Forum rules / Using the forum / Attaching screenshots

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Forum rules / Using the forum / Attaching screenshots

Post by Lowlander »

Forum Rules
The MediaMonkey forum is a place for MediaMonkey users, contributors, and developers to exchange tips, bugs, scripts, and other information. The size and number of posts in the forum precludes the development team from monitoring all goings on, however, a team of Moderators does their best to raise critical issues directly to the attention of the development team.

The MediaMonkey forum is pretty easygoing, but we ask you to please keep to the following rules:
  • Be courteous to and respectful of other users, testers, moderators and developers. Debate freely, but don't make it personal. Criticize MediaMonkey, but do it constructively.
  • The forum exists for the community. Post publicly only if it might benefit other users. Personal issues / criticisms warrant private messages.
  • Don't post any inappropriate or illegal content (e.g. porn, license keys, spam, etc.).
  • Don't create posts that are duplicates of others or if the subject already exists, as this ends up wasting other's time, and spreads relevant information across multiple threads. For example, if a thread already exists for a particular script, enter the question in that thread.
  • Don't hijack existing threads to discuss topics unrelated to the original subsect--create a new topics instead so that others can easily find it.
  • Post content in the correct forum (the forum descriptions describe what goes where).
  • Post content clearly and concisely, keeping in mind that 30% of our members aren't native English speakers.
In the event that these rules aren't adhered to, our team of Moderators will kick into action and help clean things up.

Thank you!

Adding Images/Screenshots to a Post
To add an image or screenshot to your forum post you need to upload the image you want onto hosting service (e.g. ImgBB, Google Pictures, Flickr, DropBox,...) and then then link to it as follows:

Step 1: Capture a Screenshot

Print Screen:
  • While running MediaMonkey, press Print Screen key (PRTSCR key, usually above keyboard arrows) to capture a screenshot.
  • Open any image processing application like Paint
  • Paste the image (Ctrl+V should work)
  • Save the image
Screen Snip:
There are alternatives like Screen Snip in Windows 10+ that you can use instead. Screen Snip can capture a specific area of the screen.

Step 2: Upload the Image to an Image Sharing Service
You can use any image/file sharing service, but many will not display the image directly (don't allow hotlinking) in the forum post.

The easiest services to use are PostImages and ImgBB as they provide an option with the BBCode forum code and allow for hotlinking:

  • Open
  • Press CTL+V or Drag and drop the saved image to upload image
  • If done correctly you will be presented with image preview and Hotlink for forums: containing image link
  • Press COPY button to copy 'Hotlink for forums:' in clipboard
  • Paste (CTRL+V) the link into your forum post
  • Open
  • Select Upload button on top left of page and Press CTL+V or Drag and drop the saved image to the open browser page
  • If done correctly you will be presented with image preview and 'Upload' button
  • Press Upload button and wait for the image to upload
  • You'll be presented with 'Embed Codes' that allow you to choose a link. Choose the link format of 'BBCode full Linked' or 'BBCode Thumbnail Linked'. Only using BBCode will display the images on the Forum.
  • Paste (CTRL+V) the link into your forum post
Step 3: Add the Screenshot to a Forum Post

If you're using PostImages or ImgBB, you just have to:
  • Copy the BBCode (it's formatted so that you don't have to add any brackets to it e.g.

    Code: Select all

  • Paste (CTRL+V) the link into your forum post

If you're using a different service:
  • Click on the 'Insert Image button. It will place the image brackets ("Image") at the cursor's position
  • On your image hosting service's site, copy the image URL, usually by right clicking on the image and choosing that option
  • Return to your post and paste the URL in between the image brackets like this "Image"

Step 4: Submit the post:
  • Your image will display in the post. You can use preview to see if you entered image URL in between the image brackets correctly
  • Submit the post

  • If the image doesn't show when using [ IMG][ /IMG] for the files URL remove the [ IMG][ /IMG] code and leave only the URL to the image (Most hosting services don't allow for hotlinking).
  • If you're a new or unregistered user you can't post URLs as a spam prevention. Add spaces in the URL like https:// website. com/moreURL to post the URL anyway (the link won't work at this point, but a moderator can fix this).