Leading/Trailing spaces will now detected and deleted in track-names and the release number will be send to mysql db, a busy bee will then fix it at Discogs
5.41 (15.10.2016)
- Small bugfixes
5.40 (02.06.2016)
- Discogs: Removed bug with featuring artist in the albumartist
- Musicbrainz: Removed one of the two blank character in featuring artist
- Trackname removed from first search
5.39 (04.04.2016)
- The check if it's already in Discogs Collection can be turned off
' - Added option to delete duplicated entries in tags
5.38 (24.03.2016)
- Redirected back to my webspace
- Added new feature: Add the selected album to your Discogs Collection
5.37 (17.03.2016)
- Changed the authorize script
- Accessing discogs now with https
5.36 (04.02.2016)
- Bug with empty Label removed
5.35 (24.01.2016)
- Changed feat. Artist function: Now you can use ";" for separator
- Fixed some Artist-Separator bugs
5.34 (01.01.2016)
- Artist search now use discogs artist-id
5.33 (13.12.2015)
- Added advanced search button
- Added option: Move The in artist name to the end
5.32 (02.12.2015)
- Search improved for more accurate results
5.31 (29.11.2015)
- Choose what kind of search after entering search string
5.30 (06.11.2015)
- Fixed new bug with ampersand
5.29 (21.10.2015)
- Added Relationship-Attributes for Musicbrainz Credits
- Fixed bug with additional musicbrainz images
- Added support for foreign characters
- Fixed bug with ampersand in artistname
5.28 (21.07.2015)
- Removed bug with unselecting tracks
5.27 (14.07.2015)
- Removed bug with joint artists
5.26 (09.07.2015)
- Comma removed after artist
5.25 (10.06.2015)
- Comment Tag added to the Release info
- Back to original Cover-Image saving-routine
- Easier Discogs authorization
5.24 (11.05.2015)
- Added check for image before try download it.
- Image-Proxy removed
5.23 (29.03.2015)
- Again a saving cover-image bug removed
5.22 (27.03.2015)
- Bug removed: mm hangs while downloading covers
- Bug removed: the tags will be written, while cover is saving
- The common filename masks are implemented (Title, Artist, AlbumArtist,…)
5.21 (14.03.2015)
- Saving cover-image bug removed
5.20 (14.03.2015)
- Removed CheckImmedSaveImage, the image(s) will now saved immediately
- Changed Cover-Image saving-routine to store the images in the cache
5.19 (01.03.2015)
- Changed Image download due to recent changes on accessing images at discogs
- Added check for new version once a day
5.18 (05.02.2015)
- Removed bug with Catalog/Release tag
- Removed bug with featuring artist
5.17 (26.01.2015)
- Choosing "Master-Release" shows the Master-Release
- Choosing "Versions of Master" shows all Versions (Releases) of the selected Master-Release
- Added ISRC to CatalogTag
5.16 (11.01.2015)
- Removed bug with Extra-Artists
- Removed bug when searching with release-number
5.15 (02.01.2015)
- MusicBrainz: Tags with no value will no longer crash the script
- MusicBrainz: The manual search now works
- MusicBrainz: Some options which are not necessary are now hidden
- Some small bugfixes
5.14 (13.11.2014)
- The Tagger now detect OAuth authentication error
5.13 (07.11.2014)
- More than one space between track positions doesn't stop the script anymore
- Changed subtrack error detection
5.12 (31.10.2014)
- Removed a bug with empty keyword fields in the options menu
- Now only the search requests use oauth
5.11 (20.10.2014)
- New option "Save selected 'more images' after closing popup" fixed
- New option "Don't copy empty values to non-empty fields" now works for genres/styles too
- More Debug Output to Logfile
5.10 (15.10.2014)
- Changed unclear text
- Change order in dropdown list of the search result, put label at the end
- Added option to enter unwanted tags in involved people
- Added option to save selected "More images" after closing the popup
- Added option "Don't copy empty values to non-empty fields"
- Now show the TrackCount of every release in the search result (only with musicbrainz)
- Some small changes to the layout
5.01 (09.09.2014)
- Removed bug with search result
- Removed bug if no release found
5.00 (07.09.2014)
- Changed OAuth Authorization procedure (now wait 30 seconds for authorize)
- Added MusicBrainz for searching
- Removed some small bugs
4.53 (28.08.2014)
- Changed discogs image url
V4.52 (11.08.2014)
- Changed OAuth Authorization procedure
V4.51 (27.07.2014)
- Removed bug with & character in searchstring
- Small bugfixes
- Removed bug with empty results
V4.50 (25.07.2014)
- Bug removed with utf-8 characters in searchstring (with big help from tillmanj !!)
V4.48 (23.07.2014)
- In the options menu you can now enter the access token manually
- Bug removed in Keywords routine
V4.47 (19.07.2014)
- Changed delay function. Wscript.Sleep doesn't work on all clients.
V4.46 (18.07.2014)
- Added OAuth authentication (Important Change ! Read the hint below)
- The default settings for saving the Cover Images can now be changed in the options menu
- Bug removed: Empty format-tag produced an error
- Bug removed: Parsing wrong Artist Roles if a comma is between box brackets
- Added option: Using Metal-Archives for release search (BETA)
- Now it's possible to use * as wildcard in the Keywords
- Added option: Print every involved people in a single line
Please read: Important Change regarding Discogs
From Version V4.46 the script using the OAuth authentication.Starting August 15th, access to our search API endpoint (/database/search) will require OAuth authentication. We receive a large volume of anonymous search requests, and an overwhelming amount are failed requests (e.g., brute-force mp3 taggers), so we would like to be able to monitor these requests at the application level. This is part of an ongoing effort to improve API uptime and response times.
