MM4.1.31.1919 Bug? - Window size saves not working as before.

This forum is for reporting bugs in MediaMonkey for Windows 4. Note that version 4 is no longer actively maintained as it has been replaced by version 5.

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MM4.1.31.1919 Bug? - Window size saves not working as before.

Post by lynniemagoo »

I running on Windows 7 32 bit version (Portable). When I installed this version, I lost my Gold licensing. To fix this issue, I entered my license credentials but now am noticing something else that works differently.

I have several autoplaylists for which I organize by Artist in Advanced 'All' mode. My collection is very large so I like to use wide and tall windows. It seems with the latest Media Monkey after double clicking on the 'Artist' Property row, the window opens. I can resize the window both horizontally and vertically. Once I click 'OK' or 'Cancel' and then launch again, it seems that only the width, not the height, of the window is remembered? I did not have this issue with the previous MM4 release.

Is this a known issue?

Update 20210616 17:16 CDT

I just did a quick retest. If I run with the MediaMonkey (non-skinned).exe, everything works as expected but I lose the ability to use the nice Glided skin. If I run MediaMonkey.exe the problem persists. I tested various releases in portable mode and they all failed if I ran the 'skinned' version. Is the MM team aware of anything that changed with Win7 themes recently that might have caused this?
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Re: MM4.1.31.1919 Bug? - Window size saves not working as before.

Post by Lowlander »

Note that MediaMonkey 4 no longer receives updates as MediaMonkey 5 has been released: ... 7s_New/5.0
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