If your Discogs application is already sending authenticated requests to the search endpoint, you do not need to update any of your code. If you use the search endpoint but do not authenticate with OAuth, requests to the search endpoint will fail beginning August 15th, so please make the appropriate updates to your application!
You have to do the following steps in order to use the discogs tagger furthermore :
1. Create an account at discogs if you don't have one.
2. After starting the script you'll see a page to authorize the script to use your account
3. After successfully granting the script you can use discogs tagger as usual. The script store the access token in mediamonkey.ini. With this token it's not possible to change your profile / account at discogs !
V4.45 (19.05.2014)
- Bug removed: Didn't display the additional Image
- Adjust the script for fetching the small album art
- Adjust the script for removing leading and trailing spaces in Extra Artists
- Add option to turn off subtrack detection
V4.44 (30.04.2014)
- Added simple routine to check and remove point in track positions (1. , 2. , 3. )
- Bug removed: track position part
- Max count for releases is set to 250
V4.43 (02.04.2014)
- Bug removed: Filter now work correctly
- There's no max count for release results
- Bug removed: Artist releases and Label releases work again
V4.42 (25.03.2014)
- Bug removed: Sub-Track do not select(set) the song
- Added the option for switching the last artist separator ("&" or "chosen separator") - see below for example
V4.41 (13.03.2014)
- Removed bug with more than one artist for a title
- Added Artist separator to options menu
- Added simple routine to check for false position separators
V4.40 (05.03.2014)
- 'featuring' Keywords are now not case sensitive
V4.39 (03.03.2014)
- Keywords are now not case sensitive (Thanx to skywalka !)
- Added Set Locale for supporting more countries (Thanx to Aff !)
V4.38 (25.02.2014)
- Added the Featuring Keywords
- Fixed a bug with the new submission form of discogs
V4.37 (07.02.2014)
- Changed the image access method
V4.35 (23.11.2013)
- Raise the max count of release results to 100
- Display the number of matched releases and which one you are viewing in the search bar
V4.34 (22.11.2013)
- Changing the search string in the top bar now return right results
(Again thanx to skywalka for reporting this bug)
V4.33 (16.11.2013)
- Fixed a bug with the Separator in the Keywords-Lists
(Thanx to skywalka for reporting this bug)
V4.32 (06.10.2013)
- Removed bug in extra artist assignment
- Added 'Don't save' and 4 more fields for saving release-number
V4.31 (29.09.2013)
- Removed bug: Sub track name will not recognized if it is the last track
- Removed bug: Script-Error occurred after closing the script-window, when no release found
- Background of filter dropdown menu change to red if filter is selected (For better recognition)
V4.30 (25.09.2013)
- Added Sub tracks option.
The Script know 2 ways to put sub-tracks together.
- Added option 'Unselect tracks without track-number'
Some albums at discogs have 'Index-Tracks'.
These tracks aren't song-tracks (e.g. Track-Name: 'Bonus track' or 'Live side')
This option unselect these tracks automatically
- Show a warning if the number of songs are different
- For the catalog-number, release-country and media-format you can choose "Don't save" in the option menu, if you don't need it.
- You can edit the keywords for linking the composer, producer, conductor,... tags with discogs
- New Option: Check 'Save Image' Checkbox only if release have no image
- New Option: Choose another field for saving Style
- included DiscogsImages: you can choose more than one image for an album
Instructions for adding more than one image :
When you start tagging an album look at the left side.
The script display the primary albumart for the release (Front-Cover). Choosing one of the two checkboxes (Large / Small) store this image.
If more images for this release stored at discogs the script show the button "More images". The button opens a window displaying the other images. Checking the "Save image" checkbox under a image will store it after closing the Discogs Tagger window !
The script cannot detect if you choose "Auto-Tag" or "Close". So if you select an image for storing and close the Discogs Tagger window you always see this window :
Choosing "yes" will storing the image(s).
V4.00 (14.07.2013)
- Bug removed with releases having leading zero in track-position
- Moved the options to the left side for more place for the tracklisting
- Moving the mouse-pointer over a checkbox now show more information about the usage
- Added option for "Force NO Disc Usage". Helpful if a release have tracks with varying track-numbers (e.g. Rush - 2112 )
- Without the option the script translate the varying track position to disc sides
- Added option to show the original discogs track position
- Showing the Data Quality of the Discogs release
- Now the chosen filters will be saved with the options
Choose one MediaType, MediaFormat, Country or Year from the drop-down list and save the options
or press one of the "Set ... Filter" button to select more than one Mediatype, MediaFormat, Country or Year
Choosing "Use ... Filter" in the drop-down list uses the custom filter-settings
Choosing "No ... Filter" from the drop-down list stop filtering the result
The Filter settings will only be saved if you press the "Save Options" button
- The Custom Tags for saving the release, catalog, country and format will now be chosen in the options -> Discogs Tagger or during script installation
Example for different artist separator :
At Discogs multiple artists for one song shown like this: Snoop Doggy Dogg, Charlie Wilson, Val Young & James E. DeBarge
The script let you choose another separator ; or | or - or whatever
And let you choose the last separator: & = Val Young & James E. DeBarge - or the chosen separator : Val Young; James E. DeBarge
Have fun with this new version. Please report bugs, missing features, misfunctions, options with make no sense...
This is a new thread for the AddOn Discogs Tagger. Look here for the old thread.
It is the successor of macrbest's Discogs Auto-tag Web Search Script. With compared to its predecessor, new version has additional capabilities such as direct release, master release, artist, label loading, individual track selection, filtering, alternative searches etc..
A big thanks go out to Let for maintaining this script for a long time and eepman for the help with the JSON-Parser !